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Stop me if you heard this one-So a sea lion walks into a bar

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Experts say rising ocean temperatures are to blame for the uptick in beached sea lions. The warm water forces the animals' prey deeper into the ocean or farther offshore. This means that when sea lion mothers swim to find food, they have to stay away longer before they can return to nurse their pups

How long before this gets turned into a global warming PPP thread?

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You act indignant, but the only one trying to inject politics is YOU.


How do you know he can't get it up?

How long before this gets turned into a global warming PPP thread?


What, exactly, is your motive?


This is a light-hearted thread, which are pretty rare around here. So when they happen, it's "cool" to not derail them by turning them into political discussions.


Why don't you do everyone a favor and delete your comment before some fool takes you up on your offer to discuss something I'm sure you know nothing about?

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How do you know he can't get it up?


What, exactly, is your motive?


This is a light-hearted thread, which are pretty rare around here. So when they happen, it's "cool" to not derail them by turning them into political discussions.


Why don't you do everyone a favor and delete your comment before some fool takes you up on your offer to discuss something I'm sure you know nothing about?

Hate to tell you, Gug, but since you quoted his comment it'll still be there even if he deletes the original :)

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Hate to tell you, Gug, but since you quoted his comment it'll still be there even if he deletes the original :)


But that's where my Premium Membership comes in. I can just ask a mod to delete it, since I pay them $35.00/month for that perk (among other, smaller ones). One step ahead!!

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But that's where my Premium Membership comes in. I can just ask a mod to delete it, since I pay them $35.00/month for that perk (among other, smaller ones). One step ahead!!

Apparently you missed the recent rate increase to $40.00. Your account is currently in arrears and needs to be brought current or DC Tom will again be unleashed upon you.

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Apparently you missed the recent rate increase to $40.00. Your account is currently in arrears and needs to be brought current or DC Tom will again be unleashed upon you.


I can put my account into any arrears I want to.

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i may have to turn in my man card for what follows, but....that may be among the cutest pictures I have ever seen....

Agreed. Great picture.


How long before this gets turned into a global warming PPP thread?

Despite the beating you're taking here...I laughed at this.


That is incredibly cute and I'm not turning in ****. I'm proud to be a man who enjoys the cuteness of animals.

Everyone 'hails' you. You've nothing to worry about. :flirt:

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