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Michael Sam to play football for Montreal in Canada league

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No. Nobody wanted to take a flier on Sam for any legitimate football reason. It's not like he was a first round talent who slid He was projected to be a mid round prospect at best bbefore an abysmal showing at the combine. If you can name one similarly situated player who's ever gotten more than 1 "flier" thread I'll be happy to reconsider my position.


Um, no? Sorry, but trying to prove to you that you should, perhaps, be a bit less inclusively judgmental doesn't engage me to the point that I want to pour through the not-particularly-searcher-friendly archives. There have, to my memory, been multiple threads about guys who won accolades of various sorts in college and didn't pan out with their first team as pros. All it takes is a couple of TBD'ians who saw them play and liked them or even just heard of their awards, and whee hoo, off we go. No grading-at-1st-round-talent required; after all, every NFL team only gets 1 1st round pick a year, so it stands to reason that most NFL rosters are filled and most teams succeed or not on the shoulders of 42 or so "mid round prospects". Poor showings in shorts are also forgiven (at least here) for many a prospect who had a strong career in college.


Bottom line, trying to persuade you to reconsider isn't something I'll pursue more than this; reconsider or not, as you please (and be judged in turn for it or not, as others please).

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I was just trying to add a little levity - obviously it didn't come across that way so I apologize. So you won't admit you quoted the bible and didn't realize it?




Ya got to do unto others

Like you'd have them

Do unto you


Bob Dylan said dat------------------ "'Do right to me baby"


FWIW Beerballs statement is not a direct biblical quote that i am aware of. And variances as shown above have been made for thousand of years. Big deal.

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If you take it out of the forum area, you will see that the media perpetuated special treatment of the guy during the draft. The whole time it was "When or will Michael Sam be drafted? Why and why not?"


So I disagree that this guy is just another guy who we would be talking about anyway if he wasn't gay. He is being perpetuated by the media and it is trickling down to individuals.


If you don't believe it, just take a look at what the media did to Tim Tebow.

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Um, no? Sorry, but trying to prove to you that you should, perhaps, be a bit less inclusively judgmental doesn't engage me to the point that I want to pour through the not-particularly-searcher-friendly archives. There have, to my memory, been multiple threads about guys who won accolades of various sorts in college and didn't pan out with their first team as pros. All it takes is a couple of TBD'ians who saw them play and liked them or even just heard of their awards, and whee hoo, off we go. No grading-at-1st-round-talent required; after all, every NFL team only gets 1 1st round pick a year, so it stands to reason that most NFL rosters are filled and most teams succeed or not on the shoulders of 42 or so "mid round prospects". Poor showings in shorts are also forgiven (at least here) for many a prospect who had a strong career in college.


Bottom line, trying to persuade you to reconsider isn't something I'll pursue more than this; reconsider or not, as you please (and be judged in turn for it or not, as others please).

The fact that the guy's had a half dozen or so threads being an undersized 7th round tweener who is poorly suited for our defense and plays a position we're strong at, and you can't think of even one other player who fits a similar profile says it all.


Maybe being from MO skews your perspective with this guy, but this situation as it pertains to the bulk of those posting on the topic is exactly how I described it. I'm perfectly content to let others draw whatever conclusions they may about me.

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Ya got to do unto others

Like you'd have them

Do unto you


Bob Dylan said dat------------------ "'Do right to me baby"


FWIW Beerballs statement is not a direct biblical quote that i am aware of. And variances as shown above have been made for thousand of years. Big deal.


Go back and read and you'll see the big deal wasn't that he quoted the bible albeit not verbatim - but the irony. Please pay attention. How do you know there's been thousands of years? I guess someone told you that - see the irony in that? Or do you need someone to come to your rescue?

Edited by Triple Threat
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Go back and read and you'll see the big deal wasn't that he quoted the bible albeit not verbatim - but the irony. Please pay attention.


Why is there a three-page thread about a player who never had anything to do with the Bills and never did anything that had anything to do with the Bills signing the CFL?


Oh, wait...my bad. Why are there four posts about a player who never had anything to do with the Bills and never did anything that had anything to do with the Bills signing the CFL, and two-plus more pages of people being bitchy towards each other about...nothing in particular, as far as I can tell?


