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(OT) Close Call


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I was on a flight once and they approached and abandoned landing 3 times. Everyone knew something was up. We were all scared ****less. The stewardess was giving some BS excuse. Then on the final (thanfully not THAT final) landing, there were rescue trucks all over the runway. When they opened the cabin door, 2 or 3 NTSB (i'm pretty sure it was ntsb) guys stormed in to immediatly question the pilot. They still acted like nothing was up. But being safe on the ground was enough. I didn't care and just took off.

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You said S-Thurs, thus eliminating drinking during Bills games. :)



Right, like i said: S-Thursday I don't drink. Thus, M-F i am not hungover. The only Bills games that I have gotten drunk during were the ones i went to, or ones where I had Monday off.

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