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Posted (edited)


You've lost this argument. And fyi, you are taking the same position as Dante

A not so passive aggressive shot at me so I have to step in. i believe I'm correct but you refuse to see it any other way than your own perspective. Your ego won't let allow you the idea that you may be wrong. That's ok. I backed out of the conversation because I saw no gain in heading down a pointless rabbit hole like a couple others have done in this thread. This is very cut and dry. I'm protected from government thugs by the 4th amendment so my argument is iron clad. It is law and isn't debatable. The problem is the country has allowed itself become unmoored from the Constitution so something like the NSA gathering our private info is reasonable or even justified. Living document and the rest of the horse shite.

Edited by Dante
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If you're not in a movement or hold and forcefully espouse positions that are in opposition of a established monied interest you are probably not going to be spied on.





So since Magox is about 99.99999% inline with the corporate elite he of course is all in favor of these spying programs in fact he probably thinks it's a damn good thing to spy on and disrupt- peace protestors, occupy movement, abolish the fed movements, environmental groups, sovereign citizen movement, anti- TPP and T-TIP voices, etc etc

Do you have a YouTube video to support that?


You're right GreggyT does not determine who has credibility - I on the other hand am the supreme judge on who gets to chime in as a rainbow farting unicorn loving progressive and I hereby revoke your liberal in training card and restrict you to the Obamabot section of the Democratic party.


Typing "you're an idiot" is much easier and quicker.

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