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You could go back to ragging on progressives because when you step out of that element you become a bigger retard than gatorman.


Wow. I was simply busting your chops for your extraordinarily simple hope that there is terrifying afterlife for those who do evil.


Someone please note this time of month for meazza so we can remember to tread lightly around her next month.


Failure to believe in something for which little to no evidence exists seems an odd criteria to base a sentence of agony for eternity upon.


Perhaps so. But in fairness, I forgot meazza was from Canada. If anyone knows what it's like to live in eternal agony, it's Canadians.

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Wow. I was simply busting your chops for your extraordinarily simple hope that there is terrifying afterlife for those who do evil.


Someone please note this time of month for meazza so we can remember to tread lightly around her next month.



Perhaps so. But in fairness, I forgot meazza was from Canada. If anyone knows what it's like to live in eternal agony, it's Canadians.

My bad. Apologies.

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The fact that you hope it would be true tells us you don't believe it's true, which probably makes sense because if there is a terrifying afterlife for the wicked and evil, it only stands to reason that it was created by a supernatural force.


And since it would have a creator that is a supernatural force, it's pretty likely that creator is also judge and jury.


Since you don't believe in that creator, you'd naturally have no idea what the price of admission is to spend eternity in a terrifying afterlife.


In which case, it likewise stands to reason that NOT believing in the creator may be reason enough to punch your ticket to a terrifying afterlife.


In which case, as I mentioned, you better hope it doesn't exist.

What happens if he asks for forgiveness while they're wheeling him in the death chamber?

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What happens if he asks for forgiveness while they're wheeling him in the death chamber?


It depends. Some Christian sects think an honest deathbed recognition of Jesus as savior sends one to heaven. Some others think it doesn't matter what you believe, as your ultimate destination is predetermined when you're born.

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What happens if he asks for forgiveness while they're wheeling him in the death chamber?


Like Tom says, it depends on who you're asking. In some cases, it's not a question of asking forgiveness as much as it is speaking acceptance and commitment.

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