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I've only seen about 1/2 the episodes, so I'm by no means an expert on the show, but this idea just occurred to me. (Brought about by the observation that there should be some signinifcance to the song in a thread below.


What if the reason they haven't been rescued is that 'they are everybody'. i.e. there's no one left on earth, or maybe the world that they left (& maybe we live in) is only a figment of their imaginations?


Just food for thought.


Again, it's "We All Everybody" sung in a Robert Plante-like high note.


I think the song was actually used in the background during the "Alias" b-day party too....




What if the reason they haven't been rescued is that 'they are everybody'. i.e. there's no one left on earth,



See: Twilight zone: 'Demon with a glass hand' There is a lot of similarity in the "Everyone's gone" theory.

Or w/ the whole Walt-controls-everything theory, Stephen King's "The Langoliers" (a really effed-up movie).



The Langoliers is a great story.


Stephen King + Twilight Zone = LOST

The Langoliers is a great story.


Stephen King + Twilight Zone = LOST



King has mastered the fine art of turning a 100 page story into a 500 page novel.

IMHO hos best- The Stand, Salems Lot, and under a psudonym- the Talisman

King has mastered the fine art of turning a 100 page story into a 500 page novel.




Absolutly. I read 2 Dean Koontz books in the time it would take to get past the preface in a newer King novel.


I think the song was actually used in the background during the "Alias" b-day party too....





Considering they're both JJ Abrams shows, it's not unlikely...


or maybe the writer's of the show had no real agenda other than putting a bunch of ppl on an island, tell stories about their past, have some normal "stranded on an island" type things happen...and that's it, we have a show!!!






i would be extremely pi$$ed if that were the case however.


Maybe the rescue party knows exactly where they are, but the survivors stranded on the island are such a bunch of self-absorbed douche bags, nobody really cares if they're rescued, so the rescue party just ignores the group and goes out for a little joy ride in their cessnas every day.


that, my friends, was my 500th POST!!!! oh what a long journey it has been...through troubled times and times of joy...i'd like to thank my fans out there first and foremost because without them this wouldn't be possible. my manager, who i can't seem to remember right now, was always there for me as well. natasha, loquisha, fred, derrick, bob, donovan, tom, billy, ted, tattiyana, jennifer, elizabeth, and everyone else out there that i forgot you know who you are!!! mom i love you and dad, you can go get another beer now. PEACE.....





oh sorry...did i get a little carried away there?

King has mastered the fine art of turning a 100 page story into a 500 page novel.

IMHO hos best- The Stand, Salems Lot, and under a psudonym- the Talisman



I am a King fanatic. Read everything he's put out. My favorites are the Gunslinger series, The Stand, From A Buick 8 and Hearts in Atlantis.


And true to Stephen King, a number (or maybe all) of the back stories of the main characters are intertwined.

DC Tom Posted Today, 10:55 AM

  QUOTE(UConn James @ Feb 10 2005, 11:19 AM)


I think the song was actually used in the background during the "Alias" b-day party too....









Considering they're both JJ Abrams shows, it's not unlikely...

I saw that episode of Alias, and yes the song was playing in the background. Nice little wink, from Abrams to the fans of both shows.

I am a King fanatic.  Read everything he's put out.  My favorites are the Gunslinger series, The Stand, From A Buick 8 and Hearts in Atlantis.


And true to Stephen King, a number (or maybe all) of the back stories of the main characters are intertwined.



You ever read "Gerald's Game"? That was one creepy novel.

You ever read "Gerald's Game"? That was one creepy novel.



Yeah...that's a doozy. He's one seriously f'ed up dude. I'm bummed that the Dark Tower series is over. He says he's pretty much done writing, though I'm not sure he's one to stay retired.


Couple of other observations from last night...


I love how Hurley calls everyone dude. For example, Sawyer, "So Steve got the short stick." Hurley, "Dude, his name was Scott." :lol:


I think the Korean guy has serious potential to go postal. And much worse than he did to Michael earlier in the season. :)


Boone's being a big puss is getting old. Jeez, just get a set of balls and stop looking so damn vulnerable. :huh:


That dude Ethan was such a freak. He had a real Hannibal Lechtor look to him. And again, nice job by Charlie. :ph34r:


So, we find out last night that Claire was gone two weeks. After the first couple of days, seems like the only person who gave a crap was love-sick Charlie. Everyone just went on about their business while one of their own remained kidnapped by a maniac. ;)


Of the three Lost hotties, I gotta give it up for Kate as #1. Not only does she have a smoking bod, but those damn freckles are so freaking cute! :w00t:


Lastly, looks like Sawyer and Kate may be getting busy next week. Isn't amazing how the !@#$ always gets the girl? :(


anyone else starting to think the korean guy speaks perfect english?



EDIT: And by the frigging way, the local ABC station that showed it had some STUPID banner going across the screen last night for some call in contest at the EXACT minute that the Koreans were talking. Needless to say, I didn't see one of the subtitles... anyone remember what they were saying, or have it on TiVo and can check it for me? (it was the first time they talked, not when he asked about Claire).

anyone else starting to think the korean guy speaks perfect english?

EDIT: And by the frigging way, the local ABC station that showed it had some STUPID banner going across the screen last night for some call in contest at the EXACT minute that the Koreans were talking. Needless to say, I didn't see one of the subtitles... anyone remember what they were saying, or have it on TiVo and can check it for me? (it was the first time they talked, not when he asked about Claire).



I think I mentioned that earlier in the other thread. I'm definately all over that one.


I was really disappointed (but not surprised) when Ethan was killed. Wouldn't want to shed any light on anything. And I would not at all be surprised if the Korean dude speaks English...


Couple of other observations from last night...




That dude Ethan was such a freak. He had a real Hannibal Lechtor look to him. And again, nice job by Charlie. :(


So, we find out last night that Claire was gone two weeks. After the first couple of days, seems like the only person who gave a crap was love-sick Charlie. Everyone just went on about their business while one of their own remained kidnapped by a maniac. ;)


Of the three Lost hotties, I gotta give it up for Kate as #1. Not only does she have a smoking bod, but those damn freckles are so freaking cute! :ph34r:


Lastly, looks like Sawyer and Kate may be getting busy next week. Isn't amazing how the !@#$ always gets the girl? :)



There was a funny reference to the BBC show The Office thrown in. That English girl said her dad was off "buying a paper company up in Slough". If you know that show, it was a nice nod.

I was pissed that Charlie killed Ethan. There was stuff we needed to know. Sayid would have stuck bamboo reeds in his fingernails and he would have sung like a canary. But, it was good to see Jack deliver the beatdown. I was surprised Ethan fell linto the trap so easily.

Kate is the best. The blonde chick is to skanky. Unfortunately, the badboys always attract the girl. Looks like it will go down next week.

I am a King fanatic.  Read everything he's put out.  My favorites are the Gunslinger series, The Stand, From A Buick 8 and Hearts in Atlantis.


And true to Stephen King, a number (or maybe all) of the back stories of the main characters are intertwined.




The Stand is absolutely my favorite book and movie of all time

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