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Early 4 Way Presidential Poll


26 members have voted

  1. 1. Who do you want as President?

    • Jeb Bush
    • Donald Trump
    • Hillary Clinton
    • Bernie Sanders

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Took the top two candidates of both parties, and dropped them in the poll. No write-ins, to keep things simple. Who do you want out of the top four, and why? Figured it'd be a fun look, early in... as I'm sure it'll be a little different when we get closer to actual election time. :)


Think of the question as: If you HAD to choose one of the four, who would you choose?

Edited by Dorkington
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it's interesting that sanders and trump are early leaders. i read a wp article yesterday about trump and his appeal and apparent big goof about mccain. it said that he;s tapping into the need for straight talk. and i think sanders does this for the left and hopefully some of the the middle. my vote was for sanders and will likely be in the primary and hopefully the general election

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Well, in deference to Dorkington's original premise, I guess that I could offer a little more.


B. Sander's - not capable of being an administrator.


H. Clinton - much too corrupt.....Clinton first, country second.


D. Trump - Lord no...(see H. Clinton)


J. Bush - certainly one could argue that he is the most prepared and administrative ready of ALL the candidates, but I will NOT vote for him.




Why ?......................well, my answer is the same one that I give when term limits come up. Despite the; "we need experience in Government mantra", there are actually thousands to hundreds of thousands of Americans who could serve in Congress or state legislatures. We do NOT need a permanent political (Lawyer) class to run things


As to the Presidency, out of our two hundred million plus Americans there are (again) thousands out there who could actually do the job.



Having said that ........I do not care how good or bad Jeb Bush is.......I will NOT have a THIRD member of a family become President. I just cannot vote for that.

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Having said that ........I do not care how good or bad Jeb Bush is.......I will NOT have a THIRD member of a family become President. I just cannot vote for that.


If you disagree with his policies, leadership qualities what have you, that's one thing, but to automatically disqualify someone no matter how qualified they are simply because they had two other family members become president is illogical.


If you are someone who is of the right, which you are and you most likely agree with their policies on 80% of the positions, you are throwing away your support which helps the person you agree with on maybe 10% of the issues simply because their last name is Bush.


That just doesn't make sense to me.

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If you disagree with his policies, leadership qualities what have you, that's one thing, but to automatically disqualify someone no matter how qualified they are simply because they had two other family members become president is illogical.



It is illogical, but the reality is that media and public opinion shape elections and while an astute observer might find Jeb to be a great choice, his last name will make him an easy target for the left leaning media which IMO will greatly reduce his chances of beating a Dem. Yes, I am accusing the majority of the electorate of being poorly informed on the issues and not capable of making good voting decisions. For this reason I wish Jeb wasn't running at all. There are other good choices.

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If you disagree with his policies, leadership qualities what have you, that's one thing, but to automatically disqualify someone no matter how qualified they are simply because they had two other family members become president is illogical.




That just doesn't make sense to me.



I respect your point Mr. M.


But I do not accept that it is illogical...............for the very reasons that I gave.


also your premise implies that there are only two choices and that is not likely the case.



and if I want to be completely honest..................................................................and I do :rolleyes:



My noble stand really doesn't mean too much here in the Empire state...........................the democrat would win here no matter how poor he/she is.




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It is illogical, but the reality is that media and public opinion shape elections and while an astute observer might find Jeb to be a great choice, his last name will make him an easy target for the left leaning media which IMO will greatly reduce his chances of beating a Dem. Yes, I am accusing the majority of the electorate of being poorly informed on the issues and not capable of making good voting decisions. For this reason I wish Jeb wasn't running at all. There are other good choices.


I agree with what you are saying and I was just having this discussion today at lunch on this very same topic. Bush's last name and his lack of support from the base are two major detriments that he will have to overcome. Having said that, I've seen at least a couple of these focus groups revisited where a few months ago before Bush had visited their state the individuals in these focus groups were for the most part adamant about their non support for Bush, mainly because of his last name. But then after he had done some town halls and they had gotten a chance to see how he handles himself, a few of them came away impressed with his mastery of the policy positions and his record and some of them that said they couldn't support him before now say that they could.


