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I thought it was a good episode. Although I think I've been watching too much 24. I was expecting the "Cliff Hanger" ending....




SPOILER (For those who haven't seen it)




















Once Charlie's backstory finished, I expected Hurley (or anyone) to go to the "Body" (won't spoil the ending totally) and find out that it has dissapeared. :lol:

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1st, it was pretty bush that Claire "got away" from Ethan.... Please.


2nd, Surely Ethan was watching them as they took their positions.


3rd, how does Charlie just show up and pick up the gun and fire in the dark of night?


4th, they must be cutting back on scenery because 95% of the episode was at night!

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Great show, but: 30 minutes of showtime and 30 minutes of commercials!!! DAMN moneygrubbing bastards!!! Only knock on the series!! :lol:  :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:




I didnt think the ratio was that bad, but the again, i always pause it for 20 minutes at the beginning so i can FF the commercials ...


thought it was another great episode... and questioning how Claire got away? First, you have to remember this is the island where a polar bear lives and a paralyzed man began to walk. Her escaping when Ethan slept (or that she obviously gouged at his face in some way isn't so hard to "believe". 2nd, Im sure they'll explain it.

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I didnt think the ratio was that bad, but the again, i always pause it for 20 minutes at the beginning so i can FF the commercials ...


thought it was another great episode... and questioning how Claire got away? First, you have to remember this is the island where a polar bear lives and a paralyzed man began to walk. Her escaping when Ethan slept (or that she obviously gouged at his face in some way isn't so hard to "believe". 2nd, Im sure they'll explain it.



I also wouldn't dismiss Locke's warnings:


"Ethan may have planted her here"...since Locke is the one who seems the most connected to the island, it's possible he is right, and everything that happened was part of a bigger plan.

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I also wouldn't dismiss Locke's warnings:


"Ethan may have planted her here"...since Locke is the one who seems the most connected to the island, it's possible he is right, and everything that happened was part of a bigger plan.




i know it can be no more than pure speculation, but do you think Ethan is working alone?


and for his size, doesn't ethan seem freakishly strong???

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i know it can be no more than pure speculation, but do you think Ethan is working alone?


and for his size, doesn't ethan seem freakishly strong???



I have a hunch that he isn't acting alone. I think the real people behind the "kidnapping" plot sent Claire and him back for a reason.


Why? No clue yet. But I am thinking it has something to do with the French woman and her map...and I think Locke knows more than he is telling about this whole situation.


What about you?

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Has anyone yet figured out the significance of Driveshaft's hit single "You are Everyone".  I mean, a name like that has to have SOME sort of significance...though hell if I've figured out what yet.



Oooo, that's a good angle. Honestly, I didn't even think of that one yet.


I would have to chew on it for a while. Good work!

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Has anyone yet figured out the significance of Driveshaft's hit single "You are Everyone".  I mean, a name like that has to have SOME sort of significance...though hell if I've figured out what yet.


Something you havent already figured out? I just HAVE to write this down.

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"you are everyone" anyone see the movie "Identity" ?? Where everyone is the same person?? ALL a figment in a killers head. (personalities) Each person on the island is sooo different from the next. Could be personalities of the kid or something.??? :lol:

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The Driveshaft title is "You All Everybody."


Doubtful that the French woman was in kahoots w/ Ethan. In the ep w/ Sayid (who looks to be macking it w/ Shannon :lol: ), she said she'd been alone for such a long time and judging from her state at finally seeing another person, that wasn't a lie.


Something to toss around, talking about the French woman, what did she mean by the others in her party being "sick" before she shot them? Starting to think it was that drug Locke put on Boone....


Ethan is very tall and he wears some baggy clothes. Surviving on the island for 16 years meant he probably had to do a lot of physical work, leading to serious muscles. The mug on that guy was really freaky. Looked like death warmed over....


I'd have to measure the ads/show ratio. There's no concept of time w/ this show.



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My thoughts on last night...


First of all...nice job Charlie! That surprised the hell out of me. I like how, for a few seconds, you were left to wonder who fired the shots. And damn...he placed a real nice, tight group in old Ethans chest.


I love Sawyer and his one liners..."Don't even think about it, jungle boy." Nice.


Another thing about Danielle (the French woman)...she also said something about "the others," obviously referencing another group that is out there somewhere on the island. My guess is that she's been allowed to live by the other group because she's nutty as a fruit cake, and poses no threat to Ethan and his gang.


Minor storyline point that may grow in the future...it seems that the Korean guy has a feeling that his wife understands English. My guess is that he does to.


Next week is made to look like Sawyer goes after Jack, which is ridiculous. If Sawyer goes after anyone, it will be Sayid for that whole torture thing.


With the shows ever increasing popularity, its no wonder that the number of commercials are on the rise. The sad thing is that means that actual show content is cut. :lol:


And lastly, we are definately overdue to see Kate in her undies again. :lol:

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Doubtful that the French woman was in kahoots w/ Ethan. In the ep w/ Sayid (who looks to be macking it w/ Shannon :lol: ), she said she'd been alone for such a long time and judging from her state at finally seeing another person, that wasn't a lie.




I didn't mean to imply that he was actively working w/Danielle. Just that his group has something to do with her map. They are protecting something...but it's just a hunch

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Regarding Ethan and his group, its more than obvious that the only reason he/they wanted her was for the baby. Remember, the only reason she was on the plane was because of the baby.


Quite frankly, I'm surprise he didn't just cut the kid right out of her womb.


How and why she escaped does puzzle me. She has no memory of what happened, yet she tried to get away. Doesn't make a lot of sense.

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just thought of this....


wasn't claire having contractions just before ethan kidnapped her? wasn't she gone for something like two weeks? and she STILL has the baby? something is up here.



second thought....we should think about and analyze the multiple personalities theory ("Identity"). That is some serious fat to chew on.

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Something you havent already figured out?  I just HAVE to write this down.



Happens all the time. I just don't feel the need to post every ignorant half-formed thought that passes through my head as a desperate cry for attention, so you don't often see it...

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