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The press speculates on EJ's future

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If he isn't possesed by the spirit of Johnny Unitas and takes the HUGE steps up required for him specifically just to be competent, then I agree with VC that he won't be here next year. So why wait? Get another Cassel/Orton/Fitz by the end of pre-season. This team should be strong enough in all three phases that a serviceable vet can steer it into the playoffs.

If they don't like eh and they see a great opportunity - sure. Just for the sake of not having eh though doesn't make sense to me

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If he isn't possesed by the spirit of Johnny Unitas and takes the HUGE steps up required for him specifically just to be competent, then I agree with VC that he won't be here next year. So why wait? Get another Cassel/Orton/Fitz by the end of pre-season. This team should be strong enough in all three phases that a serviceable vet can steer it into the playoffs.

3 reasons:


1) he was actually a decent NFL QB in his 14 starts. He went 6-8 and looked competent for spot duty if nothing else.


2) the team takes an additional $3M cap hit jut to cut him


3) he is one of only 2 QBs on the roster with appreciable experience in the NFL


How about you state your case for cutting him?

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So Vic is advocating the Bills keep 2 QB's regardless? If not, why just keep 2 only if EJ doesn't become the starter? Cassel has an injury history and Taylor hasn't played enough to know either way.


Furthermore, if EJ has trade potential, why not keep him if you can't trade him and, say, wait for a guy Bradford to inevitably get injured?

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What signs? Off-season rookie workouts? Does he have the prettiest feet of all the QBs available to Rex?

He always looked good in the preseason in Baltimore, FWIW... And Rex likes QBs who can get out of the pocket and run. I think Cassel is the favorite and EJ and Taylor are neck and neck behind him.

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Do we really believe that the team is just going to cut him, taking a $3M cap hit to do so?


They'd be categorically stupid if they did.


I think the Bills organization is fragmented to some degree right now. Specifically, I think there are left overs from the Marrone regime who like to stir the pot and take digs at Manuel from time to time because they feel that Manuel was responsible for the feeble previous head coach Doug Marrone's woes.


The Bills have three QB "life preservers" in the form of Manuel, Taylor and Cassel. It would be total lunacy to get rid of any of them given the unstableness factor of each QB. Manuel's track record is that he's raw and inconsistent in key areas, Taylor is almost a total unknown in the NFL regular season passing game and with his running style he could easily get hurt and be out for the season in the very first game of the season, and Cassel's old and coming off a broken foot and the last time he was a viable NFL starter was the 2010 season which was five years ago. Now forgetting all that for a moment, I honestly don't think Doug Whaley would sign off on cutting EJ knowing the possibility is out there of Chip Kelly turning EJ Manuel into the star NFL QB during the 2015 season that Whaley had drafted him to be. IMO Whaley will demand on keeping Manuel the entire 2015 season before he's ready to risk Manuel becoming a star with Chip or another team while the Bills are still searching. Cutting Manuel after only 14 starts would be seriously bad mojo which always ends up burning the Buffalo Bills. There really is no reason to rush Manuel off the team. This is a brand new offense, let him learn it properly and see what he does in it when he's ready to play.


I think Carruci was played here. Along with Leroi, he put himself out there and he's going to end up with egg on his face on this one.

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This correlates well with the Bills are in "Panic" article.


Let's just "Pull the bandaid" off this EJ experiment.


A mid round draft pick would be great!!





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3 reasons:


1) he was actually a decent NFL QB in his 14 starts. He went 6-8 and looked competent for spot duty if nothing else.


2) the team takes an additional $3M cap hit jut to cut him


3) he is one of only 2 QBs on the roster with appreciable experience in the NFL


How about you state your case for cutting him?

what if they PS him and someone takes him? are there any regulations saying he cant be ps'd?

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3 reasons:

1) he was actually a decent NFL QB in his 14 starts. He went 6-8 and looked competent for spot duty if nothing else.

2) the team takes an additional $3M cap hit jut to cut him

3) he is one of only 2 QBs on the roster with appreciable experience in the NFL

How about you state your case for cutting him?

