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Phone's ringing, Dude.


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(figured we could use a thread not talking about the fact that we are talking about the fact that perhaps we should stop talking about rumors that are talking about Drew Bledsoe).



you're out of your element.....

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Donny: Are these the Nazis, Walter?

Walter: No, Donny, these men are nihilists. There's nothing to be afraid of.




It's "No, Donny, these men are cowards."




"Nihilists? Fug me... Say what you will about the tenets of National Socialism, but at least it's an ethos. Nihilists..."

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"How come you don't roll on Saturday Walter?"




Saturday is Shabbos, the Jewish day of rest. That means that I don't work, I don't drive a car, I don't f---ing ride in a car, I don't touch money, I don't turn on the oven, and I sure as sh-- don't f---ing roll! Shomer Shabbos!

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Saturday is Shabbos, the Jewish day of rest. That means that I don't work, I don't drive a car, I don't f---ing ride in a car, I don't touch money, I don't turn on the oven, and I sure as sh-- don't f---ing roll! Shomer Shabbos!



"Will you come off it, Walter? You're not even !@#$ing Jewish, man."

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I'm right, Stojan.


Plus, Stojan, the Chinaman is not the issue.



Believe me, it's;


"Donny: Are these the Nazis, Walter?

Walter: No, Donny, these men are nihilists."







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Walter Sobchak: OVER THE LINE!

Smokey: Huh?

Walter Sobchak: I'm sorry, Smokey. You were over the line that's a foul.

Smokey: bull sh--. Mark it 8, Dude.

Walter Sobchak: Uh, excuse me. Mark it zero. Next frame.

Smokey: bull sh--, Walter. Mark it 8, Dude.

Walter Sobchak: Smokey, this is not 'Nam. This is bowling. There are rules.



The Dude: Walter, ya know, its Smokey, so his foot slipped over the line a little, big deal.

Walter Sobchak: Dude, this is a league game, the winner of this gets to progress into the next round robin. Am I wrong? Am I wrong?

Smokey: Yeah but I wasn't over.

Walter Sobchak: [pulls out a gun] Smokey you are about to enter a world of pain.

Smokey: Yeah but...

Walter Sobchak: [shouting] A world of pain.

Smokey: Dude, could you...

The Dude: Jesus Walter, you bring a !@#$ing gun bowling?

Walter Sobchak: [shouting] Has the whole world gone crazy? Am I the only one who pays attention to the rules any more?

Smokey: Yeah but...

Walter Sobchak: [shouting] You think i'm !@#$ing around? I'm not !@#$ing around!

[points gun in Smokey's face]

Walter Sobchak: Mark it zero! !@#$ing mark it zero.

The Dude: They're calling the cops, man.

Smokey: All right, its !@#$ing zero. Are you happy now you crazy !@#$?

Walter Sobchak: ...Its a league game Smokey...

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