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Favorite Non Alcoholic Beverage

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I drank one of those Monster Rehab drinks (the red one) one my drive from Syracuse to Vermont yesterday. Holy crap! By the time I was half way done I felt like I had just hoovered a pile of Columbian marching powder. I don't know how you can drink those regularly. They are tasty though.


I used to drink 3-4 a day of those


good times

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I drank one of those Monster Rehab drinks (the red one) one my drive from Syracuse to Vermont yesterday. Holy crap! By the time I was half way done I felt like I had just hoovered a pile of Columbian marching powder. I don't know how you can drink those regularly. They are tasty though.


I drink the yellow ones, and I'm a caffeine fiend. Only 25 calories to a can and gives my brain a few extra RPMs. Coffee does nothing for me anymore when it comes to waking up, being energetic, etc. Fast living back in the day probably skews my perspective a bit, though.

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Now granted I gave myself diabetes drinking the regular stuff, but the diet stuff isn't as bad for you in moderation as internet memes will have you believe.


Diet Coke as an example:


Mostly because of 4-methylimidazole and aspartame which are thought to increase risk of cancer as well as phosphoric acid which kills tooth enamel. Not to mention the "Natural Flavors" - if they were so natural, don't you think they would actually be listed? sort of a catch all of B.S., I mean, everything is created from something natural in one way shape or form.


Also some studies have shown that diet soda actually increases cravings for sweets, which cause some people to consume empty calories from other sweet sources after the cravings.


Personally, I rather drink the normal soda with all the calories and less chemicals. Just look at it as a treat instead of a source of hydration and it's fine.

Edited by Mark80
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Diet Coke as an example:


Mostly because of 4-methylimidazole and aspartame which are thought to increase risk of cancer as well as phosphoric acid which kills tooth enamel. Not to mention the "Natural Flavors" - if they were so natural, don't you think they would actually be listed? sort of a catch all of B.S., I mean, everything is created from something natural in one way shape or form.


Also some studies have shown that diet soda actually increases cravings for sweets, which cause some people to consume empty calories from other sweet sources after the cravings.


Personally, I rather drink the normal soda with all the calories and less chemicals. Just look at it as a treat instead of a source of hydration and it's fine.

i drink a diet coke about 5-6 times per week. It's my afternoon pick me up. Will I die soon or is that considered a treat?
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i drink a diet coke about 5-6 times per week. It's my afternoon pick me up. Will I die soon or is that considered a treat?

Aspertame poisoning research is based on lab rats drinking insane amounts. You woud need to drink an average of 12-15 cans of diet pop per day, for about 25 years for your chances of cancer to go up slightly.

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4-methylimidazole has shown more direct link than aspartame. To each their own, will it matter down the road? Probably not, could it? Maybe. However, there was a time when smoking was only "thought" to have a linkage as well. Just don't be one of those I'll have a Big Mac / Large Fries / Diet Coke types and it's all good to me.

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4-methylimidazole has shown more direct link than aspartame. To each their own, will it matter down the road? Probably not, could it? Maybe. However, there was a time when smoking was only "thought" to have a linkage as well. Just don't be one of those I'll have a Big Mac / Large Fries / Diet Coke types and it's all good to me.

ha - I've actually never had a Big Mac. Or seen Star Wars. Or taken a selfie. This is my claim to unicorn fame.
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