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I've been to lots of concerts. <_<


Seeing other large people stage at shows dive doesn't make what Max and Drew did any less irresponsible or reckless. I mean - this was just like drinking and driving. They didn't mean to hurt anyone, but the choices they made ended up doing so.


When you're a gigantic human being like these two are, you just have to be aware of what type of forces you're able to create with your size. Zolak managed to do the right thing. Max and Drew not doing so does indeed say something about them as people.

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Isnt this the same news that has been reported by Mort on ESPN and other journalists for the past month or so?



What would be funny is if the report started...


...We have just found out that The Bills front office is considering not bringing back Drew unless...

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Drew always has been, and is a true stand-up guy...but, plain and simple, he wasnt getting ti done on the football field anymore...this a football decision plain and simple...if hes truly gone, i am glad that we had him for the few years that we did, and for what he did for the franchise...


but as stojan (i think) has said numerous times, his grandma is a good preson, but we wouldnt want her QBing our football team...

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I say bad character yes on this one. It goes beyond doing something "stupid." When you're the size of these two guys and you propel yourself into a crowd of people that consists of kids that are a third your size, you're recklessly endangering other people.


Wow, i really think that drew bledsoe is a terrible human being. Just think of the amount of emotional and physical damage he has done to undersided cornerbacks, safeties, linebackers, and defensive ends around the league? First this girl, now john abraham, teddy bruschi, and zach thomas. Man oh man. He really could have hurt someone doing his "stage diving", or as i call it, "the backfield flop". It's a nifty dance move though. He's the most prolific backfield flopper the bills have ever had, save rob johnson. I will truly miss that frozen grip on the ball, those pats of the ball, the glancing towards moulds, then moulds, then moulds, then moulds, then INSERT TIGHT END NAME HERE, then moulds, and the major freak dance he incurs with the victimized defender. Finally, i will miss forever his head bob of despiration and half assed chin strap removal technique he perfected after his nifty backfield flop maneuver.




On a serious note, drew's a good guy. I do wish him well wherever he goes. He just couldn't get it done here and i'm glad its almost over. I'd hate for the bills and bledsoe to suffer another year.

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JP Losman will be no letdown compared with Bledsoe. If Bledsoe is unwilling to take the backup job he's better off not being here, he'll just be a distraction. If he were willing to take the backup and mentor JP I'd be all for it, but I dont think he's that type of guy.

JP's lack of experience will show I'm sure, but I'm ready to see what this guy is all about, I think he's got the qualitites to be a bona fide starter in this league.


THE FUTURE #83 #21 #7

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JP Losman will be no letdown compared with Bledsoe.  If Bledsoe is unwilling to take the backup job he's better off not being here, he'll just be a distraction.  If he were willing to take the backup and mentor JP I'd be all for it, but I dont think he's that type of guy.

Yeah, it's not like he didn't mentor Tom Brady. <_<

JP's lack of experience will show I'm sure, but I'm ready to see what this guy is all about, I think he's got the qualitites to be a bona fide starter in this league.

I thought he had all the qualities until he broke his leg on a routine play, and then looked like sh-- against the Pats and later said he was "unprepared." JP has a LONG way to go to show me he's even going to be a good QB, much less a bonafide starter.

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that's actually not the case. Because 100% is relative. There are QBs in this league, like pennington and brady, who devote a crazy amount of their time to film study and practice. drew doesn't do that. he puts his required time in, does a little extra, and devotes the majority of his time to his family, which from his angle is more important.


as a QB, he doesn't have the same priorities.


I can't criticize him for that, because his family should be important, but i think i'd rather have a guy who's a complete QB geek than a family man.



If Drew's family was so important to him, he would move them to Buffalo to live year round so he could spend time with them as he concentrated on leading the Bills.


Drew talks a good game, but he has always taken his physical skills for granted and not committed himself to improving himself.


Drew will finally be gone because he embarassed Teflon Tom and MM against their most hated former employer.

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For what it's worth, my girlfriend, who knows NOTHING about football aside from watching the occasional few minutes of a Bills game with me, endorses this move.


She said, and I quote, "It's about time - he can't hang with the big boys. He just stands there looking confused until he gets clobbered."


There you have it.

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JP Losman will be no letdown compared with Bledsoe.


We'll see what people say if we wind up 4-12 next year...


That said, this is still firmly planted in "rumor" state right now; there's no links anywhere to back it up. I'd guess it's the same "story" as when Mort said it last month.



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She said, and I quote, "It's about time - he can't hang with the big boys. He just stands there looking confused until he gets clobbered."



Best summation of Drew's game yet.

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She said, and I quote, "It's about time - he can't hang with the big boys.  He just stands there looking confused until he gets clobbered."

Best summation of Drew's game yet.


Funny, but I brought my girlfriend to her first ever NFL game against the Steelers this year, and she echoed that sentiment. She's not a huge NFL fan, but she asked me "Why does Bledsoe always look so confused? I thought you told me he had 10 years of experience".

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For what it's worth, my girlfriend, who knows NOTHING about football aside from watching the occasional few minutes of a Bills game with me, endorses this move.


She said, and I quote, "It's about time - he can't hang with the big boys.  He just stands there looking confused until he gets clobbered."


There you have it.


She have a sister?

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