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The GOP Nomination--The Donald and So Much More!

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Ah, "xenophobic nativism", eh? Why don't you just call me a racist? Why are you so against the government making every effort to enforce the law? The illegal aliens in the U.S. have broken the law and if you reward that with amnesty then you are encouraging more of it. Let the illegals that haven't broken the law further or have a criminal past in their country of origin have a path to legal status---not citizenship. The immigrants who come here legally can of course attain citizenship. As far as border security goes---the border needs to be secured so that we not only are keeping illegal aliens out, but terrorists too. This is critical so that we don't have to deal with this very same issue 20 years from now. We also need to punish heavily those employers who knowingly or carelessly hire illegals. All of this falls nicely in with my description of a conservative. What's your position other than to bemoan the "fact" that the GOP will never win another race if they don't somehow become more liberal on immigration than the dems?


Current immigration opponents borrow the same stances and language that was used against the Irish & Italians a century ago.


As for the bolded above, that was the blueprint of the Bush plan, but got shot down as amnesty, so here we are. Just like with many issues, GOP is good with talking points but horrible with execution. It's as if the supporters live in a fantasy land where they can ignore the problem and it will suddenly go away. But the problems don't go away, and inaction usually causes bigger problems down the road. GOP doesn't control the agenda any more and are very close to a position where they won't have the ability to enact meaningful reform or be able to enforce it.


That's why populist politicians like Trump can rile up the base, but the more extreme & divisive the proposal, the greater chance that it will do more damage because the other side will turn a deaf ear and the demographics move further away.

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Current immigration opponents borrow the same stances and language that was used against the Irish & Italians a century ago.


As for the bolded above, that was the blueprint of the Bush plan, but got shot down as amnesty, so here we are. Just like with many issues, GOP is good with talking points but horrible with execution. It's as if the supporters live in a fantasy land where they can ignore the problem and it will suddenly go away. But the problems don't go away, and inaction usually causes bigger problems down the road. GOP doesn't control the agenda any more and are very close to a position where they won't have the ability to enact meaningful reform or be able to enforce it.


That's why populist politicians like Trump can rile up the base, but the more extreme & divisive the proposal, the greater chance that it will do more damage because the other side will turn a deaf ear and the demographics move further away.

I don't disagree with this. If the dems wanted a deal on immigration, they could have it simply by making border security a top priority in that deal. They don't want a deal though. They want the issue to remain a talking point for them. The smart Republican presidential candidate will make immigration reform an issue but by making it clear that citizenship is not in the future for people who entered this country illegally. Legal status certainly can be though. I can picture the smart candidate saying that he doesn't want the (presently) illegals to have to constantly look over their shoulder so he wants to make the ones who have been otherwise legal, legal. He also needs to make it clear that he won't reward illegal immigrants with citizenship. This and a plan to really secure the border will win me over. It should also win over the Hispanics who should see it as a fair and practical solution.

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The smart Republican presidential candidate will make immigration reform an issue but by making it clear that citizenship is not in the future for people who entered this country illegally. Legal status certainly can be though. I can picture the smart candidate saying that he doesn't want the (presently) illegals to have to constantly look over their shoulder so he wants to make the ones who have been otherwise legal, legal.


Unfortunately, Trump has come out saying that they all have to be deported. And his followers are devoted to King Trump, what he says, goes. And he has spoken, which means that if you don't support deporting all the illegal immigrants, you are a RINO, a sellout, and you don't love America. Because Trump is the only one who gives hope, the rest of the field are a bunch RINO politicians who dare go against King Trump the all omnipotent one, how dare they challenge The Donald.


I mean, look at his plan. It's the best plan since the Magna Carta according to the nations most notable nativist, Ann Coulter. Hannity, Levin and Rush are all for this, this train has now left the station, and it's not gonna come back for a while. The fire has been stoked, the damage is beginning to emanate as we are now seeing candidates even top tier ones that are tacking hard right in order to pander to these folks.

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I don't disagree with this. If the dems wanted a deal on immigration, they could have it simply by making border security a top priority in that deal. They don't want a deal though. They want the issue to remain a talking point for them. The smart Republican presidential candidate will make immigration reform an issue but by making it clear that citizenship is not in the future for people who entered this country illegally. Legal status certainly can be though. I can picture the smart candidate saying that he doesn't want the (presently) illegals to have to constantly look over their shoulder so he wants to make the ones who have been otherwise legal, legal. He also needs to make it clear that he won't reward illegal immigrants with citizenship. This and a plan to really secure the border will win me over. It should also win over the Hispanics who should see it as a fair and practical solution.


Democrats don't have to do anything because they have the numbers on their side, so all they have to do is sit back and watch GOP alienate the Hispanics. And when GOP can't agree on reform, Dems simply promise more handouts and remind everyone how much the GOP base hates the Hispanics.