And why hasn't this thread gotten the "This thread is contributing nothing positive to the community" treatment yet?

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Not trying to say there aren't some guys who are waving around their political correctness, but to characterize "all those should we take a flier on Michael Sam" threads as such...are you sure that doesn't say more about you than them, really? Work with me here, give me a minute, K?


We get dozens of silly threads "(Player I've Heard of), Should we give him a shot?" "..worth a flyer?..." right? Usually on players who were notable in college and didn't stick with a team or who are local favorites. Example: Da'Rick. Vince Young. etc etc.


Michael Sam was a legit force in college - consensus All-American, SEC Defensive Player of the Year, drafted and cut by the Rams, who are deep at DE. Take away the "Gay" thing, and doesn't he fit the profile of the kind of player we get PIHO, WOS? threads on? A legit player at the college level who looks like he shoulda done something in the pro's, but didn't?


Now as it happens, I fall in the "nope, not WOS" camp where Michael Sam is concerned, because 1) we're deep on DE too in a Rex-style D and 2) from his performance at the "vet" combine and such, I don't think he's kept his edge sharp and worked as hard as a guy should when his mind is 100% set on making it. And I also personally don't start those threads much, but that's no virtue on my part - I just don't watch enough college ball to have any valid opinions most of the time.


But I am from Missouri, and I don't think it's right to tag all the "Michael Sam, WOS?" threads as stemming from an excess of PC excitement to "support the gay guy" rather than the usual "Player I heard of who shone like the Sun in College, WOS?" place. In college, he done good.

I would bet Michael Sam flier threads outnumber many other random player flier threads by a hefty majority. Same with Tebow. I know you know that.


It's not one thread, one time. It's the same thread, 50 times. Whereas Tahj Boyd gets maybe 2.

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Go back and read and you'll see the big deal wasn't that he quoted the bible albeit not verbatim - but the irony. Please pay attention. How do you know there's been thousands of years? I guess someone told you that - see the irony in that? Or do you need someone to come to your rescue?


when did they write this bible you speak of? Your clueless, and misuse the word irony. come to my rescue? LOL, you look foolish give it up for, Pete's sake.


As to the topic: Sam, hope he does well. But i doubt it.

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Why is this guy constantly in the news or having a thread started about him?


Because he announced to the press that he is gay.


Let's be clear on that: it's not "because he is gay." It's because he actively pursued PR for it.

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thanks metzelaars_lives ..i always look for your "wisdom". any news if levi brown has signed anywhere?... hopefully there will be more threads about where low round draft picks sign. " I, like everybody else- whether they care to admit it or not- was interested in hearing the news and am smart enough to understand why it's newsworthy. I think it would be cool if he was good up there but who knows.' OK.. why is this newsworthy?

OK I appreciate your tone and it appears you are willing to engage in an intelligent discussion here. First of all, if there was a thread concerning Levi Brown's whereabouts, I would probably be curious and open it. If it said, "Levi Brown signs with the Montreal Alouettes," I would say "Hmm OK" and I would proceed with my day. What I wouldn't do is waste my time telling everyone how I don't care about Levi Brown signing with the Montreal Alouettes. Because I genuinely wouldn't care that much. If you genuinely didn't care about Michael Sam, you would have likewise not responded and we wouldn't be talking right now. But you do care. You hate the fact that it's newsworthy. Much the same way I hate the fact that Kim Kardashian is somehow newsworthy. But here's the distinction- Kim Kardashian has never done anything. Now Bruce Jenner on the other hand, is incredibly newsworthy. He is a trailblazer for the transgender community. If one by one, other famous celebrities declared themselves transsexual, it would eventually lose its luster and would not warrant a primetime interview every time someone came out as such.


