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Democrats Getting Out The Illegal Alien Votes Effort

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Although it is impossible to say how many licenses were issued fraudulently, Republican State Rep. Bill Rehm, a retired county sheriff's officer, said more than 100,000 driver’s licenses have been issued to illegal immigrants, but only about 17,000 have filed a state income tax

There is absolutely no evidence that voter fraud occurs in New Mexico. None. Nada.

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Illegal-Immigrant Sex Offenders Not Added to National Registries
Here comes the next big outrage: According to CNN’s John Walsh, the National Sex Offender Public Registry only lists American offenders, not illegal immigrants.
From the Boston Globe’s reporting, last month:
Hundreds of immigrants convicted of sex crimes who should have been deported but instead were released in the United States because their homelands refused to take them back.
They are convicted rapists, child molesters, and kidnappers — among “the worst of the worst,” as one law enforcement agency put it. Yet the Globe found that immigration officials have released them without making sure they register with local authorities as sex offenders.
And once US Immigration and Customs Enforcement frees them, agency officials often lose track of the criminals, despite outstanding deportation orders against them. The Globe determined that Hernandez Carrera and several other offenders had failed to register as sex offenders, a crime. By law, police are supposed to investigate if such offenders fail to update their address within days of their release. But local officials said they did not learn that ICE had released the offenders until after the Globe inquired about their cases


In that recent CNN appearance, Walsh mentioned Ángel Maturino Reséndiz, a serial killer who killed at least 15 people from 1986 to 1999. He was deported 17 times to Mexico and returned every time. The state of Texas executed him on June 27, 2006.

Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/corner
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Disgrace: DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson Has No Idea Who Kate Steinle Is


Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson testified on Capitol Hill today about a series of ongoing immigration, illegal immigration and security issues. When asked about whether the Obama administration had reached out to the family of Kate Steinle, the 32-year-old woman who was killed in San Francisco two weeks ago by an illegal alien who had been deported five times, Johnson had no idea who she was.


"Has the administration reached out to the Steinle family, to your knowledge?" Rep. Steve Chabot asked Johnson.

"To who?" Johnson replied.


"To the family of the woman who brutally murdered by this individual who had committed seven different felonies in four different states and to my understanding had been deported, kept coming back, has the administration reached out to that family?" Chabot asked again.


"I'm sorry, I don't know the answer to that question sir," Johnson said.


The answer is no, not a single person in the Obama administration has reached out to the Steinle family and it's a disgrace. Jeh Johnson and President Obama should watch a few interviews of Steinle's family talking about Kate's death and show some respect.









Obama writes personal letters to 46 felons, ignores family of murder victim Kate Steinle...




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"Has the administration reached out to the Steinle family, to your knowledge?" Rep. Steve Chabot asked Johnson.

"To who?" Johnson replied.




That for me was pretty telling. I wish Mr. Chabot hadn't of clarified who the Steinle family was and just allowed Johnson to just sit there not knowing who he was talking about. Most likely one of his aides would have had to have whispered in his ear informing him of who they were.

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Disgrace: DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson Has No Idea Who Kate Steinle Is


Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson testified on Capitol Hill today about a series of ongoing immigration, illegal immigration and security issues. When asked about whether the Obama administration had reached out to the family of Kate Steinle, the 32-year-old woman who was killed in San Francisco two weeks ago by an illegal alien who had been deported five times, Johnson had no idea who she was.


"Has the administration reached out to the Steinle family, to your knowledge?" Rep. Steve Chabot asked Johnson.

"To who?" Johnson replied.


"To the family of the woman who brutally murdered by this individual who had committed seven different felonies in four different states and to my understanding had been deported, kept coming back, has the administration reached out to that family?" Chabot asked again.


"I'm sorry, I don't know the answer to that question sir," Johnson said.


The answer is no, not a single person in the Obama administration has reached out to the Steinle family and it's a disgrace. Jeh Johnson and President Obama should watch a few interviews of Steinle's family talking about Kate's death and show some respect.









Obama writes personal letters to 46 felons, ignores family of murder victim Kate Steinle...




Johnson is worse than a disgrace. He continually lies when he is questioned. Just another one of Obama's insiders doing his dirty political work. Who could possibly believe that he doesn't know who Kate Steinle is?

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The answer is no, not a single person in the Obama administration has reached out to the Steinle family and it's a disgrace.


No, it's not.


The disgrace is politicizing people who are killed. It isn't not politicizing them.

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No, it's not.


The disgrace is politicizing people who are killed. It isn't not politicizing them.

I get it. Obama should have kept his mouth shut about Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown. But he didn't, and his silence here regarding Steinle is just another example of his inherent bias.

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No...Hungary's done a good job keeping the Serbs out. The Macedonians overran Thrace, not Hungary.


I was thinking the visitors from the East, not South.

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No...Hungary's done a good job keeping the Serbs out. The Macedonians overran Thrace, not Hungary.


"They raped Thrace thrice?"..............................obscure reference alert.







Why it’s like the left seeks to create as many low information voters as possible.


Otherwise, this seems rather counterintuitive, considering the drinking age was long ago raised to 21,


and Obamacare assumes someone isn’t an adult until age 26.


And considering an increasing number of college students are demanding “Trigger Warnings” and “Safe Spaces” in response to classic literature and campus speeches,

how can they handle learning about the rough and tumble world of politics?



Clearly the 26th Amendment should be declared a failed experiment in light of the increasing sensitivities of the young “Survivor Class.” Do it for the (overaged) children.

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