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except that olifver doesn't attempt to define it likely because there are definitions available in resources such as the geneva convention

The Supreme Court knows porn when it sees porn and I know torture when I see John Oliver speak for 1.3 or more seconds.

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"it is so because i say it is so"

You just responded to a renowned troll's cheap joke with a total non-sequitur. Every bit of that post is shamefully stupid. From basis for posting (i.e., complete miscomprehension of the 4mer's joke) to your totally asinine point about why Oliver decided not to recite the definition of torture. Could it be because he's a comedian and reciting definitions out the Geneva Convention isn't very entertaining?


Lets rehash:

1. missed the joke.

2. non-sequitur.

3. totally !@#$ing stupid point of its own merit.

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You just responded to a renowned troll's cheap joke with a total non-sequitur. Every bit of that post is shamefully stupid. From basis for posting (i.e., complete miscomprehension of the 4mer's joke) to your totally asinine point about why Oliver decided not to recite the definition of torture. Could it be because he's a comedian and reciting definitions out the Geneva Convention isn't very entertaining?


Lets rehash:

1. missed the joke.

2. non-sequitur.

3. totally !@#$ing stupid point of its own merit.

let's rehash: 1) most of the jokes here are not humorous. many are written as jabs and pokes.2) the definition of troll truly is ambiguous. there was an excellent recent npr discussion on it's history, techniques and motivations. they are relevant to this discussion. you may want to edumicate yourself. 3) "it is so because i say so"

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let's rehash: 1) most of the jokes here are not humorous. many are written as jabs and pokes.2) the definition of troll truly is ambiguous. there was an excellent recent npr discussion on it's history, techniques and motivations. they are relevant to this discussion. you may want to edumicate yourself. 3) "it is so because i say so"

More non-sequiturs.


Oh, NPR discussed internet trolls? Really? That's interesting because it has !@#$ all to do with your inability to grasp even the most obvious joke which was pointed squarely at Oliver and equated his brand of humor with means of torture. Funny or not, we can debate, but obvious, it absolutely !@#$ing was. But I should educate myself because of...more non-sequiturs? Insightful as always, birdog.

Edited by Jauronimo
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let's rehash: 1) most of the jokes here are not humorous. many are written as jabs and pokes.2) the definition of troll truly is ambiguous. there was an excellent recent npr discussion on it's history, techniques and motivations. they are relevant to this discussion. you may want to edumicate yourself. 3) "it is so because i say so"


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except that olifver doesn't attempt to define it likely because there are definitions available in resources such as the geneva convention


The Geneva Convention doesn't define torture.


There actually is no consistent definition. I was using examples documented in the Center of Constitutional Rights report on Gitmo. The best you'll probably find is from the UN's Convention on Torture...but it's so vague and broad ("severe pain or suffering," "with the consent of a public official," "does not include lawful sanction") that it amounts to "Whatever the Committee on Torture decides it doesn't like," and thus includes such bull **** as "obesity," and is virtually useless.

let's rehash: 1) most of the jokes here are not humorous. many are written as jabs and pokes.2) the definition of troll truly is ambiguous. there was an excellent recent npr discussion on it's history, techniques and motivations. they are relevant to this discussion. you may want to edumicate yourself. 3) "it is so because i say so"


The definition of troll truly is ambiguous...but when I demonstrate the definition of "torture" is ambiguous, I'm obfuscating.


You !@#$head. :lol:

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More non-sequiturs.


Oh, NPR discussed internet trolls? Really? That's interesting because it has !@#$ all to do with your inability to grasp even the most obvious joke which was pointed squarely at Oliver and equated his brand of humor with means of torture. Funny or not, we can debate, but obvious, it absolutely !@#$ing was. But I should educate myself because of...more non-sequiturs? Insightful as always, birdog.


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The Geneva Convention doesn't define torture.


There actually is no consistent definition. I was using examples documented in the Center of Constitutional Rights report on Gitmo. The best you'll probably find is from the UN's Convention on Torture...but it's so vague and broad ("severe pain or suffering," "with the consent of a public official," "does not include lawful sanction") that it amounts to "Whatever the Committee on Torture decides it doesn't like," and thus includes such bull **** as "obesity," and is virtually useless.


The definition of troll truly is ambiguous...but when I demonstrate the definition of "torture" is ambiguous, I'm obfuscating.


