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(OT) surround sound systems


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im lookin to buy a surround sound system. the problem is, i dont know jack about stereos or speakers..


ive looked around and i have found that most are simmilar. with price varying by watts.


ive seen 300 watt systems sell for $300, while 1000 watt systems for $175. (i guess thats a really crappy system)


so do yall have any advice on which brand to look for, (for example, sony....)

or how many watts is really needed without spending too much money. (too much money being, above $250, not including stands or wall braces.)

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im lookin to buy a surround sound system. the problem is, i dont know jack about stereos or speakers..


ive looked around and i have found that most are simmilar. with price varying by watts.


ive seen 300 watt systems sell for $300, while 1000 watt systems for $175. (i guess thats a really crappy system)


so do yall have any advice on which brand to look for, (for example, sony....)

or how many watts is really needed without spending too much money. (too much money being, above $250, not including stands or wall braces.)



My advice would be you get what you pay for an item. I would suggest putting a plan together listing all the gear you would like to have. It doesn't have to be elaborate stuff, just good quality items. Then slowy start to build your system. In a couple of years it will be yours. As far as wattage is concerned just make sure you have a high class amp. A high class amp with low wattage will out preform a low class amp with high wattage everyday of the week.


Some good brands to look into are as follows:


AV Rec - Marantz, Denon, Sony ES, Mcintosh (best of the best but you pay for it)


Speakers -- Acoustic Research, Boston Acoustic, Klipsch, and Paradigm are some reasonable priced gear

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im lookin to buy a surround sound system. the problem is, i dont know jack about stereos or speakers..


ive looked around and i have found that most are simmilar. with price varying by watts.


ive seen 300 watt systems sell for $300, while 1000 watt systems for $175. (i guess thats a really crappy system)


so do yall have any advice on which brand to look for, (for example, sony....)

or how many watts is really needed without spending too much money. (too much money being, above $250, not including stands or wall braces.)



Do some research first. Wattage can be measured in various ways, thus a 300 watt sytem can heve more "power" than a 1000 watt system. Also, determine what is important to you. Will you be using more for music or movies and TV. And last, are you looking for "home theatre in a box" or buying the componats seperately. Like with any electronics purchase, easiest thing to do is set a budget, and then research those items that fall within that budget.


In terms of brands, I tend to stay away from any Sony products. You Spend a lot of money for the name, and the performance is generally not there

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In terms of brands, I tend to stay away from any Sony products. You Spend a lot of money for the name, and the performance is generally not there



I'd have to second that. I had a good receiver (not sure what brand) and Bose/Polk Audo speakers that were pretty bulky. When I moved in with my fiance, she had a newer, nicer Sony set that came with the smaller sized speakers, so I gave my system to my brother. A year later I am dissapointed in the Sony system, and miss my Bose speakers!

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Do some research first. Wattage can be measured in various ways, thus a 300 watt sytem can heve more "power" than a 1000 watt system. Also, determine what is important to you. Will you be using more for music or movies and TV. And last, are you looking for "home theatre in a box" or buying the componats seperately. Like with any electronics purchase, easiest thing to do is set a budget, and then research those items that fall within that budget.


In terms of brands, I tend to stay away from any Sony products. You Spend a lot of money for the name, and the performance is generally not there



well since i dont know that much about stereo systems, i was basicaly looking at "home theater in a box". (i should buy stock in Best Buy.... i love that store).


i keep seeing "Yamaha". any bad feelings about them?

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Those forums can answer any questions you can throw at it.


That said, avoid Bose -- while they're not bad, they're vastly overpricsed.


It depends on if you want a "Home Theater in a Box" (cheap, but lesser quality; however, "good enough" for most people), or if you want high quality stuff, in which case you need to buy the receiver, speakers, etc, all separately.


Here's a good deal for an Onkyo (good quality) HTiB:



Not sure if it's a price mistake or whatnot, but if you have a CompUSA near you it might be worth buying it and going for the instore pickup. Circuit City is selling the same system for over $450.



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well since i dont know that much about stereo systems, i was basicaly looking at "home theater in a box". (i should buy stock in Best Buy.... i love that store).


i keep seeing "Yamaha". any bad feelings about them?


I tend to llike Yamaha stuff. Now, my gear is pretty old, so I have not been watching the reviews lately. I have an old Yamaha DD 5.1 receiver(8 yrs old) and still like it. I am not familiar with their "in a box" stuff, but like I sadi, tend to like their stuff

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For me Denon is the best bang for the buck.  There are better out there but you will pay alot more for.  Also don't skimp on speaker wire and cables get the the good stuff, it does make a difference.



