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Your "Parent of the Year" Moments


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Need a little public flogging.


Long story short , son posted something last week on social media that was not acceptable while he was staying at a friends house. He has continued to insist throughout his punishment that his pal got his phone and password and posted without his knowing. As I told my son, I was born at night, but not last night.


His buddy and his Dad(good friend of mine) just left after apologizing to my son, wife and I .....as it was him after all. So son had week long punishment, and his buddy taking it even worse now for the coming week.


Now I had to apologize to son for not believing him....father of the year I am.


Unfortunately , have had several over the years, more than I care to admit. Once shooed my daughter out of my office with tears in her eyes as I thought she was just arguing with her brother and I was on some nonsense con call....come out 20 minutes later to her balling her eyes out as our dog was dead as a doornail on the deck and she had found the dog. ..she was 8 at the time.


Feels good to just confess I guess!

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what sets you apart from the other 'parent of the year' candidates we like to mock here is that you own up to your mistakes and hopefully go over and above to apologize. I tell my kids all the time, parents aren't perfect and we are learning as we go, just like them, but that we have more years of experience to draw upon.


my son posted some videos of him doing skateboard tricks, he nails the trick and then directly into the camera yells "f*** yeah" and throws down his already split board. I texted him and told him I don't want to see that kind of language on fb and that if he continues to show him slamming down his board, I won't be supporting his habit any longer, even though it may have already been broken. He immediately took down the video. My rule for social media is to not put anything online that would offend their grandparents...it takes constant reminding but they obey.

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Need a little public flogging.


Long story short , son posted something last week on social media that was not acceptable while he was staying at a friends house. He has continued to insist throughout his punishment that his pal got his phone and password and posted without his knowing. As I told my son, I was born at night, but not last night.


His buddy and his Dad(good friend of mine) just left after apologizing to my son, wife and I .....as it was him after all. So son had week long punishment, and his buddy taking it even worse now for the coming week.


Now I had to apologize to son for not believing him....father of the year I am.


Unfortunately , have had several over the years, more than I care to admit. Once shooed my daughter out of my office with tears in her eyes as I thought she was just arguing with her brother and I was on some nonsense con call....come out 20 minutes later to her balling her eyes out as our dog was dead as a doornail on the deck and she had found the dog. ..she was 8 at the time.


Feels good to just confess I guess!

If anything it might have taught your son the value of protecting his password. He didn't post it, but it was posted under his name. If it was a really bad post that could come back to haunt him in the future.

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it could end up on his permanent record



If anything it might have taught your son the value of protecting his password. He didn't post it, but it was posted under his name. If it was a really bad post that could come back to haunt him in the future.

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I also punished my son after not believing him. But it didn't last a week.


He once woke me up in the middle of the night (age ~8) to tell me he "had a bad bug bite" on his neck that was bothering him. I made him go back to bed. Next morning, I removed the tick from his neck.


In order to save money/time, I "fixed" his hair with my clippers. Made him look like a leper and he had to go to school the next day like that. Then, when I took him to the barber, the only way they could make it look halfway decent was to nearly shave his head.


We do things out of love. Sometimes we eff up.

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My twin boys are almost 2-1/2...


They are going through their version of the terrible twos, which--comparatively--isn't really that bad; they're also potty training right now.


The other day, one of my sons was in meltdown mode. Didn't want to go to bed, didn't want to get his night diaper beforehand, didn't want to use the potty, and didn't want to wash his hands. Standard two-year-old behavior.


He wouldn't cooperate for anything, and I'd had it...I just let out a full-on scream at him ("STOP IT!"). Scared him something fierce.


I sent them both upstairs with Mrs. Bandit for bedtime. A few short minutes later, the same kid appears at the top of the stairs, looks down at me on the couch (still festering), flashes me his cutest smile, and says in toddlerese: "Daddy, will you come back for bedtime please?" He did it all of his own volition; no prodding from mommy at all. I screamed at this kid for being a two-year old (what did I expect?), and he responds by politely asking me to come put him in bed.


Yeah, I felt like a horrible parent. I apologized as soon as I got upstairs. He wasn't listening to me; that's no excuse for screaming at him that way.

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I also punished my son after not believing him. But it didn't last a week.


He once woke me up in the middle of the night (age ~8) to tell me he "had a bad bug bite" on his neck that was bothering him. I made him go back to bed. Next morning, I removed the tick from his neck.


In order to save money/time, I "fixed" his hair with my clippers. Made him look like a leper and he had to go to school the next day like that. Then, when I took him to the barber, the only way they could make it look halfway decent was to nearly shave his head.


We do things out of love. Sometimes we eff up.


These are great...made me laugh !

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Yikes....i see why you were so upset....never call it 'the river' it's 'the Rivah'....




I agree Pooj...the horror of not being part of proper breeding



You're right, that was inappropriate. He should have said "at the club."


Lord knows, at 14 he prolly trying to sneak in already



Maybe he was high on life......music.......nature?



Or maybe high with joy I am his father?

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The story about being on the con call and your daughter crying is hilarious (except for the fate of your dog of course) and something I could definitely see happening to me.


Just watch reality TV and you will feel like an amazing parent in comparison. It works every time.

Edited by YoloinOhio
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His buddy and his Dad(good friend of mine) just left after apologizing to my son, wife and I .....as it was him after all. So son had week long punishment, and his buddy taking it even worse now for the coming week.

Now I had to apologize to son for not believing him....father of the year I am.


He should be responsible for his phone. No way his friend should 'get a hold' of it AND know his password.



I seem to make one of my daughters cry almost daily (of course, it usually doesn't take much). But yeah, occasionally I'll lose my cool and snap at one of them and feel terrible about it. Fortunately they bounce back from everything quickly and it gives me an excuse for a long snuggle.

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Once went on a big family trip to France for Christmas and didn't notice that my 8 year old son wasn't with us until we were already in flight. We were worried, but he was a tough little guy. He protected the house and even taught himself how to do laundry.

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wow...sounds like you have a very resourceful kid! congrats. very cool story though


Once went on a big family trip to France for Christmas and didn't notice that my 8 year old son wasn't with us until we were already in flight. We were worried, but he was a tough little guy. He protected the house and even taught himself how to do laundry.

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