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Shady hosting females-only party(now:back to business party)

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Lol @ Rodak "reporting" this like it's some high school kid preparing for the mother of all parties bc his parents are going out of town.


Why do I get the feeling the "context" of his tweets would be a whole lot different if it were Gronk throwing one of these..



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Lol @ Rodak "reporting" this like it's some high school kid preparing for the mother of all parties bc his parents are going out of town.Why do I get the feeling the "context" of his tweets would be a whole lot different if it were Gronk throwing one of these..#racist

I doubt Gronk can figure out Instagram. So he's safe in that respect.

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Hopefully none of these girls end up getting assaulted and abandoned on the jersey turnpike in the middle of the night. And please wear protection this time Shady! We don't need you getting into another embarrassing twitter battle with another baby mama that ends with you telling your followers to convince her to stop bothering you about child support.

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I do not know what Chip was complaining about, Shady sees a hole and tries to hit it . . . . What can go wrong???


I wonder whether his first press conference back will be as awkward as the one when the gaggle of reporters were asking Shady about his Chip Kelly comments.



P.S. The way I read the invite, it requires girls to provide a photo and social media information -- without any guaranty of being able to go to the party. I presume that is so that Shady (and whichever guys are in control of the party) can decide whether they want them at the party. RSVPing for the party does not appear to guaranty being able to go to the party.


Only after sending your photo and social media information will anyone get a confirmation email disclosing the drop off and pick up location. I suppose that those girls that are not deemed "talented" enough (in the eyes of Shady and his friends) will not get the confirmation email.


P.P.S. Fred and CJ certainly have a different approach to life compared to Shady.

Edited by Peter
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Leveon bell - pulled over high as a kite and arrested during training camp, suspended 3 games


Adrian Peterson - beat up his 4 year old son over a video game, suspended 15 games


Demarco Murray - caught up in sex scandal during the season with ex-teammates wife


All in last 12 months.


Marshawn Lynch - enough said


Shady is a multi millionaire single superstar in his 20s and likes to party with hot girls. Compared to his peers behavior seems like NBD. Guess it's only ok if your name is Gronk.

Edited by YoloinOhio
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Leveon bell - pulled over high as a kite and arrested during training camp, suspended 3 games


Adrian Peterson - beat up his 4 year old son over a video game, suspended 15 games


Demarco Murray - caught up in sex scandal during the season with ex-teammates wife


All in last 12 months.


Shady is a multi millionaire single superstar in his 20s and likes to party with hot girls. Compared to his peers behavior seems like NBD. Guess it's only ok if your name is Gronk.

I don't follow this stuff at all, really. I don't even know why you keep referring to Gronk. He likes to party?


I like to party.

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As an aside, given the publicity, I wonder how many girls will try to go to the party.


I also wonder which enterprising female reporter (or source) will try to attend the party - undercover as it were - to report about the party.


What is going to happen at this party is definitely going to come out - confidentiality agreement or not.

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