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Al Sharpton On Texas. They Had It Coming?

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Why do I not wish death on him? He will be dead soon enough. There are very few people I wish death upon. Especially a death as horrible as cancer.

If given the choice I wouldn't want even his death on my hands. I just wish karma would get square with him. He is on his way to Cleveland btw to practice his religious community organizing skill set there. There a couple more that readily come to mind I wish karma stepped in on. Never seems to happen to the pricks in life though. Only the nice ones.

Edited by Dante
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So can we agree that anyone who says a natural disaster or a disease is God's punishment for some type of sin is an ignorant !@#$

I agree with that if you agree that blaming every weather event on global warming is equally ignorant.

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I think ignorant is a poor choice of words. I'd have used dumb or stupid.

No ignorant fits. They are ignorant of why God would allow those thing to happen. But then again what would this Godless SOB know.

Edited by Chef Jim
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Once again if you give $$ to someone you haven't looked into yourself well that's on you. I'd like to know how he's making millions off poor people.


His entire act gets funded by MSNBC. All of it. He's paid half a million a year just from his TV show, and that doesn't include what he earns from his radio show. And all of it is to give him exposure so he can move into centers of unrest and rile up the people to incite them to creating the kind of unrest that makes for good TV.


When the buildings stop burning...when the businesses stop getting looted...when the dust settles and Sharpton finally pulls out of town, whose situation is improved? Only Sharpton's. Everyone else is left in Ferguson and Baltimore, with businesses destroyed, people hurt, and police ready to call in sick.

Edited by LABillzFan
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His entire act gets funded by MSNBC. All of it. He's paid half a million a year just from his TV show, and that doesn't include what he earns from his radio show. And all of it is to give him exposure so he can move into centers of unrest and rile up the people to incite them to creating the kind of unrest that makes for good TV.


When the buildings stop burning...when the businesses stop getting looted...when the dust settles and Sharpton finally pulls out of town, whose situation is improved? Only Sharpton's. Everyone else is left in Ferguson and Baltimore, with businesses destroyed, people hurt, and police ready to call in sick.


He's got a show?


Al Sharpton having a show eliminates any rite the left ever had to complain about Bill O'Reilly.

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His entire act gets funded by MSNBC. All of it. He's paid half a million a year just from his TV show, and that doesn't include what he earns from his radio show. And all of it is to give him exposure so he can move into centers of unrest and rile up the people to incite them to creating the kind of unrest that makes for good TV.


When the buildings stop burning...when the businesses stop getting looted...when the dust settles and Sharpton finally pulls out of town, whose situation is improved? Only Sharpton's. Everyone else is left in Ferguson and Baltimore, with businesses destroyed, people hurt, and police ready to call in sick.

Half a million a year is pretty good. Should we assume that he is having some of his wages garnished to pay down his tax debt, penalties and interest?

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Half a million a year is pretty good. Should we assume that he is having some of his wages garnished to pay down his tax debt, penalties and interest?


Yeah, I'm sure Al is working hard to ensure he's paying his 'fair share.' Or maybe he's hoping his daughter's twisted ankle will make square up his tab.

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His entire act gets funded by MSNBC. All of it. He's paid half a million a year just from his TV show, and that doesn't include what he earns from his radio show. And all of it is to give him exposure so he can move into centers of unrest and rile up the people to incite them to creating the kind of unrest that makes for good TV.


When the buildings stop burning...when the businesses stop getting looted...when the dust settles and Sharpton finally pulls out of town, whose situation is improved? Only Sharpton's. Everyone else is left in Ferguson and Baltimore, with businesses destroyed, people hurt, and police ready to call in sick.

He is also being Barry's puppet by floating the idea of federalizing local police. Like they would do a better job.


What you see as evil I see as a screwball. And if you think he wishes cancer on white people you're a bigger screwball than him.

Maybe I am a screwball but not because of my analysis of him. He is a racist and proves it every day.

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How is the southwest getting record rain fall while California is in a drought? I thought the Rocky Mountains fed into the Colorado river?


It's a ridiculous amount of rain, too. They've made up the rainfall deficit for the past two-plus years. That's a hell of a lot of atmospheric moisture.

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His entire act gets funded by MSNBC. All of it. He's paid half a million a year just from his TV show, and that doesn't include what he earns from his radio show. And all of it is to give him exposure so he can move into centers of unrest and rile up the people to incite them to creating the kind of unrest that makes for good TV.


When the buildings stop burning...when the businesses stop getting looted...when the dust settles and Sharpton finally pulls out of town, whose situation is improved? Only Sharpton's. Everyone else is left in Ferguson and Baltimore, with businesses destroyed, people hurt, and police ready to call in sick.


Ohhh he get's funded by MSNBC. So what did you mean by this?


Sharpton goes in with the sole intention of getting paid -- literally, and I don't mean figuratively -- from the very people who simply don't know anything other than a famous man says he wants to help. It's targeted and intentional and he does it all under the cover of being a man of God.


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Ohhh he get's funded by MSNBC. So what did you mean by this?



Rhetorical flourish. His intent is always clear: if there is a sniff of a chance to rile the locals, he comes in full force and sets up shop, stands side-by-side with families of victims, riding the victims to raise blood local pressures and pass the plate for NAN, his non-profit laundromat.


If he truly cared for the victims instead of his wallet, he would recognize and acknowledge when he is clearly wrong, from Tawana Brawley to the Ferguson cop. But why do that when "No Justice, No Peace" is more profitable.

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Rhetorical flourish. His intent is always clear: if there is a sniff of a chance to rile the locals, he comes in full force and sets up shop, stands side-by-side with families of victims, riding the victims to raise blood local pressures and pass the plate for NAN, his non-profit laundromat.


If he truly cared for the victims instead of his wallet, he would recognize and acknowledge when he is clearly wrong, from Tawana Brawley to the Ferguson cop. But why do that when "No Justice, No Peace" is more profitable.


Trust me I'm not sticking up for this POS. However in my mind even a blood sucking POS does not need to have death or cancer wished upon him.

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Trust me I'm not sticking up for this POS. However in my mind even a blood sucking POS does not need to have death or cancer wished upon him.


There was a time I would...but I'm a kinder, gentler me these days. I'm filled to the brim with hope and change.

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