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(OT) Talk about a ripoff...


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The power cable to my laptop has become frayed, so it only works if you hold it in the right position. Needless to say, that seems way too dangerous for my tastes, so I've stopped using it. So I looked at Dell's site for a replacement and they want $54 BEFORE SHIPPING for the damn thing! That's more than 10% of what I paid for the whole laptop two years ago! What a ripoff....


Anyone have a power cable for an Inspiron 1100 laying around that they don't need anymore. I'll happily give you a copy of every Bills DVD I have for it. :lol:




Ok, done venting; eBay has them slightly cheaper, but not by much. Guess I'll have to bite the bullet and buy one pretty soon. :lol:



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Send udonkey a PM, maybe he gets an employee discount on Dell parts.



Most of our desktops here are Dell, so I asked someone if we had any extra old laptop power cables laying around that we didn't need. As luck would have it, we do. Whew, just saved $55!


The udonkey suggestion was good though -- I forgot that he worked there. I'll keep that in mind for the future.



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The power cable to my laptop has become frayed, so it only works if you hold it in the right position.  Needless to say, that seems way too dangerous for my tastes, so I've stopped using it.  So I looked at Dell's site for a replacement and they want $54 BEFORE SHIPPING for the damn thing!  That's more than 10% of what I paid for the whole laptop two years ago!  What a ripoff....


Anyone have a power cable for an Inspiron 1100  laying around that they don't need anymore.  I'll happily give you a copy of every Bills DVD I have for it. :)




Ok, done venting; eBay has them slightly cheaper, but not by much.  Guess I'll have to bite the bullet and buy one pretty soon. :(





So you bought the laptop for less than $54, it lasts 2 years, and you're complaining? ;)

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So you bought the laptop for less than $54, it lasts 2 years, and you're complaining?  ;)


Is this the "new" math that they are teaching in school these days? If so your teacher needs to be slapped. Looks like "You got left behind".

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Exactly.  $54 is 10% of $540, which is approxamately what I paid for the laptop two years ago.





I know. Someone up there was ragging on you because:


"...you bought the laptop for less than $54, it lasts 2 years, and you're complaining? "



I guess they weren't good with %'s... haha

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Fez, I can relate. I had my Dell laptop (Inspiron 8200) for just a little over a year before the power cord became frayed. Getting a new one and trying to deal with the oh-so-helpful Dell Customer Service was about as much fun as a flu shot. I've had the replacement since then however and it's worked well...so I guess you'll be getting quality in return ;)

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