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Sammy Hookah

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In this case, its definitely bad. Players get suspended for smoking weed. I personally have no issues with weed, but we're not the NFL. And even if he's not smoking weed, it looks like he might be, and the old crusty guys are definitely going to be ordered up a random drug test on Sammy. He was dumb to bring that attention on himself.

The guy's been busted for weed before. This brings attention to him, and possibly a drug test from the NFL to make SURE it's not weed. That's why we should give a ****. On the chance that smoked a little weed lately, this hookah post could trigger some testing events that could result in discipline.

Actually, given that Sammy was busted for weed in college, he probably isn't in the drug testing program. If you don't test positive for 90 days after entering you are removed from the program and go back to being tested once a year for recreational drugs. If Sammy has already been tested this year he could smoke weed with impunity and the NFL couldn't do anything unless he was arrested for it. Even then it takes four positive tests to get suspended under the new rules.

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This is the same thing as posting a picture of yourself eating at McDonalds. Should an athlete be smoking / eating fast food? Probably not, but is it completely legal and his choice, absolutely. It's so funny how so many of you have no idea what hookah's are and what they are primarily used for...that is...not weed! Also, a Hookah is no different (probably better for you) than a cigar. Everyone on this site loved this picture of Orton when it came out, but Sammy smoking a hookah is bad PR, bad for the kids or whatever? Is it OK for an older white vet to smoke cigars but not OK for a young black rookie to smoke out of a hookah? This is another example of people being racist without even realizing it IMO.



Edited by Mark80
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If I am Belichick, I am thinking of ways to sneak weed into that wad of tobacco and then whisper in the league's ear to get Sammy suspended. :D


Or maybe I have been watching too many conspiracy movies lately and following the Pats**/Brady*** stories too closely...

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If he is getting stoned and watching nba playoffs hit me up Sammy. My kind of party. Wooo


If it's hookah then the OP is beyond hilarious with his message to the kids angle. If it was Garth Brooks instead of hip hop playing would it be better for the kids ? 10 sec vid let's all go nutso!

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If he is getting stoned and watching nba playoffs hit me up Sammy. My kind of party. Wooo


If it's hookah then the OP is beyond hilarious with his message to the kids angle. If it was Garth Brooks instead of hip hop playing would it be better for the kids ? 10 sec vid let's all go nutso!


Ha! This is a good response. I'm in this camp.

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I'm still a student up at clemson and with regards to the comments on a lot of the league smoking weed... Totally true. Obviously while they were still in school I have taken a couple puffs with guys like tajh Boyd, nuk Hopkins, Dwayne Allen and of course Sammy. If people knew the extent of these athletes they would realize the herb really doesn't effect these guys on the field.

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Wow, just looked again on FB at the vid. I would say the comments are overwhelmingly negative. People with any fame whatsoever literally can't cross the street without criticism.


Which is why I question the judgement of any famous person who would continue to advertise their private life on a global social media platform.

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I am confident it is not weed. I just don't know why he would open himself up to be scrutinized.

I am confident it's not weed in the video either.

I am also confident Mr. Watkins likes to light up frequently, and regularly smokes marijuana.


Who cares? It's legal in the right minded parts of this country, and elsewhere.


Let me further state I don't really care about anything Mr. Watkins does in his free time. Not at all.


I want him to basically catch footballs in Bills games, run like crazy, and score points.

Beyond that, I'm not much interested in Mr. Watkins.

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While we are looking for fake outrage, anyone catch Boobie Dixon's tweets from last night?

I have no idea what they were but let me be the first to say that I am outraged, borderline appalled by what he posted.

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