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Rubio continues to put his foot in his mouth

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wow, talk about a hissy fit. You should try and get the mods to make an emoticon of you swinging a purse. Perfect for you emotionally unbalanced tirades



And yes, evidence does not exist of Saddams rule after he was removed from power. He was dead. You understand that, right?


Your insults need work. Though, thankfully for everyone's sake, you've moved on from your fixation on men's asses and how they use their anuses. That's a plus, so thanks for that. But man, a little humor from you would go a long ways towards making your drivel entertaining on purpose -- instead of on accident. I understand how a weak-willed, weak-minded person such as yourself may construe someone articulating their points with style and panache as a "hissy fit", but it doesn't make it accurate. At least when you're your other persona(s) on here you're tolerable and sometimes make a good point, mags.


If evidence of Saddam's rule after he was removed doesn't exist (no one is arguing it does, by the way -- other than you), how can you unequivocally prove keeping him in power would have resulted in more death and destruction in the region than we've witnessed over the past half decade? That's right, you can't. Because it's an asinine argument to make. You can't prove that any more than I can prove by Saddam staying in power there would have been less death and destruction.


What we can do is look at what happened since he was removed. We were told democracy would flourish and a hot bed for terrorist spawning would be neatly buttoned up. Has any of that happened? Is Iraq not in a worse position now than they were in 2001? By all quantifiable measures they are. All that cost the US to accomplish was thousands of dead American service men and women, hundreds of thousands of dead Iraqis, trillions of dollars, and a war-fatigued populace. How on Earth, knowing what we know now, could any politician openly say the world is a better place today than it was when Saddam was in power?


That's right, they can't. Unless they're pandering to the base and trying to flaunt their hawk credentials. Which is what Rubio's doing and is why it's a laughable position to take along with his unabashed support of making the Patriot Act permanent. Fitting you agree with these positions since they're both woefully ignorant.


Now go on, tell me how angry I am and continue to run away from anything resembling an honest conversation.

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Are you kidding? Not only is Rubio milking this stuff, he making whipped cream with it. Social media has carried this into a two-week marketing win for him. It's backfired on the left so badly, I read today one of the hosts at MSNBC was suggesting Rubio plotted this with the NYT to gain momentum.


The latest bit? An aerial shot of Rubio's house next to an aerial shot of Hillary's house.


Who knew the left would be the one running the a true 1%'er?





Which part of that mansion is the server room?

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Which part of that mansion is the server room?


It's hard to tell from the picture but for people with their amount of money it's a relatively modest home.


To answer your question I think it's in the pool. Water cooled and the last place someone would look.

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I don't think Rubio is a option now. For me anyway. He's now fully supporting the TPP. First anything Barry wants to ram through shouldn't be trusted and by default refused. Any reasonable person would want this thing thoroughly appraised before even thinking of voting on it. He's for open borders and says the NSA isn't gathering info illegally when they are admittedly. I think he's one of the bad guys.

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It's hard to tell from the picture but for people with their amount of money it's a relatively modest home.


To answer your question I think it's in the pool. Water cooled and the last place someone would look.

You mean like where they hid The Snuke?



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Your insults need work. Though, thankfully for everyone's sake, you've moved on from your fixation on men's asses and how they use their anuses. That's a plus, so thanks for that. But man, a little humor from you would go a long ways towards making your drivel entertaining on purpose -- instead of on accident. I understand how a weak-willed, weak-minded person such as yourself may construe someone articulating their points with style and panache as a "hissy fit", but it doesn't make it accurate. At least when you're your other persona(s) on here you're tolerable and sometimes make a good point, mags.


If evidence of Saddam's rule after he was removed doesn't exist (no one is arguing it does, by the way -- other than you), how can you unequivocally prove keeping him in power would have resulted in more death and destruction in the region than we've witnessed over the past half decade? That's right, you can't. Because it's an asinine argument to make. You can't prove that any more than I can prove by Saddam staying in power there would have been less death and destruction.


What we can do is look at what happened since he was removed. We were told democracy would flourish and a hot bed for terrorist spawning would be neatly buttoned up. Has any of that happened? Is Iraq not in a worse position now than they were in 2001? By all quantifiable measures they are. All that cost the US to accomplish was thousands of dead American service men and women, hundreds of thousands of dead Iraqis, trillions of dollars, and a war-fatigued populace. How on Earth, knowing what we know now, could any politician openly say the world is a better place today than it was when Saddam was in power?


That's right, they can't. Unless they're pandering to the base and trying to flaunt their hawk credentials. Which is what Rubio's doing and is why it's a laughable position to take along with his unabashed support of making the Patriot Act permanent. Fitting you agree with these positions since they're both woefully ignorant.


Now go on, tell me how angry I am and continue to run away from anything resembling an honest conversation.

Sorry, missed this blathering tirade. All he said was this:


RUBIO: The fact of the matter is that the world is a better place because Saddam Hussein is not around.


I agreed with that and still do. Has it been a mess in a country that's removed a genocidal dictator? Well, yes. Let's hope it improves. All the other stuff you bring up is not pertinent. I was against the war, but I can rise above the emotional baggage of that to see, see, a genocidal dictator not being in power anymore is good thing, even if the transition is horrible. At least its a chance. I also understand, unlike you it seems, that history has a very long arch, and this period of history could simply be a very tough learning period for the middle east.

