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Do We Have Any Bernie Sanders Supporters Among Us?

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unvarnished: http://www.phoenixnewtimes.com/news/10-things-bernie-sanders-said-in-phoenix-that-made-the-crowd-go-wild-7502562#!


United States is the only major country on earth that doesn’t guarantee healthcare as a human right, and together we will end that embarrassment…and pass a universal Medicare plan that’s single-payer. Health care is a right, not a privilege


When one family, [the Kochs], spends more money than either political party [on the presidential campaigns], that’s not democracy; that’s oligarchy…I will overturn Citizens United and [reinstate] public funding of elections…I want young people to be able to run for office and not have to beg for money from rich people and corporations


Jeb Bush believes we need to work a little harder. Sadly, he hasn’t heard that the American people work the longest hours of anywhere in the world. Our workers do not need to work longer hours; they need to get higher wages

Edited by birdog1960
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I think Sanders economic plan, if ever implemented would be an abject disaster. My reason for asking is I have some friends who are big Bernie Sanders supporters who have little use for Democrats generally, don't typically get pulled into the outrage of the week, and think political correctness is bull ****.


I was curious is my small sample was indicative of the larger Sanders crowd or just an anomaly.

It's indicative of people who can't identify what are the big problems we face as a country nor do they have any grip on what successful solutions look like.

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When one family, [the Kochs], spends more money than either political party [on the presidential campaigns], that’s not democracy; that’s oligarchy…


Really? Care to provide a fact check on this?

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unvarnished: http://www.phoenixnewtimes.com/news/10-things-bernie-sanders-said-in-phoenix-that-made-the-crowd-go-wild-7502562#!


United States is the only major country on earth that doesn’t guarantee healthcare as a human right, and together we will end that embarrassment…and pass a universal Medicare plan that’s single-payer. Health care is a right, not a privilege


When one family, [the Kochs], spends more money than either political party [on the presidential campaigns], that’s not democracy; that’s oligarchy…I will overturn Citizens United and [reinstate] public funding of elections…I want young people to be able to run for office and not have to beg for money from rich people and corporations


Jeb Bush believes we need to work a little harder. Sadly, he hasn’t heard that the American people work the longest hours of anywhere in the world. Our workers do not need to work longer hours; they need to get higher wages


The United States is also the only major country who's healthcare system hasn't gone bankrupt and looking for ways to increase people's contribution to their "free" healthcare system. As they are painfully moved to the right, we barrel blindly to the left.

"Free people are not equal, and equal people are not free."


Why are liberals trying so hard to emulate countries who's economic systems would place them below the poorest states in this country? Is it better that everyone be poor than to have a few people be rich?

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unvarnished: http://www.phoenixnewtimes.com/news/10-things-bernie-sanders-said-in-phoenix-that-made-the-crowd-go-wild-7502562#!


United States is the only major country on earth that doesn’t guarantee healthcare as a human right, and together we will end that embarrassment…and pass a universal Medicare plan that’s single-payer. Health care is a right, not a privilege


When one family, [the Kochs], spends more money than either political party [on the presidential campaigns], that’s not democracy; that’s oligarchy…I will overturn Citizens United and [reinstate] public funding of elections…I want young people to be able to run for office and not have to beg for money from rich people and corporations


Jeb Bush believes we need to work a little harder. Sadly, he hasn’t heard that the American people work the longest hours of anywhere in the world. Our workers do not need to work longer hours; they need to get higher wages


At least we know that Bernie is just like any other politician, he states things that are factually incorrect and purposely takes things out of context to rile up his supporters.

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The award for the least surprising response goes to... VERY WIDE RIGHT!


(For the record, I'd vote Sanders over Hillary any day of the week -- but I'm not sure that qualifies me as much of a Sanders' supporter as it does 'anyone but Hillary' voter)

Kinda like voting for Stalin over Lenin? Or visa versa. What a choice. Kinda sucks to be a Democrat now I suppose. Not like they have anyone even half decent at any time.

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The United States is also the only major country who's healthcare system hasn't gone bankrupt and looking for ways to increase people's contribution to their "free" healthcare system. As they are painfully moved to the right, we barrel blindly to the left.

