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Iran Nuclear Deal Reached

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There goes another Obama excuse.



Obama can’t blame Netanyahu anymore for opposition to Iran nuke deal


The Obama administration and its supporters try to paint opposition to the Iran nuke deal as a Bibi Netanyahu problem.

That’s a convenient excuse, because it allows Obama to play the Democrat loyalty card among members still upset about Bibi’s appearance in Congress. It also plays into “Israel Lobby” demonization, the bogeyman of the left.


The opposition to the Iran nuke deal, however, is bringing together usual political enemies. Jeffrey Goldberg at The Atlantic interviews Isaac Herzog, Bibi’s primary domestic political opponent, Israeli Opposition Leader: Iran Deal Will Bring Chaos to the Middle East:


Last December, when I interviewed the leader of Israel’s left-leaning Labor Party, Isaac “Bougie” Herzog, at the Brookings Institution’s Saban Forum, he said, in reference to nuclear negotiations with Iran: “I trust the Obama administration to get a good deal.”


In a telephone call with me late last night, Herzog’s message was very different. The deal just finalized in Vienna, he said, “will unleash a lion from the cage, it will have a direct influence over the balance of power in our region, it’s going to affect our borders, and it will affect the safety of my children.”







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There goes another Obama excuse.



Obama can’t blame Netanyahu anymore for opposition to Iran nuke deal


The Obama administration and its supporters try to paint opposition to the Iran nuke deal as a Bibi Netanyahu problem.

That’s a convenient excuse, because it allows Obama to play the Democrat loyalty card among members still upset about Bibi’s appearance in Congress. It also plays into “Israel Lobby” demonization, the bogeyman of the left.


The opposition to the Iran nuke deal, however, is bringing together usual political enemies. Jeffrey Goldberg at The Atlantic interviews Isaac Herzog, Bibi’s primary domestic political opponent, Israeli Opposition Leader: Iran Deal Will Bring Chaos to the Middle East:


Last December, when I interviewed the leader of Israel’s left-leaning Labor Party, Isaac “Bougie” Herzog, at the Brookings Institution’s Saban Forum, he said, in reference to nuclear negotiations with Iran: “I trust the Obama administration to get a good deal.”


In a telephone call with me late last night, Herzog’s message was very different. The deal just finalized in Vienna, he said, “will unleash a lion from the cage, it will have a direct influence over the balance of power in our region, it’s going to affect our borders, and it will affect the safety of my children.”







Is this what you do for a living? Are you paid to sit and cut and paste stuff on message boards?

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Is this what you do for a living? Are you paid to sit and cut and paste stuff on message boards?

Ah, when you can't refute the content make every attempt to demonize the messenger. OC was right. Conservatives hate to be lied to while liberals just hate the truth.

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he's right, the rest of the world is sick of the US being held hostage by the Israel and Saudi lobbies. They'll go their own way if US bails on this ....


Congress would damage the country if it voted to reject the nuclear agreement with Iran, the White House said Friday.

“For the United States, because of a congressional action, to isolate our country on such an important issue, would be devastating to our standing in the world,” White House press secretary Josh Earnest said.

He noted that the U.S. negotiated the deal with the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Russia and China and said the crippling effect of international sanctions are what brought Iran to the negotiating table in the first place.

The sanctions now in place would “collapse” if Congress votes against the pact, Earnest said, removing any leverage world powers have in enforcing restrictions on Iran’s nuclear activities.

“Iran will get all the benefits of this deal without having to give up anything,” Earnest said.


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he's right, the rest of the world is sick of the US being held hostage by the Israel and Saudi lobbies. They'll go their own way if US bails on this ....


Congress would damage the country if it voted to reject the nuclear agreement with Iran, the White House said Friday.


“For the United States, because of a congressional action, to isolate our country on such an important issue, would be devastating to our standing in the world,” White House press secretary Josh Earnest said.

He noted that the U.S. negotiated the deal with the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Russia and China and said the crippling effect of international sanctions are what brought Iran to the negotiating table in the first place.

The sanctions now in place would “collapse” if Congress votes against the pact, Earnest said, removing any leverage world powers have in enforcing restrictions on Iran’s nuclear activities.


“Iran will get all the benefits of this deal without having to give up anything,” Earnest said.


Let's have a contest for everyone.


See if you can come up with something Earnest could have said that would have made the US sound even more like a Los Gatos.

