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Iran Nuclear Deal Reached

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Rogue regimes never let a treaty stop it from accomplishing its true intentions. Soviets weren't truly interested in nuclear disarmament until they were bankrupted. Same with North Korea and the numerous deals put in place to stop them from getting a bomb.


No one is saying that a deal with Iran shouldn't be struck. The main criticism is why do a deal now, with sanctions working and eroding the mullah's popular support. A smart strategy is to negotiate from strength when the Islamists are further weakened. You don't hand them a gift for doing nothing and then agreeing to a deal that doesn't have meaningful teeth to it even if they're caught out of compliance.


So why the mad rush into a deal?



Why GG,


our Commander in Chief has told us several times.


Either we sign this treaty now or it's war





Not that he hasn't used that false choice nonsense in almost every policy decision.



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If it were just the United States vs. Iran, it would be as simple as 1 + 1 = 2, or the Pathogoreum Theorum formula that I've heard on Conservative Talk Radio. The sanctions are only effective if the rest of the World agrees to enforce them. The US can not unilaterally enforce sanctions upon Iran. Repeat: The US can not unilaterally enforce sanctions upon Iran.


Gee, but I thought that we are the rest of the world.


Of course you did. It would shock you that Russia (The Soviet Union!) ​were also party to these negoti​​ations. And Freedom Fries France was also at the table. I won't even mention the United Nations, because that's a sure recipe for confusion and anger among the staunch blindered Americans that oppose this deal. For your information, blinders are those things you mount to horses heads, so that they can see nothing but what is ahead of them. Such thinking is extremely vulnerable to a blindside attack. The Rest of the World, is a formidable opponent.​​


I am anticipating the counter argument...

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If it were just the United States vs. Iran, it would be as simple as 1 + 1 = 2, or the Pathogoreum Theorum formula that I've heard on Conservative Talk Radio. The sanctions are only effective if the rest of the World agrees to enforce them. The US can not unilaterally enforce sanctions upon Iran. Repeat: The US can not unilaterally enforce sanctions upon Iran.


Gee, but I thought that we are the rest of the world.


Of course you did. It would shock you that Russia (The Soviet Union!) ​were also party to these negoti​​ations. And Freedom Fries France was also at the table. I won't even mention the United Nations, because that's a sure recipe for confusion and anger among the staunch blindered Americans that oppose this deal. For your information, blinders are those things you mount to horses heads, so that they can see nothing but what is ahead of them. Such thinking is extremely vulnerable to a blindside attack. The Rest of the World, is a formidable opponent.​​


I am anticipating the counter argument...


What makes you think that the sanctions imposed on Iran have been unilaterally American, and why do you think that they were imposed in the first place?

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If it were just the United States vs. Iran, it would be as simple as 1 + 1 = 2, or the Pathogoreum Theorum formula that I've heard on Conservative Talk Radio. The sanctions are only effective if the rest of the World agrees to enforce them. The US can not unilaterally enforce sanctions upon Iran. Repeat: The US can not unilaterally enforce sanctions upon Iran.


Gee, but I thought that we are the rest of the world.


Of course you did. It would shock you that Russia (The Soviet Union!) ​were also party to these negoti​​ations. And Freedom Fries France was also at the table. I won't even mention the United Nations, because that's a sure recipe for confusion and anger among the staunch blindered Americans that oppose this deal. For your information, blinders are those things you mount to horses heads, so that they can see nothing but what is ahead of them. Such thinking is extremely vulnerable to a blindside attack. The Rest of the World, is a formidable opponent.​​


I am anticipating the counter argument...


Worked for Cuba.

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If it were just the United States vs. Iran, it would be as simple as 1 + 1 = 2, or the Pathogoreum Theorum formula that I've heard on Conservative Talk Radio. The sanctions are only effective if the rest of the World agrees to enforce them. The US can not unilaterally enforce sanctions upon Iran. Repeat: The US can not unilaterally enforce sanctions upon Iran.


Gee, but I thought that we are the rest of the world.


Of course you did. It would shock you that Russia (The Soviet Union!) ​were also party to these negoti​​ations. And Freedom Fries France was also at the table. I won't even mention the United Nations, because that's a sure recipe for confusion and anger among the staunch blindered Americans that oppose this deal. For your information, blinders are those things you mount to horses heads, so that they can see nothing but what is ahead of them. Such thinking is extremely vulnerable to a blindside attack. The Rest of the World, is a formidable opponent.​​


I am anticipating the counter argument...


Also I don't understand what would constitue a "better" deal in terms of achiving the goal of keeping Iran from getting nuclear weapons. Like what specifically in the deal is going to lead Iran to be able to get a nuke? People keep citing 24 days and being allowed to delay military sites from inspection. But 24 days isn't a long time to sterlize a site in atomic terms (It takes 6 months to full sterlize a site if you have the best people doing it). I don't see any other methods that they can use to get a deal. It's hard to justify the world holding Iran's own money indefinately to achive some vague definition of better.

Edited by billsfan89
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If it were just the United States vs. Iran, it would be as simple as 1 + 1 = 2, or the Pathogoreum Theorum formula that I've heard on Conservative Talk Radio. The sanctions are only effective if the rest of the World agrees to enforce them. The US can not unilaterally enforce sanctions upon Iran. Repeat: The US can not unilaterally enforce sanctions upon Iran.


Gee, but I thought that we are the rest of the world.


Of course you did. It would shock you that Russia (The Soviet Union!) ​were also party to these negoti​​ations. And Freedom Fries France was also at the table. I won't even mention the United Nations, because that's a sure recipe for confusion and anger among the staunch blindered Americans that oppose this deal. For your information, blinders are those things you mount to horses heads, so that they can see nothing but what is ahead of them. Such thinking is extremely vulnerable to a blindside attack. The Rest of the World, is a formidable opponent.​​


I am anticipating the counter argument...


The other countries wouldn't take one step without the US leading, so it's great to hear that the back seat drivers are supportive of the deal. And that's just one bad part of the deal. If Iran violates the terms, it will be almost impossible to roll back sanctions because the Chines, Russians & French will be fully immersed in Iran and will not go away. Meanwhile, Iran will be free to go about its bidding in the region and will ensure a faster arms buildup by the Sunni states.


So yeah, the time was ripe for this deal at this particular time.

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Sounds like a fun game.


And there's nothing wrong with threat planning. Hell, just today I freaked out a bunch of coworkers with my well-thought-out plan to tank the US retail economy...


Did it involve electing a back bench first term senator from Illinois with no executive experience?

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