That's why the Trump deal is so ridiculous from GOP's standpoint, you couldn't ask for a more gift-wrapped present if you are Hillary.

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Democrats don't have to do anything because they have the numbers on their side, so all they have to do is sit back and watch GOP alienate the Hispanics. And when GOP can't agree on reform, Dems simply promise more handouts and remind everyone how much the GOP base hates the Hispanics.


That's why the Trump deal is so ridiculous from GOP's standpoint, you couldn't ask for a more gift-wrapped present if you are Hillary.

Doesn't matter. The Republican candidate is not winning the Hispanic vote. Not with Trump's position or with Bush's. No Republican is going to run on amnesty or extra benefits for low income folks so the majority of Hispanics who primarily want those benefits will vote for the Dem because the Dem will offer that. Historically speaking Republicans have never won the Hispanic vote even after Reagan signed Amnesty which says to me that free stuff even Trumps citizenship. The real question is how many Non-hispanic votes will a Republican pick up in key states if they run with the promise to finally deal with border security and all of the illegal folks here one way or the other? As long as Hispanic illegals continue to kill white or black people once a month or so and that continues to be reported, I think that number of votes will be large.

Edited by keepthefaith
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I'm guessing it's a softening of the genocide of Latinos message

A real shame, that. I'm sure he thought he had a real policy winner there.


Don't allow the perfect to be the enemy of the good.


BTW, has anyone noticed that Jeb now has favorable/unfavorable numbers that are as bad as Trump's?


The establishment really needs to find an alternative and stop shoving Jeb down our throats.

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'Donald Trump was AMAZING in bed': Former Penthouse Pet reveals the presidential hopeful had his secretary track her down after spotting her in a sexy magazine spread... and he didn't disappoint

I don't get why more Republicans aren't promoting Kasich.


lol, that line is how to spot libs these days.

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Don't allow the perfect to be the enemy of the good.


BTW, has anyone noticed that Jeb now has favorable/unfavorable numbers that are as bad as Trump's?


The establishment really needs to find an alternative and stop shoving Jeb down our throats.

Keep jabbing yourself in the eye and pretend it feels good. Who exactly is shoving Jeb down your throat?


Now run off and jerk off to your Coulter poster

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'Donald Trump was AMAZING in bed': Former Penthouse Pet reveals the presidential hopeful had his secretary track her down after spotting her in a sexy magazine spread... and he didn't disappoint



lol, that line is how to spot libs these days.


Yeah, but I'll bet he wasn't better than Putin. Libs know that Cons missed the ticket by not wooing Puting back in March when they had the chance. Talk about a guy who is good in bed.


Does Trump hunt animals? Or is he just a city queer?

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I don't get why more Republicans aren't promoting Kasich.


Because nutbags progs like you keep wondering why Republicans don't like Kasich.


You did in Huntsman and you're doing in Kasich.


And yet you're all stupid enough to think we're as stupid as you.


First mistake.

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Not as long as the only people promoting him are progressives.


He's your new John Huntsman. Didn't work then. Won't work now. You're too stupid to realize this...which is, somehow, not surprising.

So you are saying that Kasich is electable?

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Not now they wouldn't. I'm not expecting it to be around when I'd be eligible to receive it, so I'm making alternate plans.

Smart move saving money and not depending solely on social security. Won't be enough anyway.


This won't be around business though I seriously doubt. When I was in college and got a summer job, the boss recommended us summer workers to not contribute because SS wouldn't be around for us. That was 1979. It's still here and I could start taking payments in a few years. Didn't believe it then and still don't. Needs to be fixed and it wouldn't be that hard to do. A fix will happen at some point to keep it going I suspect.

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Smart move saving money and not depending solely on social security. Won't be enough anyway.


This won't be around business though I seriously doubt. When I was in college and got a summer job, the boss recommended us summer workers to not contribute because SS wouldn't be around for us. That was 1979. It's still here and I could start taking payments in a few years. Didn't believe it then and still don't. Needs to be fixed and it wouldn't be that hard to do. A fix will happen at some point to keep it going I suspect.

FRA needs to be moved to 70 for those under 50 ASAP. And 75 for those under 30 is probably not a bad idea either.

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So you are saying that Kasich is electable?


Not as long as the only people promoting him are progressives.


He's your new John Huntsman. Didn't work then. Won't work now. You're too stupid to realize this...even after it's been explained to you in a manner so simple, even gatorman gets it.

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Not as long as the only people promoting him are progressives.


He's your new John Huntsman. Didn't work then. Won't work now. You're too stupid to realize this...even after it's been explained to you in a manner so simple, even gatorman gets it.

Uh.. gee. Kasich is the only Republican that I'd consider voting for, but, if you say so. #feelthebern

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