Rubio serves as the best contrast to Hillary and that's who the Hillary people are most worried about. Not sure if he matches up better against Hillary but personally speaking I just think Jeb would make the better president and I do believe he'd run a better campaign.



I respect your point Mr. M.


But I do not accept that it is illogical...............for the very reasons that I gave.


also your premise implies that there are only two choices and that is not likely the case.



and if I want to be completely honest..................................................................and I do :rolleyes:



My noble stand really doesn't mean too much here in the Empire state...........................the democrat would win here no matter how poor he/she is.





I'm in Florida and every vote matters.

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But then after he had done some town halls and they had gotten a chance to see how he handles himself, a few of them came away impressed with his mastery of the policy positions and his record and some of them that said they couldn't support him before now say that they could.



Yeah it sucks to be the guy who's spent his whole life being around people and learning how to govern, and then lo & behold turn out to be a very good conservative governor of an important swing state. Hate when a guy like that is a candidate. Much rather prefer a lying blowhard carrying a perpetual selfie stick.

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it's interesting that sanders and trump are early leaders. i read a wp article yesterday about trump and his appeal and apparent big goof about mccain. it said that he;s tapping into the need for straight talk. and i think sanders does this for the left and hopefully some of the the middle. my vote was for sanders and will likely be in the primary and hopefully the general election

Well I'd put it this way Trump and Sanders poll numbers have less to do with their qualities as candidates and more with the low regard that the American people now have for the Washington establishment and main stream political pundits - I get a little chuckle lately with the continued amazement with Trumps and Sanders poll numbers it's almost like "hey we told you Trump and Sanders are bums but you keep saying you want to vote for them, WTF is going on here?, we are the media damn it, listen to us!"

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Well I'd put it this way Trump and Sanders poll numbers have less to do with their qualities as candidates and more with the low regard that the American people now have for the Washington establishment and main stream political pundits - I get a little chuckle lately with the continued amazement with Trumps and Sanders poll numbers it's almost like "hey we told you Trump and Sanders are bums but you keep saying you want to vote for them, WTF is going on here?, we are the media damn it, listen to us!"


What a load of crap. Sanders as a multi term Senator is not part of Washington? Why isn't O'Malley getting the votes, since he's the real Washington outsider? Why is Trump getting the votes, but not Fiorina or Carson? Right now polls are focused on the shiny objects, and Trump & Sanders are just that.

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What a load of crap. Sanders as a multi term Senator is not part of Washington? Why isn't O'Malley getting the votes, since he's the real Washington outsider? Why is Trump getting the votes, but not Fiorina or Carson? Right now polls are focused on the shiny objects, and Trump & Sanders are just that.

sanders is a socialist. if that's not swimming upstream in Washington, i don't know what is. i think he enunciates what a lot of liberals believe. unashamedly!


and trump does the same for many on the right.


it's a further indication of the polarization of political philosophies throughout the country.


oh, and lots of people vote for shiny objects. why else would campaign tv ads have any effect?

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and trump does the same for many on the right.


I guess if that makes you feel better, but if it were Trump vs. Sanders, Trump would get his ass kicked because while some on the right may agree with Trump, the takers that have been fostered by the left would jump to Sanders' side almost immediately.


We've built a country filled with entitled pu$$$ies who can't wait for their 'free college education' and single payer health care and 'free' phones and internet. The takers FAR outnumber everyone else, and Trump wouldn't stand a chance because he doesn't know how to make a case for something. He simply keeps speaking until he hits a nerve, and when the nerve hits back, he doubles down. Instant press.


You want proof? Trump has done the one thing absolutely no one -- not a single soul -- thought possible: he got virtually everyone on the right to united behind John McCain, who is no more a Republican than Bernie Sanders is an independent.

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