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Amazing what a little make up,lighting,and The Force can do


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Ever since Neeson said "it's a !@#$ing disgrace" how many guns are in America, I lost what little respect I had for him. The guy makes millions peddling violent, gunfire filled movies to Americans and then complains about America's admiration of guns. I know some people will see this as petty or stupid, but it struck a nerve with me. Then again, I tend to think most of what comes out of "celebrities" mouths is ignorant, self serving crap. Stick to reading off a script and playing make believe.

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Ever since Neeson said "it's a !@#$ing disgrace" how many guns are in America, I lost what little respect I had for him. The guy makes millions peddling violent, gunfire filled movies to Americans and then complains about America's admiration of guns. I know some people will see this as petty or stupid, but it struck a nerve with me. Then again, I tend to think most of what comes out of "celebrities" mouths is ignorant, self serving crap. Stick to reading off a script and playing make believe.


Remember the remake of Red Dawn?


I burst out laughing when the teenagers couldn't find any guns and had to ambush the Koreans to steal their weapons.

Whatever country those North Koreans invaded, it wasn't America.

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Remember the remake of Red Dawn?


I burst out laughing when the teenagers couldn't find any guns and had to ambush the Koreans to steal their weapons.

Whatever country those North Koreans invaded, it wasn't America.

I am e!barassedmfor your post and choice of statements... Who would admit to seeing that awful film?
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Remember the remake of Red Dawn?


I burst out laughing when the teenagers couldn't find any guns and had to ambush the Koreans to steal their weapons.

Whatever country those North Koreans invaded, it wasn't America.


After watching the original I have no idea why anyone would pay money (hell watch for free) any remake.



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