You !@#$head. :lol:

for the second time in this thread:


For the pistachio and strawberry mousse:

8 oz (240gr) mascarpone cheese, at room temperature

1/2 cup (100gr) sugar

1/4 cup (30gr) finely ground raw pistachios

1/2 cup pureed fresh strawberries

1 1/2 cups (375ml) heavy cream, kept cold, divided


In a large bowl, whisk together the mascarpone and sugar until completely smooth. Take half the mixture and place it in another large bowl. Add the pistachios to one of them and mix until incorporated. Add the pureed strawberries to the other mascarpone mixture. In a mixer, whip the heavy cream to stiff peaks. Fold half into the pistachio mascarpone mix and the other half with the strawberry one. The pistachio mousse is probably stifff enough to be used right away but you might have to refrigerate the strawberry one until the mascarpone hardens a bit otherwise it might be too soft to pipe easily. Divide the mixture into piping bags fitted with medium plain tips (or do the pistachio mousse first, wash your bag and tip and then do the strawberry one). Pipe dots of mousse onto half the puff pastry sheets, alternating the pistachio and strawberry. Top with another sheet of puff pastry and refrigerate at least 30 minutes.


oops. sorry. that's actually the opposite of torture. was made for me this weekend.


this is torture per the geneva convention:


"Article 1

"1. For the purposes of this Convention, the term "torture" means any act by which severe pain or suffering, whether physical or mental, is intentionally inflicted on a person for such purposes as obtaining from him or a third person information or a confession, punishing him for an act he or a third person has committed or is suspected of having committed, or intimidating or coercing him or a third person, or for any reason based on discrimination of any kind, when such pain or suffering is inflicted by or at the instigation of or with the consent or acquiescence of a public official or other person acting in an official capacity. It does not include pain or suffering arising only from, inherent in or incidental to lawful sanctions."

Edited by birdog1960
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If you think I'm a liberal, or in any way in favor of big government, you're not paying attention.

I guess you and I are going to go through this yet again because you're obviously a somewhat defensive dude. I didn't respond to any post of YOURS with any accusation of the like. When I'm insulting you directly, you won't have to infer. If you don't understand that already, you're not paying attention.

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this is torture per the geneva convention:


"Article 1

"1. For the purposes of this Convention, the term "torture" means any act by which severe pain or suffering, whether physical or mental, is intentionally inflicted on a person for such purposes as obtaining from him or a third person information or a confession, punishing him for an act he or a third person has committed or is suspected of having committed, or intimidating or coercing him or a third person, or for any reason based on discrimination of any kind, when such pain or suffering is inflicted by or at the instigation of or with the consent or acquiescence of a public official or other person acting in an official capacity. It does not include pain or suffering arising only from, inherent in or incidental to lawful sanctions."



No it's not. It's from the UN Convention on torture, which I already quoted.


Try to be more of an ignorant ****head on this topic. I dare you.

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No it's not. It's from the UN Convention on torture, which I already quoted.


Try to be more of an ignorant ****head on this topic. I dare you.

holy shite…so reddogblitz is yet another pseudonym of yours? you planted that quote or alternatively you ignored "his" mistake until now? that's truly pathetic. you win…the award for best cheater in an argument. well done.

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holy shite…so reddogblitz is yet another pseudonym of yours? you planted that quote or alternatively you ignored "his" mistake until now? that's truly pathetic. you win…the award for best cheater in an argument. well done.


What the !@#$ are you talking about?


Does anyone know what the !@#$ birddog is talking about?

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What the !@#$ are you talking about?


Does anyone know what the !@#$ birddog is talking about?


You ignoring reddogblitz is all part of your master plan to win a debate on PPP.



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You ignoring reddogblitz is all part of your master plan to win a debate on PPP.



except that he's clearly not ignoring me and i quoted that misidentified passage a few posts after reddogblitz. try again….

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except that he's clearly not ignoring me and i quoted that misidentified passage a few posts after reddogblitz. try again….


I didn't say he was ignoring you, I said he was ignoring reddogblitz and it's all part of his master plan to win a debate on PPP.


That's exactly what you're accusing him of doing.

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What the !@#$ are you talking about?


Does anyone know what the !@#$ birddog is talking about?

You haven't corrected every mistake in this topic by every poster. Birddog is upset that reddog didn't get corrected. You aren't giving your fair share. Everyone's entitled to equal criticism.

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except that he's clearly not ignoring me and i quoted that misidentified passage a few posts after reddogblitz. try again….


So you're using reddogblitz as a source, and I'm somehow the problem?


Just shut the !@#$ up.

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What the !@#$ are you talking about?


Does anyone know what the !@#$ birddog is talking about?

Yes. He's clearly torturing us. It's not as effective as water-boarding, but that's only because we can step away from the thread for a break.


I'm still waiting for the UN report on our torture tactics at Gitmo that included pulling fingernails out with pliers, pushing glass rods up penises and whacking them with a hammer, hanging people by their hands - when they're tied behind their back (John McCain's favorite exercise), bayonetting strategic areas, acid baths, hot pokers in the genitalia, etc. You know - like what the Japanese and North Koreans did to our troops. I'll forgo the death marches, beheadings, starvation of thousands of service men. I'm certain we did that to those folks in Gitmo too.

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