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And now...a bill introduced in Maryland to change the state song, because it was written by a Confederate sympathizer.






Next up: banning the song "Dixie," and digging up every magnolia tree.


We're going to have to ban Amazing Grace, since the lyrics were first conceived by John Newton while he was a slave-trader.

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We're going to have to ban Amazing Grace, since the lyrics were first conceived by John Newton while he was a slave-trader.


We'll replace it with Garrett Morris' timeless classic, "I'm gonna get me a shotgun and kill all the whiteys I see..."


And ban the Declaration of Independence. Because Jefferson was a slave-owning Virginian.

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And now...a bill introduced in Maryland to change the state song, because it was written by a Confederate sympathizer.






Next up: banning the song "Dixie," and digging up every magnolia tree.



No, next up is the entire concept of limited government, as I pointed out earlier in this thread:


"The Old South didn't just give the nation the Confederate flag, "Gone with the Wind" and mint juleps. Its leaders refined the practice of exploiting workers, busting unions and being stingy with investments in public services. Each tactic was designed to create a desperate and powerless workforce that could be exploited by Northern and overseas businesses."


"Some of the most vicious political fights we have today have their origins in the Old South.


Consider the debate over "Big Government" vs. "trickle-down economics." That argument didn't start with President Ronald Reagan, who once declared: "Government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem."

His rhetoric could have been taken from the playbook of the Redeemers, a movement led by pro-business Southern politicians in the late 19th century who vowed to undo the racial and economic reforms unleashed by post-Civil War Reconstruction, which lasted from 1865 to 1877."

"The Redeemers, though, eventually gained control of most Southern statehouses and pledged to reduce the size of government. As the federal government withdrew resources for Reconstruction, the Redeemers defunded public schools, closed public hospitals and halted road construction, all while cutting taxes for the wealthy plantation owners, the "1-percenters" of their day."

"The Old South has long pioneered other ways of exploiting workers besides weakening their bargaining power, Lind and other historians say.

After slavery ended, some Southern business leaders moved on to exploiting children.

During the late 19th and early 20th centuries, millions of children across the country were forced to work in factories, textile mills and mines. The forced labor stunted their growth and kept many away from schools. Factory owners preferred children because they were cheaper, more submissive and less likely to strike."

"The Southern upper class never really cared what color the serfs were," Lind says.

Southernomics doesn't care what color the serfs are today either, he says."

"Even if every Confederate flag was removed from the South, and every racist purged, the nation could still be left with an economic model from the Old South that deliberately keeps ordinary workers weak, dependent and scared."

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"Even if every Confederate flag was removed from the South, and every racist purged, the nation could still be left with an economic model from the Old South that deliberately keeps ordinary workers weak, dependent and scared."


That has to be some of the most ridiculous bullcrap I've ever read in my life.

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That has to be some of the most ridiculous bullcrap I've ever read in my life.

It's no different than the bullcrap they used to take down a flag.


Now that the flag is down, and small government has surrendered, they're coming for the rest of it.


That's why you never surrender your flag.

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It's official. We've all gone insane. We all know that removing monuments will eliminate racism in this country.


I wouldn't say 'insane' so much as I would say 'full retard'.


If they remove those monuments, then let's just go ahead and 'cleanse' Mount Rushmore of all those evil, oppressive presidents. Washington and Jefferson kept slaves, Roosevelt undoubtedly oppressed blacks as NYC police commissioner, and Lincoln should have read the Emancipation Proclamation as his acceptance speech.

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I wouldn't say 'insane' so much as I would say 'full retard'.


If they remove those monuments, then let's just go ahead and 'cleanse' Mount Rushmore of all those evil, oppressive presidents. Washington and Jefferson kept slaves, Roosevelt undoubtedly oppressed blacks as NYC police commissioner, and Lincoln should have read the Emancipation Proclamation as his acceptance speech.


In fact, while we're at it, the Statue of Liberty is a white woman. Take that down. Also, may want to consider removal of the Marine Corps monument since it doesn't include black or "native american" marines.


Heck, let's rename the Redskins, too.

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I wouldn't say 'insane' so much as I would say 'full retard'.


If they remove those monuments, then let's just go ahead and 'cleanse' Mount Rushmore of all those evil, oppressive presidents. Washington and Jefferson kept slaves, Roosevelt undoubtedly oppressed blacks as NYC police commissioner, and Lincoln should have read the Emancipation Proclamation as his acceptance speech.


Don't forget taking down the Jefferson Memorial...



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No, seriously. !@#$ don lemon. That guy was a hack crime reporter in Philly, now he's the second coming of MLK?

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And now there's a campaign to take slave-owning Andrew Jackson of the $20, and replace him with Harriet Tubman. ("But it's to celebrate women's suffrage!" Then why not choose Susan B. Anthony, you nutjobs?)


Only thing surprising about that is it's not Hillary.

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And now there's a campaign to take slave-owning Andrew Jackson of the $20, and replace him with Harriet Tubman. ("But it's to celebrate women's suffrage!" Then why not choose Susan B. Anthony, you nutjobs?)


Only thing surprising about that is it's not Hillary.


If people really wanted to come down on Jackson's legacy, they'd leave him on the $20. Dude's been spinning in his grave since 1971.

Edited by LeviF91
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