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Today's Buzzword Quota

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So, I'm looking at a cover letter and two-page resume, from which I've been able to extract the following buzzwords and phrases:


align leadership behaviors


building teams

business development

collaborative approach

contract management

conversationing marketing




dedicated business partner

Directional Accuracy

driving growth

Excellent communication

Extensive and diverse experience

growth hacking





Leadership Strategist

living document


Operational Excellence



problem solving


program management

project execution

proven expertise



staff development

successful leadership

Thought Leader

total quality


Impressive, no?


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Given that "contract management" is an actual, real thing, I don't know that it counts as a mere buzzword.


And "bucketize" can't be a buzzword, since it's not even a real !@#$ing word.


How many pages is this resume?

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Bucketize?.......BUCKETIZE??.......!@#$ing BUCKETIZE???


You'd get your ass booted from my interview if that was on your resume.


At least they'd get the interview.


Though knowing you, it would only be to kick them out for using the "word" "bucketize."

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At least they'd get the interview.


Though knowing you, it would only be to kick them out for using the "word" "bucketize."


Am I really that transparent? :lol:


You asked how long the resume was and that was my thought too. I hate when I have a bunch of resumes to review and they're all 5 pages long. We've changed our strategy and are interviewing recent grads for more of an intern type program. One page resume with 24 font and half of is just where they went to school.

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don't hate the players...hate the game....hiring managers, hr folks etc all speak that language and ask questions using that exact language...those of us that are or have been in the job market simply adapt to this language to try and show them we speak their language....granted words like bucketize are out there, but adaptability, align etc are all very commonplace and appropriate words in corporate culture.

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don't hate the players...hate the game....hiring managers, hr folks etc all speak that language and ask questions using that exact language...those of us that are or have been in the job market simply adapt to this language to try and show them we speak their language....granted words like bucketize are out there, but adaptability, align etc are all very commonplace and appropriate words in corporate culture.


I interview/hire all the time and I guaran!@#$ingtee I don't use those word. I like to throw curses with things like "so, tell me about yourself."

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Okay, I have googled to no avail


What is conversationing marketing ?




Wanna buy a duck?!?

You're buzzwordhead missed one. I just got this email. GAMIFICATION BABY!!


Dear Jim,


Are you familiar with 'gamification'? It's the use of 'game thinking' and 'game mechanics' in non-game contexts to motivate and engage. It works. A recent survey of the Fortune 2000 reported that a majority of companies used, or were looking at gamification solutions to generate higher performance from their sales teams and employees.

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Wanna buy a duck?!?

You're buzzwordhead missed one. I just got this email. GAMIFICATION BABY!!


Dear Jim,


Are you familiar with 'gamification'? It's the use of 'game thinking' and 'game mechanics' in non-game contexts to motivate and engage. It works. A recent survey of the Fortune 2000 reported that a majority of companies used, or were looking at gamification solutions to generate higher performance from their sales teams and employees.


It's called "game theory." Anyone who calls it "gamification" doesn't know **** about it. :lol:

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  • 7 months later...

Just finished going through another two-page resume and cover letter:


adaptive optimization
c-suite leveraging
c-suite valuation
conversation marketing
dashbord optimization
data performance allocation
efficiency control
engagement utilization and optimization
functional flows
onboarding optimization
operations chair
proactive targeting
real-world expertise and goal strategist
roadmap strategies
staff utilization and leverization
strategic alignment
strategic thinker
thought leadership
value added
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