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Do We Have Any Bernie Sanders Supporters Among Us?

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The only "classics" that needs to be studied is history. Chamberlain's appeasement of Hitler. Now, that was classic!


Obama's appeasement of the mullahs doesn't stand a chance of going any better.

if the classics are a waste of time, why do you suppose so many top schools emphasize them? and why would people spend $50k a year for their kids to study them there?

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if the classics are a waste of time, why do you suppose so many top schools emphasize them? and why would people spend $50k a year for their kids to study them there?


Once again how does reading the classics automatically make someone a "high information" voter? It has absolutely nothing to do with it.

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if the classics are a waste of time, why do you suppose so many top schools emphasize them? and why would people spend $50k a year for their kids to study them there?


Nobody pays colleges $50K a year so their kids can study the classics, you buffoon.

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if the classics are a waste of time, why do you suppose so many top schools emphasize them? and why would people spend $50k a year for their kids to study them there?


First of all, I didn't say they were a waste of time. I said they didn't need to be studied, and I said studying history would be much more beneficial.


Secondly, parents are paying 50K/yr (it's actually more, in most cases now) so their child can get a degree from the elite institution, NOT to study the classics, lol. What their kid actually studies during those 4 years hardly matters. Once the kid has the Harvard credential, pretty much all doors are open. It's the credential they're after, not the specific study material, which can also be studied at a community college. You dummy.

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First of all, I didn't say they were a waste of time. I said they didn't need to be studied, and I said studying history would be much more beneficial.


Secondly, parents are paying 50K/yr (it's actually more, in most cases now) so their child can get a degree from the elite institution, NOT to study the classics, lol. What their kid actually studies during those 4 years hardly matters. Once the kid has the Harvard credential, pretty much all doors are open. It's the credential they're after, not the specific study material, which can also be studied at a community college. You dummy.


It's not "First of all."


It's "Firstly."


You'll never be an intellectual academic smart person if you can't firstly use the right words to ensure you at least sound smart.

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Nobody pays colleges $50K a year so their kids can study the classics, you buffoon.

they do for high school you moron.


the reason they emphasize classics is that they are examples of the highest human achievements in the arts.. they are models of excellence for young students to endeavor towards in any area of study.. they are the opposite of mediocre.


not the tack i would take but interesting:




"And so, when a conservative like Limbaugh observes that it’s difficult for Classical Studies graduates to find work, the proper response is not to mock them for studying something useless, but rather to ask how it is that we, as Western people, have culturally degraded ourselves to the point where there isn’t enough work for teachers of the Classics — and how we can change that dismal condition".

Edited by birdog1960
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It makes you mistrustful of the white ones.


This whole thing has turned into a white herring.


Bernie has the right idea on the perpetual war thing AND he hates this if you want to run for Prez you need to suck up to big donors and have a well endowed SUPER PAC thing as much as I do.


Go Bernie!

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Once again how does being good at math and having read the classics make someone a "high information" voter?


Well, for starters...you have a much easier time remembering who you want to vote for after you've gone through the genealogies in The Brothers Karamazov.


What is a "classic" anyway? Is the Koran a classic? How about Xenophon's Anabasis? Or Aristophanes' plays? Am I higher information if I've read it in Greek than in English? Am I lower information for having read bin Laden's published statements and speeches, even though those aren't classics?

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Once again how does being good at math and having read the classics make someone a "high information" voter?

read the thread. or seeking the truth = educated = classics = "high information". unless you are demented, delirious or otherwise impaired. which are you?

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read the thread. or seeking the truth = educated = classics = "high information". unless you are demented, delirious or otherwise impaired. which are you?


You keep using that symbol "=". I do not think it means what you think it means.

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Well, for starters...you have a much easier time remembering who you want to vote for after you've gone through the genealogies in The Brothers Karamazov.


What is a "classic" anyway? Is the Koran a classic? How about Xenophon's Anabasis? Or Aristophanes' plays? Am I higher information if I've read it in Greek than in English? Am I lower information for having read bin Laden's published statements and speeches, even though those aren't classics?

yes, yes , yes, maybe but not imo, no.

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read the thread. or seeking the truth = educated = classics = "high information". unless you are demented, delirious or otherwise impaired. which are you?

This is actually really interesting. It's an excellent demonstration of the way in which word association is so often mistaken for logic.

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can we agree that
"low information voters" include the 56% of dems who are totally unfamiliar with bern? http://www.gallup.com/poll/184346/sanders-surges-clinton-sags-favorability.aspx


i'm thinking my friend from exeter doesn't meet the criteria,


on the other hand, i'd love to see a similar poll on the repug candidates.

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yes, yes , yes, maybe but not imo, no.


The Koran's a classic? Then how about the Bible?


And if I can read Attic Greek, how am I not higher information that someone who's monolingual and can only read Xenophon in translation?

Edited by DC Tom
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