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My Proposal for a consensus new name for the Patriots

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This is hilarious! Every time I see a suggestion I think that's gotta be the one and then the next nickname is just as good. So to recap (I think a poll would be good at some point).


Asterisks (with an asterisk on each side of the helmet)

Deflatriots (deflated ball on helmet)

Cheetahs (a Cheetah holding up an air pin??)

Cheatriots (maybe a pin on one side and a camera on the other?)

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Putz, Putrids, Patsies, Pansies, *Pats*


as to people

Bill Belicheat and Tom "The Great Deflater" Brady

I've always like to call them the Taintriots.

now who has the signature ??


For me they will forevermore be known as the NE taint*riots

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