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Where did I intimate that the people would stop coming over? That's the point, you can't make them stop coming over, but you can control that process a hell of a lot better, make it safer and actually not throw money down a rat hole.


Should I type slower and in bigger font for you to understand?


They go hand in hand because with immigration reform you will significantly reduce the smuggled traffic of migrant workers, which will free the limited resources on the border to try to protect against something more sinister. If you take it one step further and deal with the drug laws, you will also eliminate drug trafficking. Then the border will be more secure because you won't be wasting dollars and resources trying to keep out housemaids and dishwashers.

Migrant workers? Get serious. Last summer we had a deluge of children, adults and gang members cross our southern border. These were not people coming here to work. Although I agree with a guest worker program for actual workers I'm not willing to allow others to just freely cross the border and settle in. You "feel" that if we come up with a guest worker program that others will be apprehended without seriously upgrading our border security? Pie in the sky thinking. Maybe you should take your "signature" more seriously. I have thought it my duty to exhibit things as they are, not as they ought to be - A.H.


BTW, your sophomoric insults don't make your argument any more sound.

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