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Deep meaning of the Iran deal


Omni Ceren sent out several email messages yesterday updating his readers on the Iran agreement (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action or “JCPOA”). I would like to bring the following excerpt from one of the messages to your attention. Omri writes:


The agreement commits the international community to actively helping Iran perfect its nuclear program over the life of the deal (!) On a policy level, it means Iran’s breakout time will be constantly shrinking. On a political level, it means that the deal will be seen as accomplishing the exact opposite of what the Obama administration promised Congress: instead of rolling back Iran’s nuclear program, it will commit the U.S. and its allies to funding and boosting it.









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Mr. President, Methinks thou dost protest too much and not tell the truth enough.



White House: Congressional vote against Iran nuclear deal would be ‘devastating’
Washington Times, by Dave Boyer


Original Article





White House warns Congress: If you block this Iran deal, Iran gets everything for free

Original Article



They are being lied to............................ It's that awful and that simple.







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Funny Title...........................serious subject



We Interrupt Our Regular Trump Programming to Announce America’s Surrender to Iran and Global Governance
by Andrew C McCarthy
At the New York Times website this morning, if you dig down under stories on the Donald Trump Circus, you will find a one-line link, buried beneath several other one-line links, to a report titled, “U.N. Vote on Iran Nuclear Deal Irks Congress.”( http://www.nytimes.com/2015/07/20/world/middleeast/un-vote-on-iran-nuclear-deal-irks-congress.html?hp&action=click&pgtype=Homepage&module=second-column-region&region=top-news&WT.nav=top-news&_r=1)Further burying the lede, you must scour down to a passing reference in paragraph four to find a glimmer of the real story: The Obama administration has already raced to the United Nations Security Council to spearhead action, today, that would adopt Obama’s Iran deal in a resolution that will begin the deal’s implementation.
The Times tut-tuts that this has left the people’s representatives in Congress “irked,” that lawmakers of both parties are “complaining that the Security Council action, expected Monday morning, would pre-empt the congressional debate.”
Of course, the point is not that Congress’s pride is hurt. It is that the Constitution and the capacity of the American people to determine their own national interests are being torn asunder.
In sum, the Obama administration has acceded to these demands by foreign sovereigns – some of which are enemies of the United States, and none of which guards the interests of the United States – that legal action imposing obligations on the American people be taken by those sovereigns not only before action is taken by the American people’s representatives but in violation of our Constitution.

Read more
at: http://www.nationalreview.com/corner


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Boy.......first Sec. Kerry.......................now Barry..............c'mon 2017


Obama calls for release of Americans held in Iran



Stupid non-issue. He's supposed to tank a multi-national accord and piss off what few allies we have left because of three fairly tried and convicted prisoners and one guy who hasn't been seen in years? Yeah, I'm sure Valls and Merkel would be perfectly okay telling their respective countries "Sorry...we tried, but the Iranians wouldn't agree to release three Americans incarcerated in their criminal justice system."


Refusing to turn a multi-national accord into a bipolar pissing match is probably the only thing the administration did right in this whole fiasco.

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IAEA Tells Congressmen of Two Secret Side Deals to Iran Agreement That Won’t Be Shared with Congress
Senator Tom Cotton (R., Ark.) and Congressmen Mike Pompeo (R., Kan.) issued a press release yesterday on a startling discovery they made during a July 17 meeting with International Atomic Energy Agency officials in Vienna: There are two secret side deals to the nuclear agreement with Iran that will not be shared with other nations, with Congress, or with the U.S. public.
One of these side deals concerns inspection of the Parchin military base, where Iran reportedly has conducted explosive testing related to nuclear-warhead development. The Iranian government has refused to allow the IAEA to visit this site. Over the last several years, Iran has taken steps to clean up evidence of weapons-related activity at Parchin.
The other secret side deal concerns how the IAEA and Iran will resolve outstanding issues on possible military dimensions (PMDs) of Iran’s nuclear program. In late 2013, Iran agreed to resolve IAEA questions about nuclear weapons-related work in twelve areas. Iran only answered questions in one of these areas and rejected the rest as based on forgeries and fabrications.

Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/421461/congressmen-discover-secret-deals-iran-agreement



Morning Joe: State Dept Spokesman Won’t Comment on Secret Deal between Iran, IAEA
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Remember how Elizabeth Warren decried the trade deal because of it's secretive behind close door nature of the details, I wonder if she will be equally consistent with her criticisms of the secrecy of these dealings?

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