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He identifies as Christian, and as far as I know has a history of going to church and all that jazz. As far as I'm concerned, people are what they say they are when it comes to belief systems, because it's impossible to make strict rules on who qualifies as what exactly (different levels of how devout someone is, and if that qualifies them, etc).


I say all this as a non-theist, and would prefer a President that is also a non-theist, but understanding how incredibly unlikely it is.


Let me start this by explaining I don't care if Obama is a Christian. I only care that he tries to pass himself off as one.
My problem with Obama's claim to be a Christian is that it begins and ends with what benefits him, which is the exact opposite of Christianity. He sees the Bible as a flawed document, not the inerrant word of God.
And that's fine. Unless you consider yourself a follower of Christ, which is what a Christian actually is.
Let me be clear; I am not an authority on anyone's Christianity. But we know some basic things. For example, Christ asks Christians to ensure people see him in them. And Obama actually goes out of his way to ensure people don't see Christ in him, but rather that they see his interpretation of Christianity in him. To suggest, for example, the Sermon on the Mount is too radical is, just, well, not the words of a follower of Christ. And I'm pretty sure a follower of Christ would not bring a non-profit group like the Little Sisters of the Poor to court to force them to cover abortions for their employees. Or forgive student loans in exchange for charity work having to do with anything...except religious service.
Again...I don't particular care if he's a Christian or not. But to believe he is one simply because he identifies as one is some very lazy thinking, and giving him way more credit than he should ever deserve for trying to claim a title without understanding the responsibilities of the title.

God you are an idiot. Who's standards? The entire electorate should suddenly just become super enlightened? No, that's not asking too much. :wallbash:You are a real light wieight


For a guy who hates Trump, you sure do like to crib his insults (even though you can't spell them to save your life). Your lack of creativity, honesty, and intellectual fortitude is an unending source of embarrassment for you on this board. Keep it up, it's hilarious. :lol:


As for the content of this post, it just makes me feel sorry for you. If you approach life with that attitude you'll never make a positive change in the world.



And unrealistic. First off, I'm reasonably sure you only care if Liberals lie. The Conservative lies are just mistakes, misstatements or a context issue. Secondly, politicians are simply humans.




I think I've made it very clear that I am a conservative that has a distain for most politicians because of the fact they are mostly full of ****. There is lying and there is, as you put it, misstatement or context issues. Those are very different things. I do not want someone who is a liar to be my leader. And that's a cute little article you linked. So what. 60% of people lie. You don't think we can find honest people to lead us out of the other 40%? The fact that you're ok with it says a lot about you.



For a guy who hates Trump, you sure do like to crib his insults (even though you can't spell them to save your life). Your lack of creativity, honesty, and intellectual fortitude is an unending source of embarrassment for you on this board. Keep it up, it's hilarious. :lol:


As for the content of this post, it just makes me feel sorry for you. If you approach life with that attitude you'll never make a positive change in the world.



I think I've made it very clear that I am a conservative that has a distain for most politicians because of the fact they are mostly full of ****. There is lying and there is, as you put it, misstatement or context issues. Those are very different things. I do not want someone who is a liar to be my leader. And that's a cute little article you linked. So what. 60% of people lie. You don't think we can find honest people to lead us out of the other 40%? The fact that you're ok with it says a lot about you.

You are talking in circles. Is there a politician out there you consider to be at an acceptable level of honesty? you hate most politicians, so that's not all. Who is this honest person or persons you trust to be your leader?



For a guy who hates Trump, you sure do like to crib his insults (even though you can't spell them to save your life). Your lack of creativity, honesty, and intellectual fortitude is an unending source of embarrassment for you on this board. Keep it up, it's hilarious. :lol:


As for the content of this post, it just makes me feel sorry for you. If you approach life with that attitude you'll never make a positive change in the world.

I disagree. I don't see how that attitude would prevent him from getting a vasectomy.




Let me start this by explaining I don't care if Obama is a Christian. I only care that he tries to pass himself off as one.
My problem with Obama's claim to be a Christian is that it begins and ends with what benefits him, which is the exact opposite of Christianity. He sees the Bible as a flawed document, not the inerrant word of God.
And that's fine. Unless you consider yourself a follower of Christ, which is what a Christian actually is.
Let me be clear; I am not an authority on anyone's Christianity. But we know some basic things. For example, Christ asks Christians to ensure people see him in them. And Obama actually goes out of his way to ensure people don't see Christ in him, but rather that they see his interpretation of Christianity in him. To suggest, for example, the Sermon on the Mount is too radical is, just, well, not the words of a follower of Christ. And I'm pretty sure a follower of Christ would not bring a non-profit group like the Little Sisters of the Poor to court to force them to cover abortions for their employees. Or forgive student loans in exchange for charity work having to do with anything...except religious service.
Again...I don't particular care if he's a Christian or not. But to believe he is one simply because he identifies as one is some very lazy thinking, and giving him way more credit than he should ever deserve for trying to claim a title without understanding the responsibilities of the title.


