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How do you feel about Jason Giambi


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Jason Giambi is going to hold a news conference this afternoon the intent being to head off the media circus at spring training by facing media now. With all that has come out of Balco investigation his steroid use and his subsequent health problems, how do you feel about him coming to spring training and playing baseball again and trying proove he can do it clean.

His former coaches in Oakland say Giambi is a very sensitive guy that cares very much what people think of him and New York will eat him alive.

Its going to be a very tall order for Giambi to have success and show he can succeed without steroids . He is going to get ragged on big time where ever he goes, particularly if he starts poorly. The Boo's will just rain down.

I dont imagine a person could be more down than he, not that anyones should feel sorry for him, in many ways he the face of everything that is wrong with sport.

He now has a chance to make it right and proove to all it can be done without the juice, I think in the end this is a good thing.

Would you rather they banned such people or give them chance to make it right.

I hope he makes back the right way.


Jason Giambi

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I think he should be thrown out of baseball forever and all his records be taken off the books. Same goes for Bonds and all the rest of the steroid freaks. It's as big of a disgrace to baseball as the 1919 White Sox throwing the World Series. Even worse is that all these guys used steroids, lied about it, had an unfair advantage over all of those that didn't use steroids, got huge contracts and there are absolutley no repercussions. It's just swept under the rug. Just sad.

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Its a tough call, because there is no precedent in MLB for punishing players who use steriods..but Giambi does deserve some of the criticism he is and will get from now till the day he retires.


Baseball does not really have much consistency with suspensions or punishing players, heck John Rocker was suspended MUCH longer for making comments in his SUV off the field then Roberto Alomar got for spitting on an umpire!


Giambi cannot be viewed the same way, he just cannot, no way to get around that, even if you are a Yankees fan. As for a 2nd chance, I think everyone should get at least 1, but Giambi winning back his fans will not happen overnight.

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He is a disgrace to the game along with Sosa, McGwire, Canseco and all of the other 'roid users. Unfortunately, baseball was very dumb to not ban steroids earlier than last year, so a lot of these guys got away with cheating.



exactly.........how do you prove any of these guys were using before testing even began? based on a book by a fraud like canseco? leaked grand jury testimony that should have never seen the light of day?


you can't prove it, and as a result, they won't get touched.......

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He is a disgrace to the game along with Sosa, McGwire, Canseco and all of the other 'roid users. Unfortunately, baseball was very dumb to not ban steroids earlier than last year, so a lot of these guys got away with cheating.




I agree with you that he disgrased the game....here is one thing I was thinking about however:


If the pitchers also take roids, and Im sure a good amount have or do, its makes them better too...does that somewhat cancel out just labling the hitters? Pitchers probably benefit from it too right?

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I love how the Yankees fans and media are being hypocritical and are absolutely KILLING Giambi yet they are letting Sheffield skate with nary a mention.


They're just upset with Giambi for cheating and SUCKING. They knew full well when he signed with the Yanks that he was a roid-head.

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I think he should be thrown out of baseball forever and all his records be taken off the books. Same goes for Bonds and all the rest of the steroid freaks. It's as big of a disgrace to baseball as the 1919 White Sox throwing the World Series. Even worse is that all these guys used steroids, lied about it, had an unfair advantage over all of those that didn't use steroids, got huge contracts and there are absolutley no repercussions. It's just swept under the rug. Just sad.




so i assume you want gaylord perry and phil niekro tossed out of the HOF as well, seeing they were two of the biggest cheaters in baseball during their time........


cheating has been a part of baseball for as long as it's been around.......vasoline, files, sandpaper, corked bats.......need i go on?


"steriods" is just another way of cheating the game and no worse then the actions of many HOF'ers who found other ways to defame baseball.....

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I love how the Yankees fans and media are being hypocritical and are absolutely KILLING Giambi yet they are letting Sheffield skate with nary a mention.


They're just upset with Giambi for cheating and SUCKING.    They knew full well when he signed with the Yanks that he was a roid-head.




You want me, a Yankees fan, to rip Sheffield I will, this thread is about Giambi, not Sheffield right, or did I miss something when I read the thread title???


Sheff was a bozo too, he didnt know what he was taking? Please, that was a cop-out, and he would be ripped too...I have never beena big fan of Sheff anyway.

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hes a cheater.


we dont have ACTUAL PROOF other players cheated. but he confessed. so thats proof.


forget the 4 game suspention. forget the fines. he cheated. every stat he has should be erased. (cus he said he was using them his whole carrer). the yankees should find a way not pay this guy. there has to be something in the contract about cheating and that be a means to break the contract.


its a discrase.


its no diffrent than paying the pitcher to throw you slow fast ball right up the middle so you can get a home run.


he should never play professonal baseball again.

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hes a cheater.


we dont have ACTUAL PROOF other players cheated. but he confessed. so thats proof.


forget the 4 game suspention. forget the fines. he cheated. every stat he has should be erased. (cus he said he was using them his whole carrer). the yankees should find a way not pay this guy. there has to be something in the contract about cheating and that be a means to break the contract.


its a discrase.


its no diffrent than paying the pitcher to throw you slow fast ball right up the middle so you can get a home run.


he should never play professonal baseball again.




he confessed -- under oath, in testimony that was supposed to be confidential and never released........


if baseball tried to use that against him in any form, they would be sued.......


how come no one wants to touch my questions about niekro and perry? should they be thrown out of the HOF and have their stats taken away? they both cheated.........

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I wish Giambi all the success in the world. I hope he can come back and put up numbers as big as before.


While Giambi may know what he's been doing is bad for his body there wasn't any clear cut rules in MLB about steroids. How can he banned when in all honesty he didn't do anything wrong by the book.


It's really sad that this dark cloud is getting put over the game. It's undoubtable my favorite sport to watch, always has been, but when it gets a black eye like this it's hard for me to watch. Like a good friend you thought you knew well that ends up being a wife beater.....baseball has brought my family together on many occassions and kept the channels of communication open for many years. I hope this gets cleaned up.

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I think he should be thrown out of baseball forever and all his records be taken off the books. Same goes for Bonds and all the rest of the steroid freaks. It's as big of a disgrace to baseball as the 1919 White Sox throwing the World Series. Even worse is that all these guys used steroids, lied about it, had an unfair advantage over all of those that didn't use steroids, got huge contracts and there are absolutley no repercussions. It's just swept under the rug. Just sad.



MLB didn't ban steroid use until last year. Steroids are not illegal like coke or weed, so the players technically did nothing wrong. MLB simply looked the other way while McGuire, Sosa and Bonds were reviving pro baseball with all their juiced dingers (juiced players and balls).


As for the players lying about it, I'm not surprised, just disappointed. When I was a kid Thurman Munson was my hero and I wanted to be just like him. I worry about today’s kids feeling the same way. The real tragedy of this fiasco is the example these players have made, not the records they broke.

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This is unbelievable. There are HUNDREDS of players using steroids. To chastise one who admitted to it is ludicrous. People have been cheating in sports since the dawn of time and I for one applaud him for apologizing and wanting to move on. If you think there are only a few using then you are fools. Do you think there aren't football players getting away with using roids? Then you are an even bigger fool. There are always ways around any and all testing. Get real...

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