So the point is that gays, much like blacks, have been persecuted for centuries and have had to cross innumerable barriers in society. This is one such barrier. A gay guy working at a nail salon in 2015? Not newsworthy. A man- THE FIRST MAN- coming out as gay in literally the most machismo atmosphere in North America- one in which more people defended Richie Incognito's actions than condemned him? Incredibly newsworthy. Everyone was curious to see how he performed last year. He was actually pretty good in the preseason for the Rams last year for what it's worth. And I understand your whole, "I don't care so I don't know why anyone else does" narrative but unfortunately we're not quite there yet as a society. 20 years from now, when there are several gay athletes in professional sports, you will be happy to know that there will no longer be threads such as this one. But if you can't grasp the fact that what he did was not only incredibly courageous but also how people might be interested in the story, I don't what to tell you, Dwight.


Please understand that there are gay kids all over America who are extremely confused, ashamed, insecure and many of them commit suicide every year. And people like Michael Sam make it easier for them to feel accepted, come out and hopefully lead a normal life. Trust me, this a good thing.


But the bottom line is that news outlets- let's take CNN, or even foxnews.com for example- are in the business of generating traffic and making money. They wouldn't push a story that they didn't think people would click on. Michael Sam's story is news because people click on the story and it creates a buzz, controversy- it gets people talking. So, by definition, it is news. Ask yourself this- would an umpteenth Levi Brown thread last this long? Didn't think so. That's why that's not news and this is.


And P.S., yes it is a waste of a thread when someone randomly starts a "we should sign Michael Sam" thread. That is where I would invoke your argument that there are plenty of other 7th round draft picks to kick the tires on. But the first and only openly gay man in the most popular sport in North America signing on with a new team? It's news dude. Next time, go to a different thread if you truly don't care.

Why is this guy constantly in the news or having a thread started about him? He is like Tebow. Good in college but sucks as a pro and if it weren't for some irrelevant side story they both would have went away already.

Some of you guys are unbelievable. See my rant above for further explanation but Michael Sam's story is far from irrelevant.

Edited by metzelaars_lives
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"I am very excited and proud to join the Montreal Alouettes and want to thank team Owner Robert Wetenhall, General Manager Jim Popp and Head Coach Tom Higgins for this opportunity," Sam said.


"With the signing of Michael Sam, we have become a better organization today," Alouettes general manager Jim Popp said. "Not only have we added an outstanding football player, we have added even a better person that brings dignity, character, and heart to our team."



virtually no one cares. really. why is this news? the media has truly lost its way.

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The immature kid in me finds it finny he's going to the "Alouettes". But I kid. I thought it was funny he came out and just about everyone supported him and didn't care. He didn't really break down any barriers as he had the full support of all his teammates, the team, the league, the news, the general population etc. 20 years ago he would have been breaking down barriers but in this day and age the majority of people support equal rights for gays. I remember the Oilers from 1993 saying there were half a dozen guys on the team that were gay and the teammates supported them and have kept it quiet for 20 years. That's what a team does. I wish the guy the best absolutely but I actually feel he did a small bit of harm to the gay rights movement.

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virtually no one cares. really. why is this news? the media has truly lost its way.

I dont care about him being gay, but I started pulling for the guy when I read about what a rough upbringing he had.


Here's the story:



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virtually no one cares. really. why is this news? the media has truly lost its way.

But they DO care. If people didn't care, news outlets wouldn't report it. Don't you understand that? You care. If you didn't care, you wouldn't be contributing to this thread.

The immature kid in me finds it finny he's going to the "Alouettes". But I kid. I thought it was funny he came out and just about everyone supported him and didn't care. He didn't really break down any barriers as he had the full support of all his teammates, the team, the league, the news, the general population etc. 20 years ago he would have been breaking down barriers but in this day and age the majority of people support equal rights for gays. I remember the Oilers from 1993 saying there were half a dozen guys on the team that were gay and the teammates supported them and have kept it quiet for 20 years. That's what a team does. I wish the guy the best absolutely but I actually feel he did a small bit of harm to the gay rights movement.

Oh my god. He is the first one to come out. That is a monumental barrier. If these six Oilers you speak of actually came out in 1993, we wouldn't be having this conversation right now. Just like Michael Sam has made it so you and I won't have to have this conversation 20 years from now. Don't you get it? And please elaborate on your last sentence there. I am dying to hear how a football player coming out has harmed the gay rights movement.

Edited by metzelaars_lives
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