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The press speculates on EJ's future

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He makes a good case .....


Although Carucci believes Ryan and coordinator Greg Roman are "open-minded" about Manuel's chances, he also suspects the 2013 first-round pick won't be on the final roster unless he wins the starting job.


If the Bills end up dangling Manuel for a late-round pick in August, keep an eye on the Eagles as a potential trade partner.




Huh? The title of this thread only Is at most the 4th point Carucci makes in the article. Instead a thread based on VCs claims listed in the order in the article are:


1. Carucci sees Cassel as a back-up with Manuel starting


2. VC says team brass seems serious about letting this competition be decided on the field


3. VC says










He title of this thread is a pretty large misread of the article whch makes the following claims in order



VC says Cassel was acquired to be the #2.


VC says the brass are committed to seeing this settled on the field


VC likes Taylor (but does not say as what


VC says he has no source that says this but he suspects EJ is starter or he is gone (this point seems to ignore possibilities such as any nagging injury which happens to Cassel or EJ would probably keep EJ here)


VC says EJ is valued highly by the Iggles brass and even if he failed here he would likely be in demand.


EJ is probably pleased with this article IF it was true.

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Huh? The title of this thread only Is at most the 4th point Carucci makes in the article. Instead a thread based on VCs claims listed in the order in the article are:


1. Carucci sees Cassel as a back-up with Manuel starting


2. VC says team brass seems serious about letting this competition be decided on the field


3. VC says










He title of this thread is a pretty large misread of the article whch makes the following claims in order



VC says Cassel was acquired to be the #2.


VC says the brass are committed to seeing this settled on the field


VC likes Taylor (but does not say as what


VC says he has no source that says this but he suspects EJ is starter or he is gone (this point seems to ignore possibilities such as any nagging injury which happens to Cassel or EJ would probably keep EJ here)


VC says EJ is valued highly by the Iggles brass and even if he failed here he would likely be in demand.


EJ is probably pleased with this article IF it was true.

Seems like a rather optimistic interpretation to me. The clear message is that EJs thrown into the mix of 3 without given any extra reps. Cassell is a lock as vet backup. Of the one remaining spot the HC has a soft spot for the other guy. And if EJ doesnt win the starting job he's done here

And who knows what really happens next.

Contrast that with last year and worst case if he wasnt starter his roster status was secure as backup. Fail to see how this is a positive trend

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Seems like a rather optimistic interpretation to me. The clear message is that EJs thrown into the mix of 3 without given any extra reps. Cassell is a lock as vet backup. Of the one remaining spot the HC has a soft spot for the other guy. And if EJ doesnt win the starting job he's done here

And who knows what really happens next.

Contrast that with last year and worst case if he wasnt starter his roster status was secure as backup. Fail to see how this is a positive trend

It would be crazy for us to only carry two QBs, considering who we have: Matt Cassel, who has had injury issues, EJ, who has had injury issues, and Tyrod, who Rex is touting as being a great running QB. If our O-line is not significantly improved from last year (or even if it is), we could easily burn through all three of them before the end of the season. The position is just too tenuous. The argument could be made that the only reason Orton lasted 12 games is because he was so adept at collapsing into the fetal position.

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how do they hide EJ in reserve? Put him on PS and he'll get lifted by another team.

But he's a worthless, terrible QB, who besmirches the pride of the fans of the uniforms he wears. Who in their right mind would want him?

What? You mean some other NFL franchise would snatch him up right away if we cut him? Wow! Sounds like a perfectly sane strategy to me.


The signs keep pointing toward Tyrod being the starter.


He is better than he has been getting credit for around here


Is this one of the "signs"?



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All I have to say is, let it be a fair competition and may the best man win. But if it does happen to be Cassel, the Bills will have to draft a quarterback early next year.

Lather, rinse, repeat. How many times over the years have we said that about the Bills?
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It would be crazy for us to only carry two QBs, considering who we have: Matt Cassel, who has had injury issues, EJ, who has had injury issues, and Tyrod, who Rex is touting as being a great running QB. If our O-line is not significantly improved from last year (or even if it is), we could easily burn through all three of them before the end of the season. The position is just too tenuous. The argument could be made that the only reason Orton lasted 12 games is because he was so adept at collapsing into the fetal position.

I think for the most part last year they carried 2 QBs on the 53. Could be wrong because its hard info to track from week to week. But the beauty of Tuel is you can park him on the PS without fear he's getting lifted, and he'll do a halfway decent job filling in for a few games. EJ not so much, he'd get picked up for sure by someone willing to give him a second chance. So if he ranks 3rd in camp and there's a cost of letting someone else go to keep him, I can certainly see them saying its time to part ways if after 2 years he remains buried on the depth chart
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Do we really believe that the team is just going to cut him, taking a $3M cap hit to do so?


They'd be categorically stupid if they did.

