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My open letter to you all

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Loved this post, my dad tried to instill his love for the Bills in me at an early age, but it never really caught on. I lived in Rochester until I was 8 and then moved to Philadelphia and at the time didnt consider myself really a Bills fans. It took to be surround by all the idiot Eagles fans to go back to my roots, and become a much bigger Bills fans. My first real memory was the snow out game of Bills-Dolphins when Ricky Williams ran for 200+ yards and the Bills still came out with the win. From then on I was hooked. I remember the heartbreak of losing to the Steelers back ups in 2004 to miss the playoffs, and my Dad told me you'll get used to that kind of stuff as a Bills fans. As a 22 year old, I can't remember the Bills playing in the postseason.


We try and make it back to the home opener and one other game every year. We usually park in the front lawn of someones house on Abbott and walk to Danny's for a tailgate with my Dad's cousin/friends. There is absolutely nothing that gives me the goosebumps quite like the tailgate and the Ralph on a fall Sunday. My first purchase after starting my full time job was Bills season tickets with my dad, I absolutely cannot wait September 13th!!!!!



Great story man!!!!


Thanks for sharing!



GO BILLS!!! :beer:




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