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Do We Have Any Bernie Sanders Supporters Among Us?

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Yup. Price fixing always makes things cheaper.



what say we stick to the premise put forth by gatorman and rejected out of hand by you? he was right. you were wrong as you so often are.


Only because the resulting transactions outside the controlled market drive up the prices. This is why controlled economies always have to crack down on the black markets.


In other words...it won't be too much time before paying your doctor directly will be considered "black market medicine" and made illegal.

well, no. plenty of examples of nations with much more "pure" socialist medicine models than ours that allow private pay. oh, and they provide better overall outcomes at much lower cost.

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I give Bernie Sanders credit for going to Liberty University... takes guts. He'll be treated far better than Sen. Cruz speaking at Berkeley no doubt.


CO3tWeJU8AAy_Cr.jpgPacked arena for Sen.Sanders at Liberty U. But unlike other #FeelTheBern rallies, student attendance here mandatory



Sanders faces angry mob of Liberty students shouting: "Good afternoon, sir. Welcome to Liberty. Thanks for coming." :lol:











Socialist at "LIBERTY" University



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Actually the Spanish Iberico ham is the best in the world.


I know you're a chef and all, but I've had Iberico, and while it is absolutely delicious, I still have dreams about the prosciutto my father-in-law picked up in Parma while en route to meeting us in Certaldo. It was like no prosciutto di parma I've eaten here...and I've eaten a schittload of it.

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I know you're a chef and all, but I've had Iberico, and while it is absolutely delicious, I still have dreams about the prosciutto my father-in-law picked up in Parma while en route to meeting us in Certaldo. It was like no prosciutto di parma I've eaten here...and I've eaten a schittload of it.


it's been a long time since I had prosciutto actually from Parma. Most of the good stuff never even makes it here and I've never been to Italy.

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Actually the Spanish Iberico ham is the best in the world.

i believe prescunto is very similar and both the spanish and portugese come mostly from an area that borders both countries. my brother-in-law bought one of the legs pictured in the link for Christmas last year, there were 15 people milling around over a week's period off and on and he just left it out with a knife for all to cut as desired. there was some left when we went home. it was fantastic. he's doing it again this year and while we'll be staying in a hotel rather than his house this time, i'll still eat my share.

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Get Ready for Bernie Sanders’ Appeal to Raw Envy
Have you seen Bernie Sanders’ stump speech? Every time, he says something like this:http://www.c-span.org/video/?327669-1/senator-bernie-sanders-town-hall-meeting-south-carolina
Every month, the U.S. government comes out with figures. Last figures has unemployment in America as 5.3 percent. Wrong. That official statistic does not include those people who have given up looking for work and the millions of people who work part time. And all of that together, real unemployment over ten percent!



Some of us on the board have been making this point for a very long time! Why is it when we do it, we're some delusional pessimistic right-wing nut-job who are talking down the economy, but when Sanders does it, he’s looking beneath the surface to showcase the hard truths of the modern economy?
Sanders continues:
Do you know what youth unemployment is in this country? In terms of kids who have no jobs, or are working part-time when they want to work full-time. EPI told us if they were white, youth unemployment is 33 percent! Hispanic youth unemployment is at 36 percent! And if they were African-American, 51 percent (boos, jeers) We are turning our backs on an entire generation of young people who want to stand on their own two feet!


Here’s a fun question: How do you declare “we are turning our backs on an entire generation of young people” without blaming the president who’s been in power for the past seven years, and the policies he enacted? Gee, if only liberal Democrats had some sort of influence over policy since January 20, 2009!

Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/corner
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Price Tag Of Sanders Proposals: $18 Trillion


WASHINGTON—Sen. Bernie Sanders, whose liberal call to action has propelled his long-shot presidential campaign, is proposing an array of new programs that would amount to the largest peacetime expansion of government in modern American history.


In all, he backs at least $18 trillion in new spending over a decade, according to a tally by The Wall Street Journal, a sum that alarms conservatives and gives even many Democrats pause. Mr. Sanders sees the money as going to essential government services at a time of increasing strain on the middle class.







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