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Sorry, missed this blathering tirade. All he said was this:


I agreed with that and still do. Has it been a mess in a country that's removed a genocidal dictator? Well, yes. Let's hope it improves. All the other stuff you bring up is not pertinent. I was against the war, but I can rise above the emotional baggage of that to see, see, a genocidal dictator not being in power anymore is good thing, even if the transition is horrible. At least its a chance. I also understand, unlike you it seems, that history has a very long arch, and this period of history could simply be a very tough learning period for the middle east.



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  • 7 months later...

Rubio's Sunday trip to friendly Fox News doesn't do him any favors digging out of his hole. If a friendly Chris Wallace can rattle Rubio to the point of making the man stammer and stutter, do we really want him as our president? He refused to even answer the question, instead doubling down on it being a ridiculous question.


"The world is a better place without Saddam," -- is it? Who is it a better place for? Not the Iraqis. Not us. Not the Middle East.


Rubio -- against reforming the Patriot Act, against gay marriage, and for further wars in the Middle East. A record that says only one thing: BACKWARDS!


Also amnesty! And the drug dude he was living with, Trump should have field day with that

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spot on, rubio is just about generalities in the foreground, and ties to billionaire special interests in the background.



That was actually and unbelievably good attack rant by Christie. Probably the most effective little bit I've heard him do throughout the entire race.


EDIT: Jeb has got to love this.

Edited by dayman
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The Republican establishment loathes the conservative Cruz. They can't control him. And they fear Trump, because a Trump presidency would mean they would each have to fall on their knees before the barbarian so they could maintain some level of influence with their K Street lobbyist friends.

So Rubio is the establishment GOP heir to the Bush legacy now. Not Jeb! Rubio's made it clear he's a Bushian, from his insistence on a military buildup to his neo-con eagerness for foreign military adventures.

These aren't conservative in the least. But with the nation in an insurgent mood, Rubio gives the establishment the best chance to hold on to power.

Rubio is fresh-faced. He's young. He sounds like what liberal media calls conservative.


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Marco Rubio. following donor dollars, frequently veers from limited-government dogma:


“Rubio’s votes on a wide range of issues may demonstrate that he votes in favor of positions that benefit his donors, but are not necessarily consistent with his conservative campaign rhetoric,” says Loyola Law School professor Jessica Levinson. For “voters who pay attention,” she adds, “this is disheartening and dispiriting.”





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Marco Rubio. following donor dollars, frequently veers from limited-government dogma:


“Rubio’s votes on a wide range of issues may demonstrate that he votes in favor of positions that benefit his donors, but are not necessarily consistent with his conservative campaign rhetoric,” says Loyola Law School professor Jessica Levinson. For “voters who pay attention,” she adds, “this is disheartening and dispiriting.”





Rubio will be the nominee because he's young and pretty. Kasich will be VP nominee because...Ohio. Rubio is an empty, pandering suit. Kasich is sometimes sane, but other times sounds as batshitcrazy as the rest of the GOP field. If Hillary is the Dem nominee I can't help but think of her demolishing pretty-boy Lazio in the NY Senatorial debate(s)....If it's Sanders, he sure won't look good compared to Rubio but I imagine he'll make a monkey out of him too. As far as the voters go we'll see whether fear trumps gullibility or vice versa.

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Rubio will be the nominee because he's young and pretty. Kasich will be VP nominee because...Ohio. Rubio is an empty, pandering suit. Kasich is sometimes sane, but other times sounds as batshitcrazy as the rest of the GOP field. If Hillary is the Dem nominee I can't help but think of her demolishing pretty-boy Lazio in the NY Senatorial debate(s)....If it's Sanders, he sure won't look good compared to Rubio but I imagine he'll make a monkey out of him too. As far as the voters go we'll see whether fear trumps gullibility or vice versa.

Lazio (who is an idiot, btw) got "demolished" by having the audacity to "threaten/attack" her. (AKA walking up to her podium & handing her a stack of papers. :rolleyes:)


Do you really think Rubio would be dumb enough to make that same faux pas?

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Lazio (who is an idiot, btw) got "demolished" by having the audacity to "threaten/attack" her. (AKA walking up to her podium & handing her a stack of papers. :rolleyes:)


Do you really think Rubio would be dumb enough to make that same faux pas?


She thinks everyone is stupid except the people for whom she'll vote.


Notice how Kasich can sound batshitcrazy to her, but Sanders...the personification of angryoldwhitebatshitcrazy...will make a monkey out of Rubio. :lol:

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Rubio will be the nominee because he's young and pretty. Kasich will be VP nominee because...Ohio. Rubio is an empty, pandering suit. Kasich is sometimes sane, but other times sounds as batshitcrazy as the rest of the GOP field. If Hillary is the Dem nominee I can't help but think of her demolishing pretty-boy Lazio in the NY Senatorial debate(s)....If it's Sanders, he sure won't look good compared to Rubio but I imagine he'll make a monkey out of him too. As far as the voters go we'll see whether fear trumps gullibility or vice versa.


Obama will be the nominee because he's young and pretty. Biden will be VP nominee because...experience. Obama is an empty, pandering suit. Biden is sometimes sane, but other times sounds as batshitcrazy as the rest of the DEM field.


What an easy game to play.

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