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From the Annals of WTF is NYS Doing!

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Okay... Here goes. I have an E-Z Pass through NYS. You can use E-Z pass in Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, etc... I have had them for a long time, since the start of it all... Nice thing, there is no deposit in NY, unlike Illinois and its IPass. So to make a long story short, E-Z Pass sends me out a new transponder and says I have to mail my old one back... Since it is getting old. No problem, right? I send the old one back in the package they gave me. Okay... I go and check my account and add a third car, wife got a new MINI Cooper S earlier this month. Get this... They activated the new transponder on 4/16. I got said transponder yesterday on 4/24. I check my account online and I am floored, the transponder was going off in the mail truck @ times! A buck 50 on the IllinoisTollway ($.75 x2), $11.75 in what appears to be Ohio... And some small amount in New Jersey! WTF!


All told, 15 bucks or so and then they replenished the account while it was beinig delivered via the mail! The dates don't lie on the transponder activity. Wow... Just WOW! They did not have the transponder protected in a silver bag. I mailed the old one back, no silver bag... What's the odds that one is still active and gets hit!


Anything like this ever happen to anybody else?


Let the jokes flow!

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I see a 60 Minutes segment coming up




LoL... It didn't even register w/me... I seen the $.75 a couple times and didn't blink an eye... Thought it was the old transponder. I checked the numbers and I like: "Huh?" I see the $11.75 and thought I got hacked... I check the trans # and it was the new one! Dates show the time it was in the mail! LMAO!


SideNote: About 20 years ago, we somehow got through NYS from BFLO to the MA Line without being charged... They waved me through and never took the Toll Ticket! LoL... About 15 bucks... Is this Karma catching up w/us?


NYS know all! Even unpaid anonymous Toll Tickets from 20+ years ago! :doh:

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Sure as sh*t! I just called my bank that is associated w/my E-ZPass account and the 15 bucks replenishment is still pending... :lol::lol: ... It will clear ion Monday. :doh:


How many of these bast*rds are going off in the mail trucks... Then they get to float a few bucks for a while? I sent an inquiry to them via my account page. Normal business hours for the Staten Island Service Center is M-F... Does this mean I will have to talk to somebody with a nasally East Coast accent on Monday... Or should I just let the $14.45 slide? :wallbash:

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I got a new one from EZ-pass recently with the 'send back old model #2349209843093284' request. I have a draw full of EZ-pass tags, of course none of which have that serial #. The state probably changed them all. Oh well, whatever. I'm just happy the Henry Hudson bridge is still only $2.50 w/ EZ-pass.

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I got a new one from EZ-pass recently with the 'send back old model #2349209843093284' request. I have a draw full of EZ-pass tags, of course none of which have that serial #. The state probably changed them all. Oh well, whatever. I'm just happy the Henry Hudson bridge is still only $2.50 w/ EZ-pass.





I have two E-ZPass transponders. The one in my Jeep I always use. That's the one they called back in and sent the new one (one being hit via the mail truck) to replace it. That one was issued in June of 2006. The other, was sitting in a silver bag in my Chrysler's glove box. I had the IPass (Illinois) account transponder attached to that vehicle. The transponder in the glove box was issued in 11/2004 and is listed as active. I put that one in the new (third car) and will try and see if that still works.


I wonder why they called in the one from 2006 and not the one from 2004... Both? The new replacements are half the size as the old and the velco tabs still match-up (win-win). Is the expiration date based on use? In theory an 11 year old transponder never used should be still good? Maybe the battery is weakened though. NOW, the IPass transponder (same exact model as the old E-ZPass units) actually has an expiration date on it: 11/2019.


I ask the question, the more you use it, does it run down... You would think so?


Back to square one... WhyTF would they not mail it in the silver bag? Again, I sent it back not in a protected silver bag... I hope they shut that transponder off! I didn't even think about it until it was dropped in the mail box this morning! :doh:

BUT, I look on my account and the one I sent in is still listed as active! Too late now, it is in the mail.


I hope this isn't an elaborate scam? Everything looked on the up and up... Staten Island Service Center, postage paid envelope, etc... They do post warning about an E-ZPass phishing scam that is going on, but that's nothing like this?

BTW... I carried Illinois I-Pass anfd NY E-ZPass both in the days before Illinois joined the consortium. When I was in NYS, I could just pull it out of the glove box. Then Ohio joined E-ZPass along with Indiana I-Zoom... I should just 86 the Illinois account since it requires tag deposit and hits for 40 bucks not like the 15 in NYS/E-ZPass.

Edited by ExiledInIllinois
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I got a new one from EZ-pass recently with the 'send back old model #2349209843093284' request. I have a draw full of EZ-pass tags, of course none of which have that serial #. The state probably changed them all.


While this might surprise people, the state changing serial numbers on EZ-Pass tags without notification...Washington DC has been known to do that with tax lot numbers on real estate. :doh:

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Now get this... I dropped the thing in the mail without thinking about the silver bag issue and the tag is still listed as being active. I Googled the thing and got stories about this! Horror stories! :lol::lol: IF, I go into my account and list it as lost/stolen... They charge my account 16 bucks! What a mess... Should I just take the hit for the 16 bucks and play it safe... Or hope that it stays in the bottom of the mailbox till Monday when I can call...


Oh... You can't shut the auto-replenish thing off supposedly.


?? What a PITA! Man am I getting justice for the 1992 Thruway trip! :lol::lol:

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I called today @ about Noon... They put in a request for the $14.45 to be returned to my account. 10-14 days they said. :doh: I forgot all about the silver bag when I dropped it into the mailer they enclosed. They appeared to forget about it too. :wallbash: You would think that the bag thing would be part of the procedure and to remind people. I told them on the phone it was on its way and to shut it off.


Actually, it went rather smoothly and took all of about 5 minutes after the long automated intro.


They can take $14.45 in an instant, but it takes them 2 weeks to return it. How many others do they take from?

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I had to send in my old one but I can't remember if I put it in a silver bag and I never checked to see if it dinged on the way back. Oh well.


LoL... That's what they are hoping. I would have never checked my account if it wasn't for the new car. I am like : "Oh yeah, I have another transponder, I should check if that is active and put it in the new third car."


Again, that transponder is from 2004 and it appeared to work today on The Illinois Tollway.

i am trying to figure out how this is a NYS thing...i bet ez pass transponders come from third parties, none of the charges were from NYS, were they?



Hey, you are bright... :nana::nana: "From the Annals of a State Contractor" isn't sexy enough! Gotta blame The State somehow!

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