"Free people are not equal, and equal people are not free."


Why are liberals trying so hard to emulate countries who's economic systems would place them below the poorest states in this country? Is it better that everyone be poor than to have a few people be rich?

link? canada for example?


if i were conservative, i wouldn't worry too much about bernie. the media will almost certainly produce a howard dean type event if he gets to close to winning. he's much too likely to actually change the status quo.

Edited by birdog1960
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link? canada for example?


if i were conservative, i wouldn't worry too much about bernie. the media will almost certainly produce a howard dean type event if he gets to close to winning. he's much too likely to actually change the status quo.


What are you babbling about? The media won't have to manufacture anything about him once the real questions start flying.


And on the healthcare cost thingie, do your own homework Sue.

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My ideals line up with much of Bernie's. But I'm generally a results sort of person, so if a different solution gets me to a result I prefer then whatever works for me(for example: everyone able to afford healthcare, either through single payer, mandate, or everyone being stinking rich because the free market is that sweet).

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At least we know that Bernie is just like any other politician, he states things that are factually incorrect and purposely takes things out of context to rile up his supporters.


...then gets his supporters to copy and paste his ridiculous comments as fact at every online venue possible.

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link? canada for example?


if i were conservative, i wouldn't worry too much about bernie. the media will almost certainly produce a howard dean type event if he gets to close to winning. he's much too likely to actually change the status quo.

I'm far more concerned about Sanders than I am Hillary. I just have more respect for him and his true followers because they actually have principles that they believe in, they're more inclined to think, and they're fairly honest about who they are.


At least we know that Bernie is just like any other politician, he states things that are factually incorrect and purposely takes things out of context to rile up his supporters.

This is true. I wanted to use this to highlight that I'm asserting they're honest about who they are, not necessarily about who others are.

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Bernie Sanders couldn't win the general elections or for that matter even the Democratic primaries vs. Hillary. Bernie is popular with the caucasian "white guilt" progressive types. However, he has little to no appeal with Latino or African American's. The way the process is set up right now with Iowa and New Hampshire which happen to be overwhelmingly Caucasian based voters it will provide an early scare to Hillary, he may even end up winning one of those states. But once it starts going to South Carolina and Florida, Hillary will re establish her dominance and cruise the rest of the way to the nomination.

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What are you babbling about? The media won't have to manufacture anything about him once the real questions start flying.


And on the healthcare cost thingie, do your own homework Sue.

is canada bankrupt? relative to the US?

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Have you gone to his website - looked at the issues he outlines and come to this conclusion?


Interested to see your logic in how you come to this.....after all there still is congress....

Congress is becoming an irrelevant body.As long as a president such as Obama has a pen.The legions of uninformed voters and those who just like other peoples money will line up behind Bernie just to keep their cookies flowing.

It's indicative of people who can't identify what are the big problems we face as a country nor do they have any grip on what successful solutions look like.


He's very entertaining and I like his sincerity, but I will never, ever vote for a socialist.

Geez, I don't know why not.Socialism has been such a success. :death:

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Congress is becoming an irrelevant body.As long as a president such as Obama has a pen.The legions of uninformed voters and those who just like other peoples money will line up behind Bernie just to keep their cookies flowing.


Geez, I don't know why not.Socialism has been such a success. :death:

scandanavians do pretty well when it comes to standard of living, happiness, work life balance, longevity/health, etc - you know, the really important things. sanders is a believer in scandanavian style socialism.

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scandanavians do pretty well when it comes to standard of living, happiness, work life balance, longevity/health, etc - you know, the really important things. sanders is a believer in scandanavian style socialism.

I suppose it helps when you have an average population of about only 6 million people to sustain and the oil production that of a country typically much larger than that to help pay for it.


But, hey. Screw dem facts!

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scandanavians do pretty well when it comes to standard of living, happiness, work life balance, longevity/health, etc - you know, the really important things. sanders is a believer in scandanavian style socialism.


Yes, because the US is pretty much a mirror image of Scandinavia.

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