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Jerry Brown Forced Vaccinations

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Unvaccinated kids have herd immunity, so again, other parents who are responsible getting their kids basic vaccines picking up the slack...

Where do we stop then? Car's illegal because thousands die from that every year. Everyone must use public transport? Gun's confiscated. What kind of food can we eat? All can bring harm and certainly more responsible more death than any virus. What society do we want? One that's locked down for our own safety or one where we are independent? Like I said for me it's not about whether I believe or disbelieve in vaccines. It's whether the government can force me to take a needle that I don't want. It just seems so Orwellian to me. We continue to be manipulated to give up control by fear.

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Where do we stop then? Car's illegal because thousands die from that every year. Everyone must use public transport? Gun's confiscated. What kind of food can we eat? All can bring harm and certainly more responsible more death than any virus. What society do we want? One that's locked down for our own safety or one where we are independent? Like I said for me it's not about whether I believe or disbelieve in vaccines. It's whether the government can force me to take a needle that I don't want. It just seems so Orwellian to me. We continue to be manipulated to give up control by fear.

The government is forcing you to get vaccinations?

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What else should the government force on us for the sake of the herd? All this crap is trumped up bs. All over measles? Please. Be a good little clone and get your shot then. Authoritarian control freaks get even more control and graft. Pharma makes bank. All is good.

And I think i'm one of the few capable of independent thought to be honest.


"All over measles?" You know why you can dismiss a disease as serious as measles so cavalierly?


Because of vaccination, you idiot.

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What, tax the schit out of them?

Yes, since they will be responsible for causing a lot of unnecessary medical bills.

Also, don't let them into any public places. It's worse than second hand smoke.


As far as Dante's rant about the government overstepping it's authority: I see forced vaccinations the same way as seat-belt laws.

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Yes, since they will be responsible for causing a lot of unnecessary medical bills.

Also, don't let them into any public places. It's worse than second hand smoke.


As far as Dante's rant about the government overstepping it's authority: I see forced vaccinations the same way as seat-belt laws.

I don't. If you don't wear your seat belt you only endanger yourself. If you don't vaccinate your kids you endanger others.

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Yes, since they will be responsible for causing a lot of unnecessary medical bills.

Also, don't let them into any public places. It's worse than second hand smoke.


As far as Dante's rant about the government overstepping it's authority: I see forced vaccinations the same way as seat-belt laws.

Ok the advent of HIV should have lead to a ban on anal sex then right? To protect us from ourselves. Like the seat belt law.

The public place thing will lead to some heavy lawsuits. And the medical bills? This might be the scariest thing of all. When the government eventually takes control of all medical they will have total control of us. Almost anything can be mandated in the name of the public bearing the cost of medical. Sounds like a free country to me.



"All over measles?" You know why you can dismiss a disease as serious as measles so cavalierly?


Because of vaccination, you idiot.

Well when something huge like measles begins it's deadly rampage across the country I will take my shot then chief.

Edited by Dante
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Ok the advent of HIV should have lead to a ban on anal sex then right? To protect us from ourselves. Like the seat belt law.

The public place thing will lead to some heavy lawsuits. And the medical bills? This might be the scariest thing of all. When the government eventually takes control of all medical they will have total control of us. Almost anything can be mandated in the name of the public bearing the cost of medical. Sounds like a free country to me.


Well one something huge like measles begins it's deadly rampage across the country I will take my shot then chief.

No one is forcing you to do anything. Don't get a shot. Dont vaccinate your kids. Fine.

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Well one something huge like measles begins it's deadly rampage across the country I will take my shot then chief.

Thus illustrating the ignorance that makes it necessary to force you to be vaccinated.

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Thus illustrating the ignorance that makes it necessary to force you to be vaccinated.

Not happening son. Not sticking me with mercury and aluminum. I'll die by measles rather than submit to tyranny.

Edited by Dante
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Not happening son. Not sticking me with mercury and aluminum. I'll die by measles rather than submit to tyranny.

Say there's an outbreak of a deadly, highly contagious, fast-acting plague. Would you be against putting those infected in quarantine?

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Not happening son. Not sticking me with mercury and aluminum. I'll die by measles rather than submit to tyranny.


While I doubt it would not have changed your mind had you been here, it didn't take long for panic to sink in here is SoCal when Disneyland was dealing with the measles.

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Where do we stop then? Car's illegal because thousands die from that every year. Everyone must use public transport? Gun's confiscated. What kind of food can we eat? All can bring harm and certainly more responsible more death than any virus. What society do we want? One that's locked down for our own safety or one where we are independent? Like I said for me it's not about whether I believe or disbelieve in vaccines. It's whether the government can force me to take a needle that I don't want. It just seems so Orwellian to me. We continue to be manipulated to give up control by fear.


We know polio is a viscious disease, we have a medical remedies, we set policy that people get it. We know cars are dangerous, seatbelts are proven to save lives, we require they be worn. We have building codes so people live in safe, proven dwellings.


Again, move to places that are lawless like Africa and no one will force you, nor require you do anything. The rest of us will get a polio vaccine, wear a seat belt and update the electrical in our homes to code- and continue live privileged lives in this amazing country we call the USA. Oh the horror of this tyrannical horror we call the USA, with our 200 plus years of peaceful transfer of power!!!!

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Not happening son. Not sticking me with mercury and aluminum. I'll die by measles rather than submit to tyranny.


Thanks for the medical advice, Jenny McCarthy.

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Thanks for the medical advice, Jenny McCarthy.

What exactly has happened recently to justify forced vaccinations? A fuggin measle outbreak. Please guys wake up. I was being a bit flippant but everyone is much to eager to surrender independence when they get spooked by anything. I really don't care about vaccinations honestly I don't. I just don't like a government official telling me my kids mus to get them. This manufactured crisis is just another power/money grab.

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What exactly has happened recently to justify forced vaccinations? A fuggin measle outbreak. Please guys wake up. I was being a bit flippant but everyone is much to eager to surrender independence when they get spooked by anything. I really don't care about vaccinations honestly I don't. I just don't like a government official telling me my kids mus to get them. This manufactured crisis is just another power/money grab.

No it isn't - but don't let that get in the way of you regurgitating your stupidity despite enough evidence in this thread alone to disprove your "theory."


Now do us all a favor and get another name of someone who had a reaction to a vaccine, as if the insanely low possibility of that happening somehow justifies inviting eradicated diseases back into society.

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What exactly has happened recently to justify forced vaccinations? A fuggin measle outbreak. Please guys wake up. I was being a bit flippant but everyone is much to eager to surrender independence when they get spooked by anything. I really don't care about vaccinations honestly I don't. I just don't like a government official telling me my kids mus to get them. This manufactured crisis is just another power/money grab.


Power money grab for whom?


You realize that the people you're railing about, stand to make a HELL of a lot more money in a full blown measles outbreak than they would in pushing $0.50 vaccines to every dumbass parents' kid

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