Won't it depend on the cap situation? By this I mean the following: if the Bills can cut him without having it impact the rest of their roster, which will be mostly set in August anyway, what difference does it make if he's a a $3 million hit or not? At one level, they'll save $1.2 million in real money if they cut him (assuming they can sign a cheaper replacement), and if they wait until next year the cap hit will still be relatively high. A lot of teams are willing to cut the cord early to free up space for the next season - which is presumably when the Bills will be trying to finally land an above average qb. They don't want two hits to their cap over successive seasons from a guy they don't think is a fit for the team. http://www.spotrac.com/nfl/buffalo-bills/e.j.-manuel/


My most basic point is that a certain point his cap hit may be irrelevant because it can managed with no ill effects on the rest of the roster.


One other thing - cutting Manuel only results in an additional $1.2 million in cap hit, not $3 million. He's going to be a $2.4 million cap player if he's on the roster.

Edited by dave mcbride
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3 reasons:

1) he was actually a decent NFL QB in his 14 starts. He went 6-8 and looked competent for spot duty if nothing else.

2) the team takes an additional $3M cap hit jut to cut him

3) he is one of only 2 QBs on the roster with appreciable experience in the NFL

How about you state your case for cutting him?

Unlike you, I don't look to come across as a coach or some expert in the know. You're not, btw.

To your points,

1) you say ta-mah-toe.. I say adequate at best, which is significantly less than decent.

2) I'll have to look into this -as I'm surely not going to take your word for it. But, coach, we did it with Fitz and I'm sure a few others which cost us dead $$ and I don't recall you wailing about it..

3) if you read my post, I advocated picking up another competent vet after showing Manuel the door.


Carry on, perfect one.

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This correlates well with the Bills are in "Panic" article.


Let's just "Pull the bandaid" off this EJ experiment.


A mid round draft pick would be great!!





May I ask why?

Is it so your "prediction" of EJ getting cut would come true?

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I think for the most part last year they carried 2 QBs on the 53. Could be wrong because its hard info to track from week to week. But the beauty of Tuel is you can park him on the PS without fear he's getting lifted, and he'll do a halfway decent job filling in for a few games. EJ not so much, he'd get picked up for sure by someone willing to give him a second chance. So if he ranks 3rd in camp and there's a cost of letting someone else go to keep him, I can certainly see them saying its time to part ways if after 2 years he remains buried on the depth chart

The " beauty" of Tuel is you can stash him anywhere because he sucks. haven't even heard Rex mention him by name. But I am not up on every Rex commemt. Tuel reminds me of the other tool who sat behind Fitz during the Gailey horror show.





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3 reasons:

1) he was actually a decent NFL QB in his 14 starts. He went 6-8 and looked competent for spot duty if nothing else.

2) the team takes an additional $3M cap hit jut to cut him

3) he is one of only 2 QBs on the roster with appreciable experience in the NFL

How about you state your case for cutting him?

heard it all now in regards to point #3 he has "appreciable experience in the NFL."i thought he only had 14 starts and some even claim he is still a rookie. Which is it? Edited by Best Player Available
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Do we really believe that the team is just going to cut him, taking a $3M cap hit to do so?


They'd be categorically stupid if they did.


If he's cut after June 1st, which he obviously would be if he was, then his salary counts against the cap regardless. We would just have a dead money hit of around $2.5mil which isn't so bad and I believe can be spread out over 2 years.


EJ isn't Rex's guy so it's not out of the realm of possibility that they just cut their losses and move on from him if he can't even beat out Cassel or Taylor. We're going to keep an inferior player on the roster because of a few million that we'd have to pay regardless? That would be even stupider than cutting him and eating his cap it and moving on.

Edited by Bangarang
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If the extra point is moved to the 1 like they might do, I expect to keep 3 QBs, Taylor or Manuel can QB sneak it in from one, 66% of the time it will work every time

Manuel can sneak it in. TT will beat everyone to the pylon.

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