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White People

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Real white people are bigoted against people who think they are white - If you can't get upset about people coming over the Southern boarder destroying America because you know the Irish and Italians already destroyed it you might be really white.


So race is a state of mind?

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I'm sorry if this is gonna hurt feelings but a lot of you aren't really white people - English, Scottish, Scandinavian, some German's but not Bavarian peasants- in fact if you're Catholic you are probably out of luck

Then what is white privilege and who is benefitting?


Of course you can't answer seeing you're trolling.


Oh and it's great to see that so many don't know the difference between race and nationality.

Edited by Chef Jim
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Oh, !@#$ you. My family wealth and societal standing was built on hard work - mine personally on my own. I never exploited a "person of color" in my life, nor - despite my joke above - did my ancestors (more likely they were exploited, given that my last name indicates Bavarian peasant ancestry.)


Though I have to admit, I've been sorely tempted recently to exploit some minorities, just to piss of self-righteous pricks like yourself.

The only true racism going on now is directed at whites. It's called affirmative action.

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So race is a state of mind?

race is a culturally evolved state of mind and right now I'm channeling back two generations

Then what is white privilege and who is benefitting?


Of course you can't answer seeing you're trolling.


Oh and it's great to see that so many don't know the difference between race and nationality.

It's a layer cake

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I don't really get that offended by "black and brown" people who are racist against whites, but I truly detest the self-loathing white ethnomassachists who get off on decrying the evil and racism of white people.


Everyone's racist, and a great many around the world far more so than whitey.


Only we tend to call it "tribalism." Because the definition of "race" is vague, ambiguous, anthropologically questionable, and biologically invalid.

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Apparently a lot of people think that Mt.Rushmore should be torn down because it's racist. The first girl is by far the most annoying. Tear it down and get more positive people up there. Founding fathers are about as positive as it can get.

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Apparently a lot of people think that Mt.Rushmore should be torn down because it's racist. The first girl is by far the most annoying. Tear it down and get more positive people up there. Founding fathers are about as positive as it can get.


Mt. Rushmore should be torn down because...gay marriage.


I stopped there, since it clearly wasn't getting any dumber than that.

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Oh, !@#$ you. My family wealth and societal standing was built on hard work - mine personally on my own. I never exploited a "person of color" in my life, nor - despite my joke above - did my ancestors (more likely they were exploited, given that my last name indicates Bavarian peasant ancestry.)


Though I have to admit, I've been sorely tempted recently to exploit some minorities, just to piss of self-righteous pricks like yourself.

Oh your so full of yourself. Mr Obama says you didn't build that. I bet that guy is way smarter than you


Mt. Rushmore should be torn down because...gay marriage.


I stopped there, since it clearly wasn't getting any dumber than that.

The guy with the red shirt is pretty funny. "Yeah I'l knock that fvcker down. I need the work" LOL

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Apparently a lot of people think that Mt.Rushmore should be torn down because it's racist. The first girl is by far the most annoying. Tear it down and get more positive people up there. Founding fathers are about as positive as it can get.

Where there are palm trees, there are idiots.

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"I'm way to smart to fall for this BS."

"Good for you, bro!"


I guess the one guy that is somewhat alert comes off like genius among all the mind controlled drones.

Edited by Dante
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All lives matter


But some lives matter more than others



There is more...........



Black Lives Matter protesters interrupted an event at which Democratic presidential hopefuls Martin O’Malley and Bernie Sanders were speaking. O’Malley made the mistake of saying “all lives matter” and Sanders apparently didn’t charm the activists either.



He got angry and sullen at #blackLivesMatter protesters and threatened to leave. Hence, the hashtag #BernieSoBlack.


Dear White Progressives, Black people don't HAVE to support Bernie or anyone. You don't own us & we don't owe you ANYTHING #BernieSoBlack



White dems and black dems feuding....... :lol:



#BernieSoBlack is really a thing? The people starting this hashtag know their party has nominated five old white people, right?





Will this get as much coverage from the press as they are doing with Trump?



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I was going to post this. I can't believe he needed to apologize for that. Unbelievable.

It's bordering on insanity out there. What this admin has done is despicable. They have thrown fuel on the fire deliberately promoting hatred against whites. In all fairness the foundation has been carefully built by media and the education system so it's all not just Barry. He's had lots of support.

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