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In honor of Canada Day, who is your favo(u)rite Canadian?

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Haha-- likewise!


Happy Canada day, CBF!



Aww guys!!! :cry:



Canadian women in general. You guys grow beautiful women on trees up there, eh CBF?



Yes we do!



He's a terrorist now.



Celine Dion is there #1 sex symbol.


I repeat. :sick:





KD Lang is





Oh, and special love goes out today to CBF. Greatly appreciate all of your contributions to the board. :)



Thanks so much! That means a lot!







A lot of people.


1)'neighbors,when we had a cottage at honey harbor


2) almost every secretary on younge st. During lunch hour, or anytime for that matter.


3) CBF






After CBF, I am going with Sidney Crosby.


I also would like to give a shout out to all Lifetime Movie Network actors.



You rock!!!!!




Still on for Christmas movies this year?




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Kim Pegula's parents are from Canada so they go on my list too.


Also in no perticular order...



Don Cherry

James Naismith (Invented basketball)

Major Sir Frederick Banting (co-inventor of Insulin)

Terry Fox


Joe Shuster (invented Superman and Batman)




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KD Lang is




I have never heard of KD Lang but just because he is a terrorist doesn't mean that Lightfoot isn't one too. He moved to India and re-named himself Yusef Jihad or something like that.

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