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Do We Have Any Bernie Sanders Supporters Among Us?

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That's because you're an unmitigated moron with an absolutely vacant understanding of what nationalizing markets would do to an economy.

The more you hate it the better it sounds because anything that upsets a soulless bastard like you must be pretty good for Joe working class American.

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What exactly would it do to the economy?


It would lead to less innovation, efficiency and jobs.

The more you hate it the better it sounds because anything that upsets a soulless bastard like you must be pretty good for Joe working class American.


Actually, Joe the working class American wants to remain employed. Under Bernie, it's no longer Joe the working class American, but more like Konstantinos the unemployed guy who gets to retire at the age of 59.

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BERNIE SANDERS ON IMMIGRATION: “Open borders? No, that’s a Koch brothers proposal. . . . It would make everybody in America poorer —you’re doing away with the concept of a nation state, and I don’t think there’s any country in the world that believes in that.”




If you believe in a nation state or in a country called the United States or UK or Denmark or any other country, you have an obligation in my view to do everything we can to help poor people. What right-wing people in this country would love is an open-border policy. Bring in all kinds of people, work for $2 or $3 an hour, that would be great for them. I don’t believe in that. I think we have to raise wages in this country, I think we have to do everything we can to create millions of jobs.


You know what youth unemployment is in the United States of America today? If you’re a white high school graduate, it’s 33 percent, Hispanic 36 percent, African American 51 percent. You think we should open the borders and bring in a lot of low-wage workers, or do you think maybe we should try to get jobs for those kids?


I think from a moral responsibility we’ve got to work with the rest of the industrialized world to address the problems of international poverty, but you don’t do that by making people in this country even poorer.




So it’s okay to have socialism, but it can’t be international socialism, it has to be socialism in one nation. A sort of national socialism, I guess.




lol, apparently Bernie was singing a different tune when giving a speech in front of La Raza two weeks ago:

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Joe Working Class is voting for Trump

joe working class has a reputation for shooting himself in the foot politically. take a look at the politics of w virginia or mississippi or any of the poor southern states. if you are correct, he's lost a bit more precious leverage in deciding his future.

Edited by birdog1960
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How would it lead to less innovation, efficiency, and jobs?

How would it lead to less innovation, efficiency, and jobs if you dissolved the market economy, removing it from the responsive hands of completely decentralized and diverse private sector innovators, and instead handed the reins to an unaccountable centralized bureaucracy with no industry expertise similar to the polit bureau?


You're really asking this?

Edited by TakeYouToTasker
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How would it lead to less innovation, efficiency, and jobs?

The fact that the answer to this question isn't common knowledge, and it isn't, really says everything about what's wrong with the educational systems and news media in this country.

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The more you hate it the better it sounds because anything that upsets a soulless bastard like you must be pretty good for Joe working class American.

I'm not even sure what this is supposed to mean, other than being an obvious personal attack constructed by an instigator uninterested in facts.
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joe working class has a reputation for shooting himself in the foot. if you are correct, he's lost a bit more precious leverage in deciding his future.

Joe working class doesn't really have any leverage. He/she needs a faster growing economy in order to have more job opportunities and higher wages. Without that you have what we have today. Sanders isn't even running on that. His is more of a campaign of wealth redistribution and grievances.



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How would it lead to less innovation, efficiency, and jobs if you dissolved the market economy, removing it from the responsive hands of completely decentralized and diverse private sector innovators, and instead handed the reins to an unaccountable centralized bureaucracy with no industry expertise similar to the polit bureau?


You're really asking this?

Yes. because socialist nordic countries industries like ikea woefully lack all those things: http://www.economist.com/news/special-report/21570834-nordic-region-becoming-hothouse-entrepreneurship-if-doubt-innovate?zid=293&ah=e50f636873b42369614615ba3c1

Joe working class doesn't really have any leverage. He/she needs a faster growing economy in order to have more job opportunities and higher wages. Without that you have what we have today. Sanders isn't even running on that. His is more of a campaign of wealth redistribution and grievances.



he's much more likely to gain some control over his destiny with sanders than with trump.

Edited by birdog1960
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joe working class has a reputation for shooting himself in the foot politically. take a look at the politics of w virginia or mississippi or any of the poor southern states. if you are correct, he's lost a bit more precious leverage in deciding his future.


Please. Joe Working Class is dead and he's been replaced by J'quita Welfare Class. Take a look at the politics of DC. Look at the welfare rolls. Look at the number of people who have quit looking for work. Look at all the companies freely hiring illegals instead of Americans and not getting penalized. Look at all the work going overseas to avoid the brutal taxes forced on anyone who breathes.


The last six years have been nothing short a deathblow for entrepreneurial innovation and effort, so kiss Joe Working Class goodbye because whatever was left of him was sold to line the pockets of every Obama campaign bundler known to man.


Or maybe you're still one of those people who thinks the Recovery Act actually went to create jobs. I;m sure Bernie Sanders will really elevate that effort. :lol:

Edited by LABillzFan
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This is one of your least thoughtful responses ever. You're trying to refute the reality that the dissolution of a market economy would be terrible for job creation and innovation by citing the success of a single multi-national which has thrived under a market-based economy?



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The fact that the answer to this question isn't common knowledge, and it isn't, really says everything about what's wrong with the educational systems and news media in this country.




The fact that you can't see that shows what's wrong with the educational systems wherever YOU came from. The fact that you think your opinion is right and obvious except for people too stupid to agree with it is what makes it all but impossible to rationally discuss anything on PPP.


I've heard Bernie talk a lot and I have not once heard him say he wants to hand "the reins to an unaccountable centralized bureaucracy". Where does that come from? I dare you to show me a quote where he says that or anything similar.


If it's so obvious and should be common knowledge help me out and explain it. I know I'm stupid, but work with me.

Edited by reddogblitz
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This is one of your least thoughtful responses ever. You're trying to refute the reality that the dissolution of a market economy would be terrible for job creation and innovation by citing the success of a single multi-national which has thrived under a market-based economy?



That has a population roughly the size of New Jersey. I'm sure that'll extrapolate well.

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This is one of your least thoughtful responses ever. You're trying to refute the reality that the dissolution of a market economy would be terrible for job creation and innovation by citing the success of a single multi-national which has thrived under a market-based economy?



perhaps you should read the economist link. ikea was briefly mentioned among many other businesses arising from the robust entrepreneurial atmosphere in those stale nordic socialisms. but you knew that, right? :doh: ….

Edited by birdog1960
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Yes. because socialist nordic countries industries like ikea woefully lack all those things: http://www.economist.com/news/special-report/21570834-nordic-region-becoming-hothouse-entrepreneurship-if-doubt-innovate?zid=293&ah=e50f636873b42369614615ba3c1

he's much more likely to gain some control over his destiny with sanders than with trump.

What control over his or her destiny would be lost if Trump or any other R became President?

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The fact that you can't see that shows what's wrong with the educational systems wherever YOU came from. The fact that you think your opinion is right and obvious except for people too stupid to agree with it is what makes it all but impossible to rationally discuss anything on PPP.


I've heard Bernie talk a lot and I have not once heard him say he wants to hand "the reins to an unaccountable centralized bureaucracy". Where does that come from? I dare you to show me a quote where he says that or anything similar.


If it's so obvious and should be common knowledge help me out and explain it. I know I'm stupid, but work with me.

It's not an opinion, it's a fact, as history has borne out.


Or are you going to now ask that I present evidence of the causal links between nationalization of markets and their inevitable collapse?


And Sanders absolutely calls for the nationalization of markets. He describes it as the dissolution of investment banks. It means the same exact thing.

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