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There is a bill in the CA legislature that, if passed, would prohibit naming schools after important figures in the Civil War (aka the War of Northern Aggression), e.g., Robert E. Lee. (U. S. Grant would probably be OK.) Seems to me that is well beyond even the most extreme of the PC objectives of our day. If the proposal becomes law, it might be cost effective to assign schools several names and, as the current name goes out of favor, the custodian could just reprogram the computer to show the now-in-favor name on the school's facade.





Yet there are Malcolm X schools all over the damn place.

I'm going out on a limb and guessing there are a few Cesar Chavez schools in the Peoples Republic of California.


Just use numbers. Numbers can't be offensive. right?

1 = Loneliest number

3 = Chinese superstition

4 = Another Chinese superstition

9 = Japanese superstition

13 = We all know this one

17 = Italian Superstition

21 = Terrible reminder for recovering gambling addicts

32 = OJ (Bastard)

69 = Offensive to prudes

100 = Offensive to those who never had a perfect test score in school

666 = The number of the beast


And I would imagine there are lots and lots more


I'm going out on a limb and guessing there are a few Cesar Chavez schools in the Peoples Republic of California.

He was a good boxer but I think there were better ones. Sugar Ray Robinson Elementary?


Just when you think California is batschitt crazy...along comes Oregon where 15 is the age of medical consent, and the state's Health Evidence Review Commission recently decided that sex-change operations should be available to 15-year-olds without parental consent. With the tab picked up by the state, no less.


On the up side, it's a state thing, so if you don't like it, live somewhere else.


Just when you think California is batschitt crazy...along comes Oregon where 15 is the age of medical consent, and the state's Health Evidence Review Commission recently decided that sex-change operations should be available to 15-year-olds without parental consent. With the tab picked up by the state, no less.


On the up side, it's a state thing, so if you don't like it, live somewhere else.


Oregon wants to be like Bangkok?

Where half the chicks you meet are actually dudes...

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