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Big Name Delivery Services

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Do the drivers even bother knocking or ringing the doorbell anymore?


Usually I'm at work when deliveries are made but I was home for a delivery today. I heard the truck pull up and watched as the driver walked up to my porch, dropped off the package, turned around and left. Didn't knock or ring the doorbell. Just dropped it and left. Granted the delivery did not require a signature.


Is this procedure or just a lazy driver?

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Dude I think this is procedure now.

I find packages on my front door step ALL THE TIME now.


My front step is literally like 8 feet away from the sidewalk. Someone could easily take my package and keep walking.


I fear this. But like the dumb @ that I am, I have not done anything about it. Except post this.


Edit: Actually after re-reading your post. My post is actually irrelevant. The big name delivery services could be knocking my door, but maybe my wife is banging it, and that's why packages just end up on the door step.


Double Edit: Maybe she's banging it with the ups/fed ex guys/and dhl guys. She wouldnt mess with the usps guys.

Edited by Clippers of Nfl
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UPS just leaves packages in front of the garage door, unless there's a signature request which is rare. Lazy union drivers.


FedEx always brings it to the front door, sometimes they just leave it there, sometimes they ring the doorbell but don't wait and sometimes they wait for a sig.


USPS usually rings the bell to hand it to us, sometimes they'll just leave it at the front door.

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I don't know. I'm blacklisted ever since that unfortunate Amazon Prime/high-grade uranium incident.

Let's be honest Tom, there was no uranium incident. Delivery man walked in on you with your James T Kirk man shaped pillow and a penguin costume...

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With such increases in delivery due to online shopping, those guys are BUSY. When I do happen to catch them delivering, they're usually jogging or speed walking back and forth to the truck. No time to spare!


Now I live in the middle of nowhere about 3 miles off pavement....feel kind of bad for all the online shopping I do, but Amazon Prime is just too good of a deal.

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UPS just leaves packages in front of the garage door, unless there's a signature request which is rare. Lazy union drivers.


FedEx always brings it to the front door, sometimes they just leave it there, sometimes they ring the doorbell but don't wait and sometimes they wait for a sig.


USPS usually rings the bell to hand it to us, sometimes they'll just leave it at the front door.

For union, they usually have the UPS guys hustling. That's just management hustling them around, trying to get more out of them. Damn if you do and damn if you don't with comments like that. It's anything else but lazy... It's all about speed with them and delivering more packages.


My mother-in-law saw a postal worker last year in her yard measuring and recording something. She asked what she was doing. The USPS person said: "Counting the steps it takes and timing how long it takes to cover a route." Holy Moly... I am pretty, UPS is like that on steroids and even worse than the Postal Service. The way management is there, even though it is a union shop, they must have their drivers down to the second. Chritsmas time is even worse... They put two guys in the truck and one runs out, they must double the packages.


Anyway, it is anything BUT lazy... That's a sign that management is micromanaging and probably have their steps counted. That being said, the drivers probably hustle and try to save time off to meet their delivery quota.


@ my work, we have a 1/4 mile access road. The Postal Service told us to put the mailbox @ the start of the road, off the main street. They didn't want their drivers wasting time going down the access road to our site. We now drive a 1/4 to pick up our mail.

Edited by ExiledInIllinois
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