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New Girl

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Still dating. Nothing official yet. But her friends don't like me. They think my 2-3 beers a week, (total lowball by the way) is too much. I'm from South Buffalo. Two beers is breakfast.


Also, They're not very bright. They decided to run a background check and think I'm lying about who I am because they can't find anybody with my last name with the first name "Buffalo Joe." But she likes me, which is weird. But all in all, life is good.

Edited by The Real Buffalo Joe
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Sacramental wine, maybe.


TRBJ, just tell them you only drink that much because it's sacramental beer.

They're baptist. They use grape juice for wine.


She knows how much I drink (about a beer or two a day) She doesn't think I have a problem, but thinks I should cut back because it's not good for my gout/diabetes.

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Meeting her friends?!?


I hope that means you've been dating for a month and/or have slept with her at least 3 times.



Still dating. Nothing official yet. But her friends don't like me.


Kids....they never listen.

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They're baptist. They use grape juice for wine.


She knows how much I drink (about a beer or two a day) She doesn't think I have a problem, but thinks I should cut back because it's not good for my gout/diabetes.


So you're telling us you haven't banged this chick yet. Is that accurate?

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May have found the red flag. We hung out tonight. I casually mentioned the Bills 8:30 AM (Central Time Zone) game against Jacksonville. Her reply "Too bad you'll miss it because of church." I chuckled assuming that she was playing. Nope.


Jesus dude....I know you're lonely but take some sound advice.....RUN!!!!!!!


Find an atheist or an agnostic. Find a girl with no predispositions. It's hard, I know, but we've all been through it. It can happen. Good luck.

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May have found the red flag. We hung out tonight. I casually mentioned the Bills 8:30 AM (Central Time Zone) game against Jacksonville. Her reply "Too bad you'll miss it because of church." I chuckled assuming that she was playing. Nope.


You two have been "dating" for such a short time, and she's already making your plans for a Saturday morning in October? Yeah man, run away as fast as you can. Change your phone number and move to North Dakota.




Oh yeah, she has crazy friends because she is also crazy. Crazy women like to surround themselves with girlfriends who are only slightly more crazy than themselves to make them look better by comparison. It's a fact.

Edited by Johnny Hammersticks
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