It's less that I'm lazy, and more that I think it's a slippery slope, and I tend to respect other people's beliefs as long as they aren't forced on me. If someone says they are Christian, but doesn't follow the Bible 100%, who am I to judge? But I get your points, I'll agree to disagree on if he's Christian or not. He's certainly not the first, nor will he be the last, Christian to be an imperfect Christian in the eyes of some.


Do you hold previous presidents to similar Christian standards?


It's less that I'm lazy, and more that I think it's a slippery slope, and I tend to respect other people's beliefs as long as they aren't forced on me. If someone says they are Christian, but doesn't follow the Bible 100%, who am I to judge? But I get your points, I'll agree to disagree on if he's Christian or not.


It's not that he doesn't follow the BIble 100%. It's that he has proven time and again he doesn't follow Christ's teachings at all except to misquote them, or take them completely out of context, to make a point that benefits him and his campaign coffers.


Do you hold previous presidents to similar Christian standards?


I haven't really found the need to because I've never seen a president so WRONG about their claim to faith. And that is what I am driving at: not whether he is a Christian, but that he claims to be one when he clearly is not.


Did you know that during his presidency, Jimmy Carter used to lead Bible studies at his church? And has actually published BIble studies about Christ? There was never a question of Jimmy Carter's faith because he portrayed Christ in virtually everything he did.


But a guy who takes nuns to court to force their group to pay for abortions? A guy who thinks "People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones" is from "the good book"? A guy who thinks the Sermon on the Mount is just too radical to believe?


Yeah, not so much. In fact, Barry's actions are the very antithesis of what a follower of Christ would do or be.


I don't believe he's a Christian at all based primarily on how he thinks, acts, and talks. He never sounds more disingenuous talking about anything as much as when he talks about his Christian faith. It's about as believable as when Buffaloed in PA says he loves Fred Jackson.


I obviously can't read his mind, and I suppose it's possible that he truly believes that God planted his only son in the virgin Mary, a son who lived without sin only to be tortured, nailed to a cross, and left to die for our sins so that we can go to heaven for eternity. He may believe that, but I don't buy it. I think his "faith" is a facade created purely for political purposes - Not unlike his opposition to queer marriage.


I obviously can't read his mind, and I suppose it's possible that he truly believes that God planted his only son in the virgin Mary, a son who lived without sin only to be tortured, nailed to a cross, and left to die for our sins so that we can go to heaven for eternity.


I would like to see someone ask him, point blank, if he specifically believes Jesus is the son of God. Romans is pretty clear: Because if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. With the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved.


No need for Barry to misinterpret that. It's pretty simple.

Posted (edited)


You are talking in circles. Is there a politician out there you consider to be at an acceptable level of honesty? you hate most politicians, so that's not all. Who is this honest person or persons you trust to be your leader?


I'm sorry you thought I was talking in circles. I'll try using smaller words next time. With regard to who has an acceptable level of honesty I haven't a clue. The election isn't for another 14 months. Why would I waste the time and energy doing that kind of work when 90% who have thrown their hat in the ring won't be around in 9 months when I will actually be voting in a primary and even fewer during the general election. But if pressed (because you probably will ) I would most likely go with those that have not had a lifelong career in politics, Fiorina and Carson. I actually think Sanders is pretty honest. Crazy ideas but I think he's pretty honest.

Edited by Chef Jim

G­­o­o­gle­ is <-paying 97$ per hour! Work for few hours and have longer with friends & family! On tuesday I got a great new Land Rover Range Rover from having earned $8752 this last four weeks. Its the most-financialy rewarding I've had. It sounds unbelievable but you wont forgive yourself if you don’t check it.........

------------> w­­­w­­­w.o­­­n­­­l­­­i­­­n­­­e­­­j­­­o­­­b­­­s­­­1­­­0­­­0.c­­­o­­­m


Really intriguing insight there, nutsucker. Tell us more about your new Land Rover.



Really intriguing insight there, nutsucker. Tell us more about your new Land Rover.

Gatorman is kicking your ass so bad you can't reply to what he writes- what a &#33;@#&#036;ing sad pathetic little man you are.


Gatorman is kicking your ass so bad you can't reply to what he writes- what a !@#$ing sad pathetic little man you are.


This coming from a guy who thinks that everyone's college education should be paid for by a Wall Street person because it's like a cigarette.


Maybe next you'll impress us with your idea that we need to give everyone a free house because they're like the film on the top of day-old chocolate pudding.


Yeah. That's how phucking stupid you sound. So stupid that even gatorman looks at you in wide-eyed wonder.



This coming from a guy who thinks that everyone's college education should be paid for by a Wall Street person because it's like a cigarette.


Maybe next you'll impress us with your idea that we need to give everyone a free house because they're like the film on the top of day-old chocolate pudding.


Yeah. That's how phucking stupid you sound. So stupid that even gatorman looks at you in wide-eyed wonder.

Gatorman is kicking your weak ass posts to the curb so you have to rewrite his posts like a whimpering sop, what a mewling pathetic simp you are .


Gatorman is kicking your weak ass posts to the curb so you have to rewrite his posts like a whimpering sop, what a mewling pathetic simp you are .

So where does this put you and your post of late?

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