Don't buy Monster cable. Don't get suckered into the "our wires are made of some super-secret government installation and that's why they cost $1000/ft". It's all hype. For the most part, wire is wire. Connections are important, but the wire itself is, generally, not.


That said, don't buy the cheapest crap you can find either. ;)



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Don't buy Monster cable.  Don't get suckered into the "our wires are made of some super-secret government installation and that's why they cost $1000/ft".  It's all hype.  For the most part, wire is wire.  Connections are important, but the wire itself is, generally, not.


That said, don't buy the cheapest crap you can find either. ;)





good to know.. thanks.


and after a few min. of looking things up online, i already know anything by KOSS is CRAP.

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Don't buy Monster cable.  Don't get suckered into the "our wires are made of some super-secret government installation and that's why they cost $1000/ft".  It's all hype.  For the most part, wire is wire.  Connections are important, but the wire itself is, generally, not.


That said, don't buy the cheapest crap you can find either. ;)




Whole heartedly agree!!!!!. I tend to use wire bought from home depot.


As an aside,The stuff I spent $2000 on many moons ago is probably equilvalent to the Yamaha in a box set up for $400 now, lol. I am not an audiophile, just wanted the movies to sound cool. For those without HI-def, lost last night was awesome when the right before the Korean dude got knocked down you could hear the whosh going around the room in 5.1. Very cool for regular TV.

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i keep seeing "Yamaha". any bad feelings about them?


I have a Yamaha receiver (don't know the model #) & love it... don't know about their speakers.


Not a Bose fan at all, especially their poor excuses for sub-woofers.


A friend of mine recently bought a HTIAB from Tweeter, she paid around $600 for a system with a Yamaha receiver & Polk speakers... I was very impressed with the sound for the price.

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Just make sure you get a really good subwoofer and a center speaker...those 2 out of the 6 you get are the most important.


Yes and no. When it comes to your surround sound system as it relates to watching DVDs or TV, then yes...your sub and center channel speaker are very important. But your left and right front speakers need to be good as well IF you are into listening to music, because in that case you won't be using the center or sub.


Also remember this; wattage means nothing if your speakers suck. Speakers are to your receiver like your TV is to your video signal. You can have the best signal in the world, but if you're plugging it into a Ford Philco, it's going to look like crap.


Don't be afraid to look into something other than a home theater in a box (though that may be tough given your financial parameters). You can get a decent surround sound receiver for $150, but you'll probably spend another $250 on the speakers...and that's on the low end.

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A friend of mine recently bought a HTIAB from Tweeter, she paid around $600 for a system with a Yamaha receiver & Polk speakers... I was very impressed with the sound for the price.


That sounds like a greak combination, and Tweeter is like the adult version of Best Buy. Definitely worth a look if they're in your area.

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IF you are into listening to music, because in that case you won't be using the center or sub.


I disagree on the subwoofer comment -- the subwoofer is used to handle all of the low frequencies on music, just like movies. The center channel isn't used, but the sub definately is.


That sounds like a greak combination, and Tweeter is like the adult version of Best Buy. Definitely worth a look if they're in your area.


I really wish there was a Tweeter here; from what I hear, it's a cool store ;)



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well i dont plan on dropping a grand to build up my surround sound system. i mainly want it for movies, TV, and football.


so i guess its "theater in a box" for me....


And it will be a greaT improvement over just your TV. If there is a Yamahe within your price range, might be the way to go..


In terms of Tweeters, they are called differant things in differant parts of the country. Go to their website for a location nearest you. However, be aware they are tweaking their business model to more services orientated over selection and pricing. In other words, we will help design and build your media room, and oh by the way, you can the gear here too.


I bought my TV from them. Always make them match prices you have found from other B&M stores, including the gift cards.

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Yes and no. When it comes to your surround sound system as it relates to watching DVDs or TV, then yes...your sub and center channel speaker are very important. But your left and right front speakers need to be good as well IF you are into listening to music, because in that case you won't be using the center or sub.




good point, I was speaking only of watching movies/tv. So basically you want


a great subwoofer

a great center speaker

great/good front speakers

good rear speakers...

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For $250...anything you get is gonna be el chepo...just take one of your CD's in, and see if you can listen to it, or buy it at a place with good return policy and see if you can return it.



If you move up in price, Yamaha makes nice amps. Good sound quality.


For a cheap setup surrounds, I usually recommend the Energy Take 5 setup. Best bang for the buck.


Bose suck. Stay away from them.

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