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Watkins takes shots at old coaches

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I think Watkins would bite his tongue a bit more if the team leaders, like Fred, were preaching that message. However, I don't think the team leaders care what is said about the previous staff, so it's not going to trickle down to the younger guys. Didn't Fred say something, too, about Marrone leaving?

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I still maintain that Hackett got a bad rap. If you read the tea leaves, with quotes from players and what not, it seemed as though he was limited by the clueless head coach. I think back to some of the decisions that idiot made and, in my opinion, he's the worst coach I've seen patrol the Bills sideline in the 25+ years I've been watching.


Hackett designed some good plays that had receivers running open all year. A combination of bad QBing and poor protection really gave him no chance. The players seemed to like him too. But the head coach, and other position coaches around him were JV-level bad.

I always think back to Hackett's first game on the sideline, EJ's first win against the Jets. The best EJ Manuel has ever looked was on a pair of almost perfectly thrown balls down the sideline for a big gain and touchdown back to back.


I remember Hackett talking about how he felt the energy in the Stadium and saw Rex daring him to try to beat the Jets deep. I have a hard time reconciling that with the play calling I saw last year.

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"Now, we're understanding how to run routes off any press, off any leverage, to where you won't be covered," Watkins told the Buffalo News. "We were kind of limited last year with certain things. It was, 'You can't do this, you can't do that.' All" Moore "wanted to do was just tie-in what he knew and what he did in his career and just do that." "The way" Lal "coaches now is the way that I know," Watkins told the News. "Everybody knows it that way. Everybody's like, 'Man, we wish we had this last year.' Or, 'Man, we wish we could do that.' And" Lal's "like, 'No, we want you to do it that way. That's the way I'm teaching it. Do it that way!'"


As time goes on, the more we hear about how bad Doug Marrone and his offensive staff really was.



I miss Hackett's playcalling-- said nobody ever


I'm shocked that a player or fan would say that the previous regime was responsible for all of the problems .... said no one ever.

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It would be great if we could build on what Marrone was able to squeeze out of a team he lorded over with dictatorial incompetence. However, we are facing a year where Manuel or Taylor could be starting at QB. Manuel in all likelihood will continue to have growing pains and Taylor will effectively be a rookie if he wins the starting job. I'm not impressed with Cassell on any level. Both sides of the football are working with new playbooks,... again. Having better players at the skill positions will help, but we could conceivably take a one year step back before becoming the dominating team that this coaching staff and the talent we have across the field begins paying off.

Agreed. I'm willing to accept and be patient that this year might not be playoffs for a variety of reasonable reasons, but I have a feeling many won't.

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Agreed. I'm willing to accept and be patient that this year might not be playoffs for a variety of reasonable reasons, but I have a feeling many won't.


This is a playoff team, even with the QB question, as it stands in late July. Injuries, bad bounces, and a slower than expected acclimation process may change that perception come October or November, but right now anything short of a playoff birth would be hugely disappointing to me.

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but right now anything short of a playoff birth would be hugely disappointing to me.


I was born during the regular season and I'm hugely disappointing, so I get that sentiment.

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I think Watkins would bite his tongue a bit more if the team leaders, like Fred, were preaching that message. However, I don't think the team leaders care what is said about the previous staff, so it's not going to trickle down to the younger guys. Didn't Fred say something, too, about Marrone leaving?


Fred has made statement that indicate he doesn't think much of Marrone.

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We could win the Super Bowl, with EJ, and there would still be an "EJ Sucks," thread on the following Monday.


He's had a problem with dumb stuff coming out of his mouth with a mic in front of his face since he got here.


Just catch the ball and move the chains whilst keeping your mouth shut.



I would bet my mortgage if the Bills won the superbowl with EJ under center there would be no thread about how EJ sucks the following Monday.

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I have no problem with Watkins saying these things, In fact, I have no problem with any player speaking honestly about anything, ever. Even if it involves sticking their foot in their mouths. What I can't stand is the rote, "I just want to do whatever I can to help my team win, get better each and every day, blah, blah, blah..." usually spoken in monotone with about zero emotion.

Edited by Rocky Landing
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I miss Hackett's playcalling-- said nobody ever


I still don't think Hackett is/was to blame. Plus, Sammy's talking about positional coaches.


If there's one guy I hope succeeds in the NFL, it's Hackett. What a crap situation.

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It doesn't speak well of Watkins' maturity when things like this come out of his mouth. Even if it's true you don't go to the press with this kind of stuff. This is the type of thing you joke around with your teammates about and it ends there.



I love Sammy, but I have to agree on some level. Just go show your game and how much more you can do. Let your game talk for you. Trashing former coaches may feel good while venting, but little good comes of it in the end.

This, too.



We could win the Super Bowl, with EJ, and there would still be an "EJ Sucks," thread on the following Monday.


He's had a problem with dumb stuff coming out of his mouth with a mic in front of his face since he got here.


Just catch the ball and move the chains whilst keeping your mouth shut.

And this. Especially the part about EJ. That man needs to be the second coming in order to get respect from some. And even that might not be enough.



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It doesn't speak well of Watkins' maturity when things like this come out of his mouth. Even if it's true you don't go to the press with this kind of stuff. This is the type of thing you joke around with your teammates about and it ends there.


Why when Fred says things about previous staff its OK, but when Sammy says it you chalk it up to maturity. Sometimes the truth must be heard.

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I think Fred's comment(s) was more along the line of hearing about Maroon's departure via mass text message.


No, Fred made the comment about it being fun to practice now.

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