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2015-16 Buffalo Bills Negative Thread

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My fear is that this offense ends up sucking even with the weapons. Here is how that could easily play out:


- Buffalo Quarterback (whoever that ends up being) does not show the ability to beat opponents deep - either because the QB doesn't have the talent or because the coaching just doesn't give him the right opportunities to do it or because our offensive line still sucks more than we think.

- Therefore opponents stack the box and cheat defenders to stop the run

- Bills offensive line (although maybe improved somewhat) still does not have the physicality and cohesiveness to run the ball against a stacked D

- The Bills can't run the ball effectively and have no deep threat (sound familiar?)

- End results is lots of 3 and outs - lots of punts - lots of booing from the home crowd fans

- defense wears down from excessive time on the field

- Opposing offense eventually makes a big play against a pretty darn good Bills defense (give the other team too many possessions and they will eventually score TD's even against a good Bills Defense)

- Season meanders with glimmers of hope but falls short of playoffs and actually has less wins than last year

- Every fan still left scratching their heads saying "if only we had a quarterback???????"


That scenario is a real possibility. I don't expect it to happen, but it is a fear that keeps creeping up on me when I try to be optimistic about this team.


Does anyone else think this scenario is a real possibility?

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My fear is that this offense ends up sucking even with the weapons. Here is how that could easily play out:


- Buffalo Quarterback (whoever that ends up being) does not show the ability to beat opponents deep - either because the QB doesn't have the talent or because the coaching just doesn't give him the right opportunities to do it or because our offensive line still sucks more than we think.

- Therefore opponents stack the box and cheat defenders to stop the run

- Bills offensive line (although maybe improved somewhat) still does not have the physicality and cohesiveness to run the ball against a stacked D

- The Bills can't run the ball effectively and have no deep threat (sound familiar?)

- End results is lots of 3 and outs - lots of punts - lots of booing from the home crowd fans

- defense wears down from excessive time on the field

- Opposing offense eventually makes a big play against a pretty darn good Bills defense (give the other team too many possessions and they will eventually score TD's even against a good Bills Defense)

- Season meanders with glimmers of hope but falls short of playoffs and actually has less wins than last year

- Every fan still left scratching their heads saying "if only we had a quarterback???????"


That scenario is a real possibility. I don't expect it to happen, but it is a fear that keeps creeping up on me when I try to be optimistic about this team.


Does anyone else think this scenario is a real possibility?



The O-line is still the biggest question mark for me than QB. If they can't open holes for Shady or give whatever QB time to throw, everything else is moot...

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Hahahaha EJ has a stinky day at practice and the haters are steering clear of this thread en masse.

What else do you want to be said that hasn't already been said? The QB's will be the downfall for the team. Not everyone needs to keep posting the same thing to get attention like you.

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Sometimes I think about what it would be like, after all this excitment, to be really really terrible. Like 1-15 terrible. I don't think it would make my top 5 bills disapointements.

If this were to happen I know where the win would be, so as to extend the excitement as much as possible.

Week two blowout agaist the pats** with brady playing. Probably wouldn't be until week 6 that we figured it out.

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Darby looked lost imo. Not saying bust. Just sayin

Very reminiscent of Leodis in his first few years. Always there, nothing to show for it besides completions. Long ones, at that. Granted, he 'was thrown to the Wolves' by design, but there'll need to be major improvement in 3 short weeks or Graham will have to give up SS to even the field vs Luck.


My biggest concern are 'stolen games', like the Bronco & Jag Home Openers in years gone by. We've had some reverse fortune the last couple years with the Panthers, Vikings, Lions & Chicago. Games we should have and likely would have lost, that we stole victory. Without those 3 from last year (and Tommy-Boy ridin' pine), we'd have been the 'same old Bills'. Today's League is more competitive than ever and we're due for a turn for the worse regarding Karma. Add to this, a Murderers Row of early game opponents, and we'll all be contemplating leaping from high windows by Columbus Day!


So my Negative Comment is that we've blown our Karma opportunities of late (still no Playoffs) and now it'll shift its ugly gaze on our most talented team of the millennium.



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whats with the black and red storm cloud top banner image on Buffalo Bills home page and the TV graphics when showing Bills player profiles?


not sure I understand the meaning.

also seen here W_15118_Feel%2BThe%2BRush%2BCover%2BPhot

Feel the Rush?


When they show that, are they also playing Tom Sawyer?

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