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Bills OL coach Aaron Kromer arrested (Suspended 6 games)

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I'm only about winning. The Bills, as an organization and representative of WNY's tight-knit blue collar community, should have their coach's back and kill the kid's family.





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Actually I think you're criticizing a man for having standards and it's you who are unable to view these issues clearly because you like many here view everything through a prism of wins and losses.

It's a football team. What prism would you prefer we look at it through?

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It's a football team. What prism would you prefer we look at it through?

One where the team "drops the hammer" on Marcel in excess of his league punishment. One where we always rush to judgement on every player or coach because our moral outrage demands it.


Oh, most importantly, one where the Bills are terrible. Because, you know, Very Wide Right hates the Bills.

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An assumption is a leap by definition, pinhead.


I meant a leap for you.








You still don't get it.

And paid leave is NOT banishment.




The team can, and should, do whatever it wishes with any of their employees who are arrested. Certainly murder and conspiracy, in the case of Hernandez, are headline grabbing stories and forced the P*ts to be proactive -- but I doubt very much Hernandez was released by the team before their own investigators got as much information as possible from the authorities and Aaron. With Hernandez, this turned out to be the correct move in hindsight considering the conviction that followed. But how stupid would they have looked had he been found innocent?


The Bills will do (and I believe are currently doing) their due dillegence in the Kromer case. Every negative, worst case scenario that WEO and company are painting might be 100% true. No one is arguing that. But assuming that all the facts are known to the public -- as WEO states repeatedly -- is demonstrably absurd. Clearly there are two sides to this story and we've only heard fragments of one side. My only point is rushing to judgement without knowing all the facts is silly and counter-productive.


What's the rush to hang the guy? Why does it have to be done TODAY before all the facts are known? Is it just so people can feel self righteous? There's no harm in waiting, but plenty of harm in rushing to judgement.


You mean like having the American standard of innocent until proven guilty? Yeah, it's not surprising that someone who claims their screen name is politically inspired (when it's clearly an anti Bills' slam) has no understanding of what this country is all about.


No, I have repeatedly said there are things we know. I've repeatedly asked what is it that we don't know that would make this all go away (DC Tom's attack chair excluded)? Is this something you can't even speculate about? We're just talking here.


And again, the Pegulas are the ones who have taken him away from team (he isn't allowed on the property or allowed to participate in teeam activities---but he's not "banished"?), not me. Why not call them out for not waiting for all of the facts to come out? Why can' they let this new coach stay right where he is and get ready for camp until all is known? Was their action not a rush to judgement?--they just tossed him out of the building, effectively.


Your ire is misplaced on me---take it up with Kim and Terry. Or Doug (the other Doug).

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No, I have repeatedly said there are things we know. I've repeatedly asked what is it that we don't know that would make this all go away (DC Tom's attack chair excluded)? Is this something you can't even speculate about? We're just talking here.


And again, the Pegulas are the ones who have taken him away from team (he isn't allowed on the property or allowed to participate in teeam activities---but he's not "banished"?), not me. Why not call them out for not waiting for all of the facts to come out? Why can' they let this new coach stay right where he is and get ready for camp until all is known? Was their action not a rush to judgement?--they just tossed him out of the building, effectively.


Your ire is misplaced on me---take it up with Kim and Terry. Or Doug (the other Doug).


You want me to guess as to what is unknown about the story? You realize that's silly, right? That doesn't make your point, it hurts your point. Why the rush to judgement on your part? What's your hurry? You're not an employee of the team, you're not a judge nor are you in law enforcement... so what's the hurry to rush to judgement before knowing all the facts of the case?


I'd love an answer to that.

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Nuke the entire site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.

I think Rosen tried that earlier today - or was that yesterday. It's so hard to know what time it is when you're locked in a room with no windows and no doors.

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You want me to guess as to what is unknown about the story? You realize that's silly, right? That doesn't make your point, it hurts your point. Why the rush to judgement on your part? What's your hurry? You're not an employee of the team, you're not a judge nor are you in law enforcement... so what's the hurry to rush to judgement before knowing all the facts of the case?


I'd love an answer to that.

Because Kromer said something true about Jay Cutler and it got out. And (to paraphrase a saying he's used before) if Kromer was someone he liked, he'd bend over defending him. Witness the Brady cheating thread.

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Because Kromer said something true about Jay Cutler and it got out. And (to paraphrase a saying he's used before) if Kromer was someone he liked, he'd bend over defending him. Witness the Brady cheating thread.

... waiting. ... waiting. ...waiting.

No news yet?

Does anyone know if Florio, LaCanfora, and Rappaport are members of the kid's family?

... hoping.

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