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Tired of Deflategate

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Ummm, you want drama? Lift the suspension. The Brady supporters are in the minority. Lift the suspension and the reaction will be waaaay more dramatic than not lifting it.

It'll be quick drama, especially if happens now, vs closer to the season. A long drawn out case will do no one any good at all.

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It'll be quick drama, especially if happens now, vs closer to the season. A long drawn out case will do no one any good at all.


Yep. The same people calling him cheater already will be pissed but the machine will grind on. By week 1 it'll be a footnote.

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The point I'm trying to make is that it doesn't matter how much the NFL screwed it up. There is not a rational thinking person on earth that thinks this was all total coincidence. Brady cannot take this to court outside of trying to say Goodell shouldn't be able to rule, and that has already all been debunked. It's clear as day that he has that power given to him. Brady cannot take his I have no idea what happened case to court. Zero. None. Nada. There is more circumstantial evidence that convicted Aaron Hernandez, and it's the only thing that has the ability to truly ruin his legacy. There is no chance. ;)

http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2015/07/report-brady-to-sue-nfl-if-suspension-stands.html B-)

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That link doesnt work. I know the union says they plan to take it to court, and it would be something under the grounds I stated in the post that you quoted. They could also be just full of bluster trying to get the NFL to cave just like Kraft did, before he totally caved. Brady is still not going to go to court on the fact that he did nothing and was railroaded which would allow Jastremski and mcNally to testify.

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Union to fight ruling

if any of QB's ban remains

mother :censored: 's

Patriots adjust weight-loss 'deflator' reference

The Patriots' website has adjusted a portion of text that claimed locker room attendant Jim McNally referred to himself as the "deflator" because he was trying to lose weight.

Note to Kromer: do NOT hire Daniel J. Goldberg to make excuses up for you.

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It'll be quick drama, especially if happens now, vs closer to the season. A long drawn out case will do no one any good at all.

Any suspension given is going to be challenged in court. There is not going to be a quick resolution of the issue if that happens. If the league was confident that there wasn't gong to be a challenge to their followup ruling whatever it is (maintaining the four game suspension or even lessening the suspension} it would have already made its determination public.


My position on this issue is obvious to most. It is a minority view. The issue for me is less about Brady and the condition of the balls and mostly about the erratic and political way in which Goodell manages his disciplinary responsibilities.


The most egregiously inequitable behavior Goodell has exhibited was with New Orleans in the exaggerated bounty case. He not only damaged the careers of the obnoxious DC (Williams) and the HC (Payton) but he also sabotaged the season for the franchise. It was done not becasue the situation was investigated with fairness and common sense but it was done so that the commissioner wouldn't look bad.


Again, for me the core issue isn't about this "inflation" issue; it is the extent to which the disciplinary process is corrupted by the commissioner who is the authority in that office.

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How would he call the bluff? He's going to give him some length of suspension anyway.


Keep it at four games and say take us to court, you will lose the case if you do it on the grounds that I cannot rule, and you will lose your entire legacy if you take it to court where witnesses are called that know what happened. That's calling his bluff.
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Keep it at four games and say take us to court, you will lose the case if you do it on the grounds that I cannot rule, and you will lose your entire legacy if you take it to court where witnesses are called that know what happened. That's calling his bluff.


The article states the NFLPA will sue if he gets any games. So really, it wouldn't be calling his bluff--unless you think Goodell was going to give him zero games.

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Anything other than keeping it at four is not calling his bluff.


So if he gives him 2, isn't he basically saying "go ahead and sue me"? That's what the article says. There is no bluff to call. Any action other than no suspension will prompt a suit it says. 1,2,3,4---doesn't matter.

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So if he gives him 2, isn't he basically saying "go ahead and sue me"? That's what the article says. There is no bluff to call. Any action other than no suspension will prompt a suit it says. 1,2,3,4---doesn't matter.

I totally understand what you're saying. I was talking more in generic terms rather than the we will go to court if it's any games nonsense. They have been threatening this all along. There is no new news. There is no reason for Goodell to lower it at all. He should call the entire bluff and keep it at four.

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