Nah, but the article says he might be trade bait in August if he isn't the starter. I just hope we decide on a starter sooner rather than later. Better to have a prepared QB starting than 3 unprepared QB's due to sharing snaps

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He makes a good case .....


Although Carucci believes Ryan and coordinator Greg Roman are "open-minded" about Manuel's chances, he also suspects the 2013 first-round pick won't be on the final roster unless he wins the starting job.


If the Bills end up dangling Manuel for a late-round pick in August, keep an eye on the Eagles as a potential trade partner.




It's a sure sign of a lazy journalistic time when one media pundit quotes another media pundit's speculations. Do you happen to have a link to the article where Carruci put all that in writing?

I did the ol' google search thing and I didn't turn it up.


Let's walk through the possibilities with a bit of logic:

1) after TC/preseason, Manuel is the clear best QB. He starts. He stays.

2) after TC/preseason, Manual sucks big time. At this point, the Bills might like to trade him, but who would trade for a sucky 3rd year QB without much field experience and with little time to learn new system? He'd be a project, and teams with injuries need a guy who can walk in, pick up the reins, and drive. He doesn't start. It costs the Bills a $3M cap hit to cut him - he likely stays.

3) after TC/preseason, Manuel showed flashes and looked very good at times, but Cassel seemed like the more consistent QB in shorts and he gets the nod (or Tyler does). At this point, teams who have injuries at QB might be interested in a trade, but Manuel would have value to the Bills as a backup at least. They would have to replace him with a cheap backup QB who needs to learn the system if they trade him, so a 6th or 7th isn't decent value to them. A 4th might do it, if Cassel and Tyler both look better and they have a Practice Squad arm that they like. Unless the Bills are desperate for the roster slot, I think the probability is they keep him because, you know, the guy who looks good in shorts and preseason doesn't always cut the mustard on Sunday (Tyrod has only played 1 game and Cassel has been injured early in a couple seasons)

Edited by Hopeful
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It's a sure sign of a lazy journalistic time when one media pundit quotes another media pundit's speculations. Do you happen to have a link to the article where Carruci put all that in writing?

I did the ol' google search thing and I didn't turn it up.


Let's walk through the possibilities with a bit of logic:

1) after TC/preseason, Manuel is the clear best QB. He starts. He stays.

2) after TC/preseason, Manual sucks big time. At this point, the Bills might like to trade him, but who would trade for a sucky 3rd year QB without much field experience and with little time to learn new system? He'd be a project, and teams with injuries need a guy who can walk in, pick up the reins, and drive. He doesn't start. It costs the Bills a $3M cap hit to cut him - he likely stays.

3) after TC/preseason, Manuel showed flashes and looked very good at times, but Cassel seemed like the more consistent QB in shorts and he gets the nod (or Tyler does). At this point, teams who have injuries at QB might be interested in a trade, but Manuel would have value to the Bills as a backup at least. They would have to replace him with a cheap backup QB who needs to learn the system if they trade him, so a 6th or 7th isn't decent value to them. A 4th might do it, if Cassel and Tyler both look better and they have a Practice Squad arm that they like. Unless the Bills are desperate for the roster slot, I think the probability is they keep him because, you know, the guy who looks good in shorts and preseason doesn't always cut the mustard on Sunday (Tyrod has only played 1 game and Cassel has been injured early in a couple seasons)


Not that I'm on the side of cutting Manuel or anything, I myself don't think it would make any sense, but it looks as if Vic Carucci did say "either way".



Now, it is up to Manuel to seize the chance to prove, perhaps once and for all, that he isn’t a bust. He must invest the considerable time and energy needed to understand the complexities and nuances of a new offensive scheme. He must fully buy in to the tutelage of quarterbacks coach David Lee, who has warned Manuel that he can’t afford to put anything – including his social life – ahead of studying the playbook.


If Cassel, or even Taylor, wins the starting job, I would expect the Bills to attempt to trade Manuel before cutting him. Either way, if he isn’t starting, I don’t expect him to be here this season.



Sorry JTSP, looks like you were right the first time with what Carucci said at least. The NFL.com article was a little sketchy on the details.

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But he's a worthless, terrible QB, who besmirches the pride of the fans of the uniforms he wears. Who in their right mind would want him?

What? You mean some other NFL franchise would snatch him up right away if we cut him? Wow! Sounds like a perfectly sane strategy to me.



Is this one of the "signs"?




Here's an NFL one. Go to the 2:06 Mark.



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Do we really believe that the team is just going to cut him, taking a $3M cap hit to do so?

They'd be categorically stupid if they did.

If he isn't possesed by the spirit of Johnny Unitas and takes the HUGE steps up required for him specifically just to be competent, then I agree with VC that he won't be here next year. So why wait? Get another Cassel/Orton/Fitz by the end of pre-season. This team should be strong enough in all three phases that a serviceable vet can steer it into the playoffs.
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