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Never mind I was thinking criminal suit versus civil suit.


The answer is that the court has ruled on suspension cases, recently as you know.


I'm guessing Brady's Jakcie Chiles may file in Minny and maybe they will get that nice Judge Doty who never rules against the NFLPA.

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The answer is that the court has ruled on suspension cases, recently as you know.


I'm guessing Brady's Jakcie Chiles may file in Minny and maybe they will get that nice Judge Doty who never rules against the NFLPA.

I'm guessing he won't file. Just like A-Rod didn't.

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Florio says the decision is now expected to be this week, which came from the Brady camp, which called the decision "a sham." That can only mean there was still games he will miss, probably at least two and maybe the full four. Florio's analysis of it I don't agree with but hopefully Goodell holds his ground.



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Florio says the decision is now expected to be this week, which came from the Brady camp, which called the decision "a sham." That can only mean there was still games he will miss, probably at least two and maybe the full four. Florio's analysis of it I don't agree with but hopefully Goodell holds his ground.




Not really a surprise. Now let's see if they follow up on their threat of suing.

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Florio says the decision is now expected to be this week, which came from the Brady camp, which called the decision "a sham." That can only mean there was still games he will miss, probably at least two and maybe the full four. Florio's analysis of it I don't agree with but hopefully Goodell holds his ground.




Peter King thinks he will



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My apologies, No Saint--been a busy weekend--but to answer your question way above, if it's a legit third party (ie, a federal judge) hearing the case and decides for Brady then I guess I'd have to be ok with it, although I agree with you and Bandit above on the narrow scope of the appeal which to me means Tommy Boy has little chance to win there.


Oddly, that also means that I agree with WEO above--he gets reduced to two (Goodell trying to split the baby to please all) and takes it, declaring victory (even though as a pure factual matter I think Brady told those two goofballs to do what they did and then lied about it; I also suspect that we'll find out lots more about other Brady/Belicheat* shenanigans over the years as time rolls on).


Edit--did not see the headline in the King link above before typing that. Peter is pretty dialed in and so my guess is he talked to someone in the know, so perhaps it does stay at 4. We can only hope!

Edited by MattM
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Useful info: http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2015/07/19/looking-at-how-a-tom-brady-lawsuit-would-unfold/ .


I'm curious to see if Goodell is willing to run the risk of equating Brady and Hardy by doling out a punishment to the former that is equal to the latter's. In my personal opinion, I think the chances of that happening are at roughly zero percent. But then Goodell is a freaking horrible commisioner. We shall see.

I agree with everything he said. Thanks for the link.

Not that this is relevant at all to the case at hand, but you do realize that King refused to cover the concussion crisis because he was (presumably) worried about lost access, right? (Read and watch what Alan Schwarz --the NY Times reporter who broke all of this stuff because no NFL beat reporter would do it--has to say about this stuff over the last decade.) As for King's rationale regarding Brady, he may be right, but at the end of the day his argument is based on the idea of access--either for him or the Adam Schefters of the world. If they weren't told about it, then it didn't happen. Think about it. I read King, but I also always keep in mind that he's craven.

Edited by dave mcbride
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Useful info: http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2015/07/19/looking-at-how-a-tom-brady-lawsuit-would-unfold/ .


I'm curious to see if Goodell is willing to run the risk of equating Brady and Hardy by doling out a punishment to the former that is equal to the latter's. In my personal opinion, I think the chances of that happening are at roughly zero percent. But then Goodell is a freaking horrible commisioner. We shall see.


Not that this is relevant at all to the case at hand, but you do realize that King refused to cover the concussion crisis because he was (presumably) worried about lost access, right? (Read and watch what Alan Schwarz --the NY Times reporter who broke all of this stuff because no NFL beat reporter would do it--has to say about this stuff over the last decade.) As for King's rationale regarding Brady, he may be right, but at the end of the day his argument is based on the idea of access--either for him or the Adam Schefters of the world. If they weren't told about it, then it didn't happen. Think about it. I read King, but I also always keep in mind that he's craven.

King is also known as a Pats* homer from way back, having grown up in CT. I wonder what that means that someone like him is now pretty sure that Goodell is in fact bringing the hammer down.

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Useful info: http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2015/07/19/looking-at-how-a-tom-brady-lawsuit-would-unfold/ .


I'm curious to see if Goodell is willing to run the risk of equating Brady and Hardy by doling out a punishment to the former that is equal to the latter's. In my personal opinion, I think the chances of that happening are at roughly zero percent. But then Goodell is a freaking horrible commisioner. We shall see.

First there isn't any reason that the Hardy case should be equated to the Brady case. There is no connection. There is nothing that says the punishment for cheating has anything to do with domestic violence. The ruling of the arbitrator had zero to do with the same issues in the Brady case. People, ignorant people, may or will equate them but it's stupid. And I very much doubt that Goodell is going to give it much weight in his decision whatsoever. He will consider it only because he considers all PR. It's not going to affect his decision whatsoever in my opinion. PR is going to affect it just not the Hardy case.


As far as King goes I wasn't considering anything about what he bases his opinions on considering access nor do I care. I just agreed with his conclusions.

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The comparison of Hardy to Brady is apples to oranges. Just because the number of games is the same does not matter. What Hardy supposedly did is dispicable. There is no justification for hurting a woman or a child. The issue is Brady whether he wants to admit it or not tampered with the integrity of the game. It isnot an off field issue. It is cheating, period. whether he played better in the second half or not doesn't matter. Also, he knowingly blocked the investigation which is why he received the four game suspension.


If Goodell succombs to pressure and drops the suspension to two games is probable, but i wish he had the stones to keep it at four. Let teams know in the NFL, there are serious consequences for your actions. In addition, this is the second time the Patriots have been caught. I don't want to hear that other teams do it. If so, why haven't they been caught? Even if true, this punishment to the most visible player in the league sends a message to the league, no one is above the law.


I'm just sick of waiting. Get it over already. What is taking so much time? The lawyers have had months to mull over what to do on the NFL side. Besides, this issue should not bleed into training camp. Leak the news on Friday night in the low news cycle and be done with it.

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He will take the 2 games and clam up.

Please leave his clam out of the conversation.

... Except he was paid for all of those games and was protected from career-shortening injuries.

But, I'm sure that it took an emotional toll on him.

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Please keep it at least 2 games Roger!

Even if they do, Brady is gonna take them to court, and somehow win... so I'm working with the assumption that we'll be playing Brady in week 2. Hopefully we're good enough to take them down anyways. :)

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