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and what plants do you grow ????? how big ?? i stoped having a garden 6 years ago.now i just stop at the farmers stand .




Ive become a huge gardener.


We have some really great looking bleeding hearts, roses, dogwood, and mock-orange.


go to the barber shop and get bags of hair, i hear it works well for deer and other vermin, not sure about chipmunks


We plant a garden every year.  We have a good sized area (25' x 45') and divide it up by types of plants.


Last year we planted sweet corn, watermelon, cucumbers, squash (3 varieties), zuchini, tomatoes (over 60 plants), green & red peppers, and some hot peppers too, Peas, beans, carrots, and onions.


We had a real problem with the chipmunks last year, so we have to work on some type of system to keep them away.  I have suggested a large cat!  Problem is the garden is at our Grandparents, so we can't force a pet on them.  I also suggested a pellet gun for grandma!


go to the barber shop and get bags of hair, i hear it works well for deer and other vermin, not sure about chipmunks



The idea of going to a barber shop and asking for "bags" of hair is just a little to freaky for me. :)

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